Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

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  • - Found 460 AARs for game filter
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Eastern Front (459 AARs)
2010-06-13 waynebaumber English EFDx001 2/5 Soviet's hang on
2010-07-20 PG-Tank Dude English EFDx001 4/5 The True God of War! No, it ain't Mars!
2010-07-21 GeneSteeler English EFDx001 3/5 Russian private exclaims "What the hell are we supposed to use man? Harsh language?"
2010-08-04 campsawyer English EFDx001 3/5 Will always be a rotten morning for the Soviets
2010-09-15 plloyd1010 English EFDx001 3/5 Worried Morning
2010-10-30 Matt W English EFDx001 3/5 Learning as you throttle
2011-09-08 Ifig English EFDx001 3/5 Deux villes
2011-09-13 enrique Español EFDx001 3/5 Fácil victoria alemana
2012-07-09 upintheattic English EFDx001 1/5 Pointless Slaughter
2013-11-26 Brett Nicholson English EFDx001 3/5 A very close run on opening day of Barbarossa
2018-09-11 Schoenwulf English EFDx001 3/5 Blitzkrieg across the Jūra
2020-11-16 splat99 English EFDx001 4/5 Steamrolled
2020-12-25 t1M0t8yk English EFDx001 3/5 Oberst Fritzenfuhrer claims success
2010-06-13 waynebaumber English EFDx002 2/5 Strange scenario
2010-07-31 Dean_P English EFDx002 1/5 Sneak Attack
2010-08-04 campsawyer English EFDx002 3/5 Another learning scenario
2010-10-30 Matt W English EFDx002 2/5 **Run Away! Run Away!**
2011-01-13 GeneSteeler English EFDx002 2/5 Russians are caught with their pants down.
2011-01-13 GeneSteeler English EFDx002 2/5 Soviet Victory?
2011-01-25 vince hughes English EFDx002 1/5 Be Systematic For Easy Victory
2011-02-21 Hugh-G-Rection English EFDx002 3/5 Near cakewalk for the Germans
2011-07-05 plloyd1010 English EFDx002 1/5 Can't do this, can't do that either
2011-09-08 Ifig English EFDx002 2/5 Un peu un massacre
2011-09-13 enrique Español EFDx002 1/5 Uno de los peores escenarios que he jugado
2012-08-27 J6A English EFDx002 2/5 Shredding the Russians
2013-11-27 Brett Nicholson English EFDx002 2/5 A most casual and near effortless rollover
2014-09-26 CricketHawk English EFDx002 2/5 Hopeless race
2014-11-07 thomaso827 English EFDx002 3/5 Russian Suprise
2015-03-31 Coniglius English EFDx002 3/5 A surprise in the dark
2018-07-28 cjsiam English EFDx002 1/5 If you are Russian...make sure your opponent is new...or blindfolded....
2018-07-28 Dan Storm English EFDx002 2/5 Good for a Newbie VS Experienced - if the Newbie Takes The Germans.
2018-09-15 Schoenwulf English EFDx002 2/5 A Rout before Breakfast
2020-10-12 Kithikor English EFDx002 3/5 Sneak Attack
2020-11-17 t1M0t8yk English EFDx002 2/5 not much to this one
2010-05-28 vince hughes English EFDx003 4/5 From My 'Make Believe' Romanian Official War Reporter Papers
2010-06-19 waynebaumber English EFDx003 3/5 Fontana Alba
2010-06-25 ermj1986 English EFDx003 4/5 Fontana Alba
2010-10-30 Matt W English EFDx003 4/5 So what do we do when the reinforcements don't come?
2011-01-13 GeneSteeler English EFDx003 3/5 Romanian horses slaughtered.
2011-09-08 Ifig English EFDx003 3/5 A dada sur mon bidet
2011-09-13 enrique Español EFDx003 3/5 Hecatombe rumana
2013-11-01 campsawyer English EFDx003 2/5 The Massacre Ride
2013-11-30 Brett Nicholson English EFDx003 3/5 Welcome to Fontana Alba: A great place to die
2014-04-28 pmaidhof English EFDx003 2/5 Fontana Alba
2014-09-26 CricketHawk English EFDx003 2/5 Drawn drudgery
2018-10-03 Schoenwulf English EFDx003 4/5 Give and Take
2021-01-29 t1M0t8yk English EFDx003 2/5 questionable victory conditions
2023-02-09 pixatintes Català EFDx003 3/5 Mal dia per la cavalleria
2023-02-10 pixatintes Català EFDx003 3/5 Moltes baixes
2010-06-25 ermj1986 English EFDx004 3/5 Ride to Mediocrity
2011-01-13 GeneSteeler English EFDx004 3/5 Germans are minutes away from the win!
2011-09-13 enrique Español EFDx004 3/5 La caballería alemana ataca
2013-12-05 Brett Nicholson English EFDx004 5/5 Roadwork
2014-09-26 CricketHawk English EFDx004 3/5 Fear the road
2015-04-06 Coniglius English EFDx004 3/5 Poor bloody cavalry
2018-10-06 Schoenwulf English EFDx004 3/5 Operation Schnickelfritz
2020-05-21 triangular_cube English EFDx004 3/5 Eastern Front #4
2020-11-23 t1M0t8yk English EFDx004 3/5 Barbarossa begins
2023-02-11 pixatintes Català EFDx004 3/5 Durs combats urbans
2023-02-12 pixatintes Català EFDx004 3/5 Emboscades
2011-01-19 GeneSteeler English EFDx005 4/5 Scenario 5/112: Crossing at Alytus – Fun blowing up T-26s
2011-09-14 enrique Español EFDx005 4/5 Si todos los escenarios fuesen como éste...
