Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Soviet Armour Pounded But Holds On To Draw
Author vince hughes (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Draw
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2008-08-23
Language English
Scenario EFDx024

played ftf with Wayne Baumber in August 2008

1100 hours - The Russian units advanced in three main blocks as the Germans sent out a couple of platoons of armoured cars. Unfortunately for these reconnaissance units, they went far too deep, driving right into and face to face with T34 and KV1's advancing along the main east-west road. Trying to escape, half of them were wiped out. Meanwhile, the German advance came mainly in one wedge further down the main road and passing through a nearby town. A collection of PzIII's and PzIV's headed forward to set up an armoured line to face their Russian adversaries. German infantry elements also advanced forward to the edge of the town.

As the Russians advanced, German artillery spotters found plenty of targets to bring their fire down on. At the same time, both sides armour jostled for position, and loosed off shots at each other. At such range of 1200-1500m, most fire proved inaccurate or ineffective, though a few Russian BT-7's suffered at the hands of the good ranged 50mm guns of the PzIII's.

Approximately 1245 hours, German armour made a bold en masse strike at the Soviet tanks. In the ensuing battle between the AFV's that lasted about an hour, some 64 Soviet vehicles were knocked out by the Panzers with a loss of just 16 Wehrmacht vehicles. Whilst Soviet losses were mainly armour, the German infantry also suffered 50 or so casualties and several hanomags. The German strikes though over the past hour had rendered any hope of a Soviet victory fruitless. But similarly, the loss of 24 Panzers and 75 troops over the morning and afternoon were a few more than the local German commander would have hoped for.

To retain their gains on the day and to build a launch pad for the following incursions, the Germans retired to a nearby town just to their rear. With nothing to lose now, the Soviet commander had other ideas for the Germans and continued pressing forward against them. He knew that the more casualties he inflicted on the invaders, the more tomorrows expected attack by them would be hampered. Therefore, the Soviet 1st Motorised Rifle Division now pushed forward toward the town. Using well aimed OBA, the Russians placed pressure on the retiring Germans , albeit at a rising cost in their own casualties. In their haste to reach the town, one particular German truck convoy was hit spot-on by the enemy OBA and suffered 50 casualties in the bombardment.

Around 1515 hours, satisfied that they had inflicted enough damage, the Soviets retired themselves. In all, the 4 hour plus battle had brought Russian casualties to a staggering 72 AFV's and around 230 infantrymen lost. German losses were 24 AFV's and 125 troops. This Soviet effort would not of course stop the German advance the next day, but for now, they had inflicted a check on their adversaries for the day but at a heavy cost to themselves. After the fierce fighting, the Soviets withdrew.

The OBA that crushed a truck with the infantrymen in it salvaged the draw for the Soviets and came late in the game. Up till then, the Germans looked as if a win was most attainable. Good scenario, we liked this one and I gave it a decent 4

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