Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
EF Scenario #16 Heavy tank attack
Author PatC
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2010-09-14
Language English
Scenario EFDx016

The axis set up across both boards with their infantry just north of the road screening some anti-tank positions located further north. The Axis mortars set up in the woods on Board 5 and the mountain gun and StugIIIb set up on the hillock on Board 4. The mountain gun was in range of the road with direct fire. The Soviets entered en mass east of the river and had trouble advancing in a orderly manner. This gave the Axis time to consolidate on Board 5 in blocking positions. The Soviets finally occupy the Southeast knoll with some armor and the mortar platoon to provide covering fire and with the rest pressed forward to the newly formed Axis line. In an exchange of fire over the next hour (4 turns) a number of steps and demoralizations and disruptions were suffered by both sides. Although the Soviets got the better of the exchange they were in no shape to advance until they could get reorganized. In addition an entire Soviet company was pulled of the line via special event to reinforce another sector. Right after that the Axis were able to knock out two Soviet armor steps with the relocated Anti-tank guns. The Soviets tried for a third time to reorganize but could not because Axis direct fire and mortar fire kept disrupting and demoralizing the Soviet infantry. The Soviets did manage to launch one weak assault on some Axis inf and a HMG on the road but this got bogged down and the Soviets became demoralized and had to retreat. By this time (2:45) it was obvious that the Soviets were going nowhere so they retired. Even if they could clear the main body of Axis off the road they still had to contend with the mountain gun dug in on the hill on board 4 which could put direct fire on the road. Also present were the StugIII3 and a platoon of infantry. In the town on Bd 4 there was a platoon of infantry and a anti-tank gun battery. Both these forces occupied a winning position. The Soviets never got near them. The best the Soviets could hope for in this scenario is a draw if they can eliminate enough Axis steps.

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