2012-09-25 Memenne English EFDx005 2/5 How do you stop the Blitzkrieg ?
2012-12-16 tlangston28 English EFDx005 2/5 Will the singular Soviet Commander who was victorous please stand and be recognized...
2012-12-17 vince hughes English EFDx005 2/5 Great Premise For A Scenario Spoilt By Ill-Thought Out VC's
2013-12-09 Brett Nicholson English EFDx005 3/5 The slow, systematic, methodical reduction of the Soviet 5th Tank Division
2014-03-08 dricher English EFDx005 3/5 Not sure about balance, but still a lot of action!
2014-09-27 CricketHawk English EFDx005 2/5 outranged
2018-06-03 SARACV3 English EFDx005 5/5 Yikes! Who's This Opponent?(
2020-07-18 arixius English EFDx005 2/5 Gamey VCs
2021-03-08 t1M0t8yk English EFDx005 4/5 good combined-forces engagement
2010-05-28 vince hughes English EFDx006 3/5 Insecurites - Eastern Front Deluxe Scenario 6
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English EFDx006 2/5 221st Security Division looking for excitement and finding more than they bargained for!
2010-06-26 ermj1986 English EFDx006 3/5 Insecurities
2011-07-01 campsawyer English EFDx006 2/5 Soviets first victory
2011-09-14 enrique Español EFDx006 4/5 Rotunda victoria soviética
2012-09-04 Leeboy24 English EFDx006 3/5 Fought like....... Security guards at Walmart!
2012-10-12 Gorgoneion English EFDx006 3/5 First newbie solo play! The Germans are drawn into the woods...
2013-08-05 Bangla English EFDx006 3/5 A Local Victory and the Germans Sent Packing
2013-12-11 Brett Nicholson English EFDx006 3/5 Occupational hazards
2014-09-27 CricketHawk English EFDx006 3/5 Come & get it
2019-11-09 cjsiam English EFDx006 3/5 German Officers Rock
2020-02-11 Mmookk61 English EFDx006 4/5 Insecure? Me too!
2021-02-20 t1M0t8yk English EFDx006 3/5 Germans managed to win my play
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English EFDx007 3/5 Germans charge the town and one side gets completely mowed down!
2010-06-11 enrique Español EFDx007 3/5 Al sur de Brest
2010-07-28 maverik English EFDx007 2/5 South of Brest
2013-12-22 Brett Nicholson English EFDx007 4/5 Blitzkrieg boppin'
2014-09-27 CricketHawk English EFDx007 4/5 Ready or not...
2018-06-26 SARACV3 English EFDx007 5/5 Too Weird and Wild When the Nazi Ammo Ran Low
2021-02-14 t1M0t8yk English EFDx007 3/5 more interesting with balancing adjustments
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English EFDx008 4/5 On the Verge of Victory...
2010-06-12 vince hughes English EFDx008 2/5 A Mexican Stand-Off In Our FTF Game
2010-12-10 enrique Español EFDx008 4/5 Martillo (y hoz) del proletariado
2011-09-08 Ifig English EFDx008 4/5 Premiers T34
2013-12-26 Brett Nicholson English EFDx008 3/5 Impressive debut of the T-34 and other Soviet heavy tanks, once they get moving
2021-08-29 t1M0t8yk English EFDx008 3/5 not the greatest PG scenario
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English EFDx009 2/5 How not to deploy tanks
2010-12-12 enrique Español EFDx009 3/5 Oleadas de T-26
2013-08-11 campsawyer English EFDx009 3/5 Leaders are everything
2013-08-11 vince hughes English EFDx009 3/5 Germans Recover From Early Error
2014-01-02 Brett Nicholson English EFDx009 4/5 A very close draw
2021-11-11 t1M0t8yk English EFDx009 4/5 better than it played out
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English EFDx010 3/5 Don't do this!
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English EFDx010 3/5 Quick Battle of Armour, Won by Infantry!
2010-09-05 driddle01 English EFDx010 3/5 Tank Attack
2010-11-21 Bart English EFDx010 4/5 Armored clash
2011-07-11 maverik English EFDx010 4/5 The Duel - italian AAR
2012-03-31 JayTownsend English EFDx010 3/5 Eastern Front, scenario #10: The Duel.
2012-10-13 tlangston28 English EFDx010 4/5 идиотом советского Командующего Силами (Idiot Soviet Commander)
2012-10-13 vince hughes English EFDx010 3/5 Another Soviet Scrap Yard
2013-06-12 vulcan558 English EFDx010 4/5 A narrow victory of tactics over strength...
