Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Myasorubka kholm
Author plloyd1010 (Soviet Union)
Method Face to Face
Victor Draw
Participants WightTiger
Play Date 2011-09-05
Language English
Scenario EFDx107

We played engagement double-blind. Considering that it is a night battle, that means a lot of groping around. We determine before the game that this a scenario for Russians to lose. (Of course if someone knows a realistic was for the Soviets to kill 65 German combat steps, without losing 35, I’m listening.)

The German defense plan is to make a strong stand on the 40 meter hill, delay along the road after the hill falls, then make a final stand in the town on board 1. The Germans on the western side of the hill are dug in. There are interdiction and delay troops to the south of the hill and in the woods on board 3. The Soviet attack aims mostly at the hill. The forces required to enter board 3 will sweep the woods and march toward the town on board 1.

The Soviets enter the boards in an advance my opponent describes ad “disturbing regular”. In actuality, the confusion reigns behind my observation points, especially in the south wing. German troops move forward and occupy the eastern side of the hill. The soviets move up and begin assaulting before the Germans can dig in.

The south wing sweeps through the board 3 woods as 2 German infantry, who were demonstrating as something larger, retreat to the woods on board 1. The eastern slope of the 40 meter hill almost falls with some lucky Soviet and unlucky German rolls.

Adolf (first identified German leader) and 2 INF steps die in 2-0812. 'B'ettcher and 2 HMGs from 0713 quickly reinforce 0812, setting up a seasaw melee that will last for most of the game. The StugIIIb and and INF have moved onto the hilltop to protect the, now exposed, AA gun. 'C'laus is holding a flankin redoubt at 'C'laus.

My T34 and BT7s chase infantry, who were bluffing before, around the junction of boards 3 & 8, until the infantry finally escapes to the board 1 woods. The KV1 and T60 rush around the hill to get at the Stug. Meanwhile, Soviet INFs have assaulted the Stug and its friends and are now trying to survive while an AT gun is manhandled into position for a shot. The AT gun gets off a couple shots before being suppressed and killed by artillery. The KV1-T60 group blunders into a AT position as they drive around the hill. The T60 is dead before they can get to out and over to the hill.

Eventually 2-0616 falls, after holding out for much longer than either of us had expected. The T34 makes it to the opposite side of the Stug, along with a AT gun and a BT7. The Stug dies in the crossfire. The hill position is finally collapsing. The infantry column, coming from board 3 cuts the road on board 1. Russian artillery makes amazingly short work of an infantry position on the north side of the board 1 woods.

We call the game at turn 18. I've lost 33 points of steps and don't intend to press the attack further. My opponent has lost 28. It has been an enjoyable myasorubka kind of fight. Had the Soviet victory conditions been better thought out, it would make a much better scenario.

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