Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Bridgehead to victory?
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2011-07-31
Language English
Scenario EFDx035

This solo action was very interesting and a good scenario, but very hard for the Germans to win. The victory conditions has the Germans clearing an entire board with the Soviets just needed to have one unit to win. But this is still has some very good SSR's for river crossings as well as aircraft and OBA smoke.

As far as the forces the Germans have the edge with tanks, OBA and morale. The Soviets have the setup edge. With the leaders the Germans quality showed with many morale and combat modifiers, the Soviets did not have any leaders with modifiers. The Soviets setup with most unit on board 2, with some on road on board 1 and eight units covering the bridge an key areas of the river.

The Germans start by crossing the river. The infantry move over from the ENG support while the tanks move across the bridge. Smoke covers the closest Soviet units and leaders. The Soviets quickly move there leaders to better spotting positions and open up with OBA on the river. One ENG group is hit and demoralized. Soviet mortars hit the crossing infantry disrupting them too. German tanks rush for the Soviet mortars and are hit by hidden AT guns. A PZ IIIG looses a step but the spotted AT's are destroyed by German OBA. The German infantry move to clear the dug in Soviet troops. Several German assaults clear the covering Soviet troops and establish the initial bridgehead.

Moving up the road the German troops encounter the first roadblock and take it on. The Soviets try to disrupt the attack with OBA. Initially, disrupting the attack the tanks push forward and demoralize the INF's. An assault by German INF's finishes the job. The second roadblock is hit with OBA and destroyed. At this point it is turn 12 with the Germans across the river and across board 1. The Germans take 3 turns to reorganize and for an attack on board 2. Soviet airpower makes an appearance and goes after the German mortars. The mortars are hit and destroyed.

The Germans move to attack the town on board 2. Heavy fire from the town slows the assault but the German armor moves to support the attack. The Stug pours fire into the town demoralizing key HMG's German INF's move to assault, but the Soviets reinforces the assault hex slowing the attack. Other German INF and ENG's move to the town edges for the assault. From this point on it became a assault vs counter assault in the town for the rest of the game. The Soviets succeed in keeping a single unit on board 2 while the Germans end up chasing them around the board.

I would have give this a 5 for the river crossing and the dash up to the town, but trying to take the whole board 2 if very hard for the Germans. Possibly victory conditions change could help this one reach as 5.

1 Comment
2018-09-25 09:24

Glad to see the Soviets can win this one.

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