2014-01-09 Brett Nicholson English EFDx010 3/5 Trapped in the crossfire
2014-01-24 Brett Nicholson English EFDx010 3/5 Turning screws, sweating bullets and armor piercing shells
2014-01-24 waynebaumber English EFDx010 3/5 Cat and Mouse on the Eastern Front
2021-04-25 t1M0t8yk English EFDx010 3/5 fairly interesting duel
2010-05-28 vince hughes English EFDx011 2/5 From My 'Make Believe' Official Romanian Reporter Papers
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English EFDx011 4/5 Night of the Guards – Or was it? Romanians and Russians duke it out!
2010-06-23 waynebaumber English EFDx011 2/5 Bore Draw
2011-02-05 enrique Español EFDx011 4/5 Sangriento río Prut
2011-07-17 maverik English EFDx011 3/5 Night of the Guards - Italian AAR
2012-11-22 enrique Español EFDx011 4/5 Combate nocturno junto al Prut
2014-01-15 Brett Nicholson English EFDx011 4/5 A vicious struggle from start to finish
2021-03-21 t1M0t8yk English EFDx011 3/5 pretty good but a bit of a slog
2010-04-01 vince hughes English EFDx012 3/5 Soviet Forces Cut To Pieces In Front Of Rassinye But Keep It To A Draw
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English EFDx012 2/5 Oh, when the Soviets go marching in!
2010-10-30 Matt W English EFDx012 3/5 Okay Mister, Draw!!!
2011-09-15 enrique Español EFDx012 3/5 La apisonadora rusa
2012-10-24 Memenne English EFDx012 2/5 How to play this with the Germans ?
2014-01-21 Brett Nicholson English EFDx012 3/5 One hell of a knuckle-grinder
2022-01-02 t1M0t8yk English EFDx012 4/5 armor interaction excels
2011-01-19 GeneSteeler English EFDx013 2/5 Note to Self – Do not take the path of most resistance.
2014-01-26 Brett Nicholson English EFDx013 4/5 Soviet tanks reluctant to participate in "tank attack"
2022-01-21 t1M0t8yk English EFDx013 4/5 long slog but pretty interesting
2010-08-23 GeneSteeler English EFDx014 2/5 Memoirs of Lt. Von Trapp.
2011-03-22 Bart English EFDx014 1/5 Surprise!
2011-08-04 caryn English EFDx014 1/5 That's The Way It Was
2012-08-31 TheDoctor English EFDx014 4/5 Tricking The Soviets
2012-09-09 Matt W English EFDx014 3/5 Comparison Time
2014-01-31 Brett Nicholson English EFDx014 4/5 Brandenburgers go back to flippin' burgers when special ops flop
2017-11-04 Retiredgrunt17 English EFDx014 4/5 A bridge not very far
2020-04-18 bp1123 English EFDx014 4/5 The Brandenburgers
2022-01-23 t1M0t8yk English EFDx014 4/5 nice little scenario
2010-06-12 vince hughes English EFDx015 4/5 Miniscule Amounts Of Germans Succeed Against Soviet Masses (Just !)
2010-06-13 waynebaumber English EFDx015 4/5 A Lesson Learned
2010-08-26 GeneSteeler English EFDx015 1/5 CHARGE!!!
2011-09-08 Ifig English EFDx015 2/5 L'armée en déroute
2013-11-10 enrique Español EFDx015 3/5 Bloqueo fallido
2014-02-12 Brett Nicholson English EFDx015 2/5 No stopping the bumrush
2016-03-22 dreierj English EFDx015 3/5 Germans Caught Napping at Zelva
2022-01-28 t1M0t8yk English EFDx015 2/5 could be interesting with more German defenders or shorter turn count
2010-08-26 GeneSteeler English EFDx016 1/5 How does an outnumbered Soviet Force fulfill Kill EVERYONE objectives when required to Urban Assault?
2010-10-26 PatC English EFDx016 2/5 EF Scenario #16 Heavy tank attack
2014-01-05 enrique Español EFDx016 1/5 EF - Escenario 16
2014-02-20 Brett Nicholson English EFDx016 3/5 Super-clunker monster tank rally
2022-02-05 t1M0t8yk English EFDx016 1/5 poorly designed scenario
2010-11-14 scrane English EFDx017 2/5 Land Battleships
2014-02-25 Brett Nicholson English EFDx017 4/5 Demolition Derby
2022-02-13 t1M0t8yk English EFDx017 3/5 Germans persevere in a mutual test of patience
2010-06-12 vince hughes English EFDx018 4/5 Excellent FTF Game
2010-06-13 waynebaumber English EFDx018 4/5 Lelushenko's Counterattack
2012-04-09 scrane English EFDx018 3/5 Infiltrate, Comrades!
2012-08-15 davidthedad English EFDx018 4/5 This battle never took place.
2012-08-15 gulatum English EFDx018 4/5 German Leadership Saves the Day
2014-03-08 Brett Nicholson English EFDx018 3/5 Stavka's interference calls this one
2022-03-15 t1M0t8yk English EFDx018 2/5 mismatch for Soviets
2010-12-26 Shad English EFDx019 3/5 Slapfight
2013-01-19 PaperTiger English EFDx019 3/5 A First Patrol Gone Wrong
2013-06-10 scrane English EFDx019 4/5 I.R.G.D. pokes a hornets' nest
2013-11-06 Brett Nicholson English EFDx019 4/5 Let sleeping Soviets lie
2013-11-06 waynebaumber English EFDx019 4/5 Fun scenario
2019-07-11 cjsiam English EFDx019 3/5 Random Event entertainment
2019-07-11 cjsiam English EFDx019 3/5 Wagons....they just are not that fast.....or safe...
2019-11-16 cjsiam English EFDx019 3/5 An overwhelming Khaki Green Tide
2022-03-24 t1M0t8yk English EFDx019 2/5 underwhelming
2010-10-30 Matt W English EFDx020 5/5 So close but yet so far
2011-07-06 PatC English EFDx020 2/5 EF# 20 Gorodischtsche or If you can pronounce it, you deserve to win!
2011-10-21 zaarin7 English EFDx020 3/5 My first AAR
2011-10-21 vince hughes English EFDx020 3/5 Germans Take Full Advantage Of Inexperienced Soviet Commander
2012-12-06 plloyd1010 English EFDx020 4/5 Slow and steady jack rabbits.
2013-03-25 scrane English EFDx020 4/5 Chaos
2014-03-12 Brett Nicholson English EFDx020 3/5 The great proletarian turkey shoot
2014-11-28 maverik Italiano EFDx020 3/5 Manovrando velocemente
2022-09-01 t1M0t8yk English EFDx020 4/5 very solid scenario
2010-10-30 Matt W English EFDx021 4/5 Headless Hordes
2013-06-20 scrane English EFDx021 2/5 Poorly designed
2014-03-19 Brett Nicholson English EFDx021 4/5 A battle of nerves versus patience
2019-04-03 SARACV3 English EFDx021 4/5 Germans Lost the Town
2023-01-28 t1M0t8yk English EFDx021 1/5 another poorly-designed scenario
2010-10-30 Matt W English EFDx022 5/5 High Risk/High Return
2013-10-14 scrane English EFDx022 4/5 Deus ex Feline
2014-01-24 Brett Nicholson English EFDx022 2/5 Blow the bridge, kill the engineer -game over!
2014-01-24 waynebaumber English EFDx022 2/5 A bridge way too far
2023-02-10 t1M0t8yk English EFDx022 2/5 problematic but promising
2011-09-12 Ifig English EFDx023 4/5 Depôt maudit
2012-11-06 Memenne English EFDx023 2/5 Unstoppable !
2013-11-14 Brett Nicholson English EFDx023 2/5 A quick and almost painless Soviet defeat
2013-11-14 vince hughes English EFDx023 2/5 Shock & Awe - Quite Literally
2023-08-14 scrane English EFDx023 3/5 Nothing to stop them
2023-12-04 t1M0t8yk English EFDx023 3/5 not as imbalanced as I was led to believe
2010-06-13 waynebaumber English EFDx024 3/5 A lucky shot!
2011-01-26 vince hughes English EFDx024 4/5 Soviet Armour Pounded But Holds On To Draw
2012-08-04 davidthedad English EFDx024 4/5 After initial success, sudden death
2012-08-04 gulatum English EFDx024 5/5 A Trick Borrowed from Hannibal
2014-03-23 Brett Nicholson English EFDx024 3/5 18th Panzer gets overrun in fighting withdraw attempt
2017-09-05 scrane English EFDx024 2/5 Over quickly
2023-12-03 t1M0t8yk English EFDx024 5/5 Finally a 5
2010-05-28 vince hughes English EFDx025 4/5 From My 'Make Beliveve' Romanian Official War Reporter Papers
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English EFDx025 3/5 Eastern Front, Scenario #25, First Tank Battle
2010-06-26 ermj1986 English EFDx025 3/5 First Tank Battle
2010-07-06 waynebaumber English EFDx025 4/5 First Tank Battle
2010-08-04 campsawyer English EFDx025 5/5 Romanian Blitz
2010-10-30 Matt W English EFDx025 4/5 The mistakes we learn from
2010-12-04 KirkH English EFDx025 2/5 Soviets Hold On
2014-03-26 Brett Nicholson English EFDx025 3/5 A royal flush
2014-07-19 Blackcloud6 English EFDx025 4/5 Teaching a Noob.
2014-07-26 Blackcloud6 English EFDx025 4/5 The Romanians take a beating
2014-12-08 maverik Italiano EFDx025 5/5 una grande battaglia di carri
2018-12-16 plloyd1010 English EFDx025 3/5 Road block in the open
2024-01-03 t1M0t8yk English EFDx025 4/5 A lot to like but too tough for the Romanians
2010-10-30 Matt W English EFDx026 4/5 Who needs infantry? I've got tanks, lots of them! Well I did, once...
2011-09-12 Ifig English EFDx026 4/5 Vers Ostrov
2012-10-21 TheDoctor English EFDx026 5/5 Push to the Bridges!
2014-04-01 Brett Nicholson English EFDx026 3/5 Two bridges too far
2024-10-08 t1M0t8yk English EFDx026 4/5 tank battle part is interesting
2010-06-06 vince hughes English EFDx027 3/5 Phew ! A Real Tough One !
2010-06-19 waynebaumber English EFDx027 3/5 A no win situation
2014-04-13 Brett Nicholson English EFDx027 2/5 Overkill
2010-12-04 KirkH English EFDx028 5/5 A Nail Biter
2012-08-11 Matt W English EFDx028 4/5 Field of DEMs
2014-04-20 Brett Nicholson English EFDx028 4/5 A near immaculate victory for the IRGD
2014-04-26 Brett Nicholson English EFDx029 3/5 A very decisive and bloody stalemate -temporary cease-fire declared
2010-06-06 vince hughes English EFDx030 4/5 Senno
2010-06-19 waynebaumber English EFDx030 3/5 My first victory
2011-01-03 Matt W English EFDx030 4/5 Well at least it kept the wrecks out of town
2012-06-17 davidthedad English EFDx030 5/5 Infantry is expendable
2012-06-21 gulatum English EFDx030 4/5 Long on Firepower, Short on Time
2012-10-21 ericmwalters English EFDx030 4/5 Observations on Defending Senno in EASTERN FRONT Scenario 30: Soviet Point of View
2014-05-05 Brett Nicholson English EFDx030 3/5 7th Panzer halted at the gates
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English EFDx031 2/5 Eastern Front, Scenario #31, Head On
2014-05-16 Brett Nicholson English EFDx031 4/5 Stavka does it again - 17th Tank Division gets shipped back to Siberia
2010-05-27 vince hughes English EFDx032 2/5 Red Steel : Crossed Sabres - Eastern Front Deluxe Scenario 32
2011-01-09 Matt W English EFDx032 3/5 Glue Factory, or a lesson learned
2014-05-23 Brett Nicholson English EFDx032 2/5 It was over before it began
2010-06-08 Hudson English EFDx033 3/5 Scenario 33 Red Steel Reservist Nightmare - Romanians get rolled
2010-07-07 waynebaumber English EFDx033 2/5 Bore draw 2
2010-07-13 vince hughes English EFDx033 1/5 From My Make Believe Rumanian Reports Series
2010-10-31 Matt W English EFDx033 3/5 What happens when you like Red Steel
2014-05-25 Brett Nicholson English EFDx033 3/5 When Kommisars make a difference between a stalemate or victory
2012-11-04 TheDoctor English EFDx034 4/5 Race to the town.
2014-05-26 Brett Nicholson English EFDx034 3/5 A battle of the absurd
2014-07-13 Matt W English EFDx034 3/5 Eternity
2011-08-01 campsawyer English EFDx035 3/5 Bridgehead to victory?
2014-05-28 Brett Nicholson English EFDx035 5/5 All or nothing; the IRGD takes all
2018-09-25 arixius English EFDx035 4/5 Sometimes You've Got to Do It Your Way
2013-04-27 vince hughes English EFDx036 3/5 Unfinished Business
2013-12-03 Brett Nicholson English EFDx036 3/5 A draw from the start due to complacency
2013-12-03 waynebaumber English EFDx036 3/5 Soviets stun the Hun
2024-11-30 scrane English EFDx036 4/5 Too clever by half
2010-06-11 enrique English EFDx037 3/5 Cavalry Counter-Attacked
2014-05-29 Brett Nicholson English EFDx037 3/5 Cavalry counter counter-attack via omnipresence
2014-06-02 Brett Nicholson English EFDx038 3/5 A tough balancing act
2012-05-27 PaperTiger English EFDx039 2/5 A Fine Training Action
2014-06-02 Brett Nicholson English EFDx039 2/5 A scenario with a randomly determined difficulty level
2011-01-25 vince hughes English EFDx040 1/5 No Chance Mr Manstein
2014-06-05 Brett Nicholson English EFDx040 2/5 Scripted for disaster
2014-06-08 Brett Nicholson English EFDx041 4/5 Infiltrate at all costs
2011-07-24 campsawyer English EFDx042 4/5 Soviet airpower versus German spearhead
2011-07-25 vince hughes English EFDx042 3/5 Stubborn Soviets and Serious Strafing Delay German Offensive Ops
2011-08-04 caryn English EFDx042 4/5 Fire and Manoeuver At Smolensk
2014-06-09 Brett Nicholson English EFDx042 3/5 Backhanded again!
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English EFDx043 3/5 Eastern Front, Scenario #43, Red Steel: Tank Battle at Chisinau
2010-11-14 vince hughes English EFDx043 2/5 How To Win A Battle Without Firing A Shot !
2010-11-15 waynebaumber English EFDx043 3/5 How to lose a battle without losing a single man!!
2010-12-26 Shad English EFDx043 4/5 Missed me!
2010-12-26 Shad English EFDx043 4/5 Patience is a virtue
2011-09-12 Ifig English EFDx043 4/5 Scénario très rapide de blindés
2011-11-03 KirkH English EFDx043 4/5 My First PG Game: Off To The Races
2011-11-03 KirkH English EFDx043 4/5 My Son's First Game
2012-06-08 tanzerleader English EFDx043 3/5 Începând la Chişinău
2012-08-15 davidthedad English EFDx043 2/5 Thank you for rushing
2012-08-15 gulatum English EFDx043 2/5 Royal Armored Division? Ha!
2014-06-10 Brett Nicholson English EFDx043 3/5 A mad dash for victory
2020-02-17 Mmookk61 English EFDx043 3/5 Tanks. Small ones.
2020-11-16 splat99 English EFDx043 3/5 Blink and it's over
2022-01-26 Jockulus English EFDx043 3/5 Late luck saves the Soviets
2024-11-02 Blackcloud6 English EFDx043 4/5 Gunnery is Everything
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English EFDx044 2/5 Eastern Front, Scenario #44, Red Steel: Gates of Chisinau
2010-06-11 enrique English EFDx044 2/5 Red Steel: Gates of Chisinau
2011-06-22 vince hughes English EFDx044 3/5 Combined Rumanian / German Force Out Manouevre Delicate Ruskies
2011-06-22 waynebaumber English EFDx044 2/5 Red Steel??
2013-02-12 PaperTiger English EFDx044 4/5 Of Romanian Stuntriders and Soviet Wildmen
2014-06-16 Brett Nicholson English EFDx044 3/5 Axis fights their way through to the finish line
2011-01-30 Matt W English EFDx045 3/5 Rewarding Insanity
2012-08-10 davidthedad English EFDx045 3/5 Entrenchments, just Entrenchments!
2012-08-12 gulatum English EFDx045 3/5 What's with the Romanian AT guns?
2014-06-29 Brett Nicholson English EFDx045 3/5 Hook, line and sinkered
2018-09-20 arixius English EFDx045 1/5 So what do you think would happen?
2014-07-03 Brett Nicholson English EFDx046 3/5 Vanatori de Munte unflappable till the end
2010-10-30 Matt W English EFDx047 3/5 Wait, stop the assault, I want to look at the map again
2011-06-28 Greg SW English EFDx047 3/5 Artillery saves the day.
2015-07-01 waynebaumber English EFDx047 3/5 Romanian firepower fails to blunt Soviet elan (or their tanks)
2012-07-19 PaperTiger English EFDx048 2/5 Not Quite Enough
2014-07-09 Brett Nicholson English EFDx048 3/5 Royal Armored's tanks left on their own
2017-01-18 Nvick9 English EFDx048 4/5 To the River!
2012-03-10 PaperTiger English EFDx049 5/5 The Recruit's Progress
2013-05-27 vince hughes English EFDx049 3/5 Canny Soviet Set-Up Wins The Game If Not The Battle !
2013-05-28 waynebaumber English EFDx049 3/5 Soviet's trade land and bodies for rare win
2014-07-13 Brett Nicholson English EFDx049 3/5 Stonewalled before Yelnia
2012-03-20 PaperTiger English EFDx050 2/5 Here They Come!
2014-02-21 Pijusmagnificus Español EFDx050 3/5 Marea roja imparable
2011-08-16 waynebaumber English EFDx051 4/5 Yelnia carnage
2011-08-16 vince hughes English EFDx051 4/5 Lax German Fundamentals Bring On A Chastising Defeat
2010-08-08 Dean_P English EFDx053 4/5 Those Who Can...
2012-10-15 davidthedad English EFDx053 1/5 Those who don't do anything win.
2012-10-25 gulatum English EFDx053 2/5 Start with a Bang, end with a whimper
2013-07-10 arixius English EFDx053 2/5 Time is the Soviet Friend
2010-12-06 Matt W English EFDx054 3/5 On second thought, Fuhrer, I think we'll stay on our side of the river
2015-12-01 arixius English EFDx054 2/5 Is it Broke? Or did I Mess Up?
2010-10-30 Matt W English EFDx055 4/5 Why we actually look at the number of turns in a scenario
2012-07-24 gulatum English EFDx055 4/5 It's supposed to be mobile warfare, dummy!
2012-07-24 davidthedad English EFDx055 4/5 Leadership was the difference
2015-12-06 arixius English EFDx055 3/5 Well Managed Assault
2012-07-03 PaperTiger English EFDx056 3/5 Romanian Cakewalk
2012-08-18 Matt W English EFDx056 4/5 Oh, Murat would be proud.
2015-12-22 arixius English EFDx056 4/5 Another Close One!
2017-11-20 Retiredgrunt17 English EFDx056 5/5 Faded Alright
2015-12-30 arixius English EFDx057 4/5 Find, Fix, Flank, Fail
2016-07-03 arixius English EFDx058 2/5 Do not Volunteer to be a Forward Observer
2010-10-30 Matt W English EFDx059 4/5 No, I mean it. Be patient.
2011-06-17 Greg SW English EFDx059 3/5 Bottled up with no anti-tank defence
2016-07-13 arixius English EFDx059 4/5 All This Over a Piece of Road
2018-02-14 waynebaumber English EFDx059 3/5 Scrum down at the half way line
2011-06-17 Greg SW English EFDx060 3/5 Why always the engineers?
2016-07-26 arixius English EFDx060 2/5 You Want Me to Charge Where?
2011-07-01 campsawyer English EFDx061 2/5 A Romanian assault
2012-03-11 RexMcL English EFDx061 2/5 Eastern Front #61: Hill 110
2012-08-17 Matt W English EFDx061 4/5 Toehold
2014-02-22 Pijusmagnificus Español EFDx061 3/5 Colina lejana
2014-10-12 thomaso827 English EFDx061 4/5 We'll Be Back
2016-03-26 CraigA English EFDx061 4/5 All infantry fight
2016-07-31 arixius English EFDx061 2/5 Scrum Anyone?
2011-07-01 campsawyer English EFDx062 3/5 First Guards without many after the battle
2012-02-07 PaperTiger English EFDx062 3/5 Zhukov is Livid
2014-07-15 Matt W English EFDx062 3/5 Pass in Review
2016-08-27 arixius English EFDx062 4/5 Hold-Em and Run!
2011-03-07 BarbHemian English EFDx064 5/5 German Armor Smashes Russians
2012-04-22 davidthedad English EFDx064 4/5 Double-blind Smashing Guderian
2012-04-26 gulatum English EFDx064 3/5 Stalin will have my head
2018-10-07 arixius English EFDx064 1/5 So what do you think would happen? Part 2
2012-05-07 gulatum English EFDx065 4/5 Artillery is nice; Assaults are better.
2012-05-07 davidthedad English EFDx065 4/5 Break the rules and you lose.
2011-08-04 caryn English EFDx066 3/5 On Defence
2011-09-14 Ifig English EFDx066 4/5 Malaya
2012-03-31 Matt W English EFDx066 4/5 The Perfect (Almost) Wave
2012-03-31 Hugmenot English EFDx066 4/5 An excellent veteran versus newcomer scenario
2012-11-21 Dean_P English EFDx066 3/5 The Value of Leaders
2013-11-02 vince hughes English EFDx066 3/5 Germans Slow To Start But Crank Up The Heat Later On
2018-07-13 Andreas Русский EFDx066 4/5 Малая Kabosi
2010-12-26 Shad English EFDx067 5/5 The Finger of God Shall Smite Thee!
2010-12-26 Shad English EFDx067 5/5 He has many fingers, this god of yours...
2010-12-26 Shad English EFDx068 5/5 Frontal Assault! Quick Death!
2012-04-14 deleted English EFDx069 3/5 Do You Like Salt with you Marsh?
2012-11-17 Blackcloud6 English EFDx072 2/5 A dogged attack
2016-06-18 CraigA English EFDx072 2/5 Drawn Game Solo
2010-06-15 Trotsky English EFDx073 4/5 Odessa: Ride of the 7th
2011-06-09 filbox English EFDx073 4/5 Ride of the Romanian 7th
2012-02-10 JayTownsend English EFDx073 4/5 Eastern Front, scenario #73: Odessa: Ride of the 7th
2010-10-30 Matt W English EFDx075 5/5 Tanks alot!
2018-10-06 Agrak English EFDx075 4/5 T-34s are nice
2010-06-08 Hudson English EFDx076 3/5 Katukov Rides Again, October 11th, 1941
2011-01-16 waynebaumber English EFDx076 4/5 T34's rule (in 1941)
2011-01-16 vince hughes English EFDx076 3/5 Some Days, It Just Goes Wrong !
2012-04-06 deleted English EFDx076 2/5 Tanks a lot!
2013-10-12 vulcan558 English EFDx076 3/5 The Hammer of the Proletariat strikes again...
2011-09-14 Ifig English EFDx077 5/5 Pour l'initiation
2011-11-07 KirkH English EFDx077 3/5 Soviets Prevail in a Strange One
2012-03-20 Memenne English EFDx077 3/5 If you don't have to run, don't run !
2013-08-12 Bangla English EFDx077 3/5 Romanian Assault Blunted by Steadfast Soviets
2010-05-31 vince hughes English EFDx078 2/5 Bodyguard of the Estonian People - Eastern Front Deluxe Scenario 78
2010-07-06 waynebaumber English EFDx078 1/5 Not reccommended
2012-07-29 JoeBuckeye English EFDx078 2/5 Speed is the key
2012-09-09 Matt W English EFDx078 3/5 Obviously the Estonian People aren't counting on this protection.
2012-11-17 KirkH English EFDx078 4/5 Keep it Moving Hans!
2012-11-30 Poor Yorek English EFDx078 2/5 Rearguard of the Estonian People
2013-05-28 vulcan558 English EFDx078 3/5 A Bloody Nose and a Sharp Reminder
2023-08-14 Tony M English EFDx078 4/5 Close with the enemy and destroy him
2012-08-21 gulatum English EFDx079 4/5 Worth a Replay
2012-08-22 davidthedad English EFDx079 3/5 Let's try again!
2020-11-13 NBGB English EFDx079 2/5 Hide in the Woods
2010-12-04 Poor Yorek English EFDx080 3/5 Very early play
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English EFDx081 2/5 Eastern Front Deluxe: Scenario #81, Tankers of Volokolamsk
2014-03-15 TheDoctor English EFDx081 4/5 Push to Moscow, Part I
2014-04-21 vulcan558 English EFDx081 3/5 Standoff in the snow
2018-01-21 Retiredgrunt17 English EFDx081 5/5 First Real Ooponent
2020-11-18 splat99 English EFDx081 4/5 INTERCEPTED
2010-11-18 campsawyer English EFDx082 2/5 Playing a daily scenario
2012-08-18 Matt W English EFDx082 3/5 Call the ASPCA
2014-02-20 TheDoctor English EFDx082 4/5 They DO Shoot Horsemen
2010-10-26 PatC English EFDx083 2/5 EF #83 Fallen hero of Volokolamsk
2012-10-25 davidthedad English EFDx083 2/5 A Sudden End
2012-10-25 gulatum English EFDx083 3/5 Just when I think I understand infantry...
2014-03-15 TheDoctor English EFDx083 4/5 Push to Moscow, Part II
2022-11-09 KirkH English EFDx083 3/5 The Little Engine That Couldn't
2014-03-15 TheDoctor English EFDx084 4/5 Push to Moscow, Part III
2018-09-22 waynebaumber English EFDx085 2/5 Soviet night attack makes little progress
2014-03-15 TheDoctor English EFDx087 2/5 Aryan Retreat
2014-02-18 TheDoctor English EFDx088 2/5 A Very Long Walk
2010-12-04 KirkH English EFDx089 5/5 The Russians are Coming!
2012-12-09 davidthedad English EFDx089 3/5 Don"t divide your forces when there is a lack of leadership.
2012-12-12 gulatum English EFDx089 4/5 An inelegant victory
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English EFDx090 3/5 Eastern Front, Scenario #90, Bogdanovo
2010-07-28 maverik English EFDx090 4/5 Bogdanovo City
2011-02-10 Matt W English EFDx090 4/5 But it's really cold out here.
2017-11-23 Retiredgrunt17 English EFDx090 4/5 Not a Good Showing
2014-03-15 TheDoctor English EFDx091 3/5 Tanks in the Night
2010-12-26 Shad English EFDx092 2/5 Headless Chickenworkers of the World UNITE!
2011-02-16 vince hughes English EFDx092 3/5 Kind Of A Struggle - But Don't Be Scared By Enemy Numbers
2011-02-16 waynebaumber English EFDx092 1/5 Nearly a good scenario
2014-02-22 TheDoctor English EFDx092 4/5 Race to the Town
2015-08-18 KirkH English EFDx092 4/5 Ivan Hangs on By a Thread
2014-02-27 TheDoctor English EFDx093 4/5 A Straightforward Attack
2011-02-16 Matt W English EFDx094 3/5 Snow Plow vs. Speed Bump
2011-03-07 BarbHemian English EFDx095 4/5 Germans Roll Through Town
2022-10-22 NBGB English EFDx095 3/5 Snowbound
2010-12-04 KirkH English EFDx097 1/5 No Chance for The Wehrmacht
2013-11-11 driddle01 English EFDx097 3/5 Vodka on the River
2014-02-22 TheDoctor English EFDx097 3/5 The Vodka Flows Some More
2022-11-02 KirkH English EFDx097 1/5 The Vodka Stood Tall
2010-11-26 Poor Yorek English EFDx098 3/5 Russians break out
2012-04-13 TheDoctor English EFDx098 4/5 Soviet waves of men
2011-03-04 Michael Murphy English EFDx100 3/5 Just another day at the office
2014-02-18 TheDoctor English EFDx100 3/5 Punching Through
2015-09-30 KirkH English EFDx100 3/5 Ivan Wins By Assault
2014-02-19 TheDoctor English EFDx101 3/5 Dual Strike
2010-08-23 Greg SW English EFDx102 4/5 Look out for the little guys.
2011-02-16 vince hughes English EFDx102 3/5 Can Anybody Achieve More Than A Draw ?
2011-02-16 waynebaumber English EFDx102 2/5 A score draw
2010-11-08 campsawyer English EFDx103 3/5 Leaders make the difference
2010-11-11 vince hughes English EFDx103 3/5 Leaders Alone Doth Not A Victory Maketh
2011-09-12 gulatum English EFDx103 3/5 Don't forget the road! Don't forget your infantry!
2011-08-27 campsawyer English EFDx104 4/5 Time is on their side
2011-08-27 waynebaumber English EFDx104 4/5 Another close run thing
2015-02-08 PaperTiger English EFDx104 4/5 Slugfest in the Woods
2023-05-18 Blackcloud6 English EFDx104 4/5 No cigar!
2017-11-04 Retiredgrunt17 English EFDx105 4/5 Coffee and the Caucasus
2014-02-27 TheDoctor English EFDx106 3/5 Night on the Riviera
2011-09-10 plloyd1010 English EFDx107 2/5 Myasorubka kholm
2011-05-22 mo caraher English EFDx109 3/5 Infantry Attacks, but not well
2012-11-23 KirkH English EFDx109 1/5 Not Enough Ivans
2014-02-20 TheDoctor English EFDx109 3/5 Insufficient Materials
2017-09-30 Andreas English EFDx109 2/5 A Miserable Debut
2012-02-21 PaperTiger English EFDx110 4/5 The Boxcar Defense
2012-02-21 david manresa English EFDx111 3/5 Eastern Front 111 English & Spanish
2011-11-03 KirkH English EFDx112 1/5 Not Enough Time
2012-08-11 Matt W English EFDx112 3/5 Boing
2014-02-20 TheDoctor English EFDx112 3/5 Sluggish Debut
2015-09-05 thomaso827 English EFDx112 4/5 Ol' Stuck In The Mud
2020-11-19 splat99 English EFDx112 3/5 Too Much Mud, Too Little Time
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