Panzer Grenadier Battles on January 21st:
An Army at Dawn #13 - Ousseltia Valley Africa Orientale Italiana #30 - Road to Barentu
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #12 - Ousseltia Valley Conquest of Ethiopia #18 - First Tembien: the Last Sweet Hours
Afrika Korps #16 - Forte Pilastrino Eastern Front #97 - Quiet Flows the Vodka
Africa Orientale Italiana #27 - Amhara Cavalleria

PG-HQ Officers

The Panzer Grenadier Headquarters wargamer detachment is organized along the standard rank progression of the U.S. Army. Grognards progress up the ranks according to their experience in battle. Promotions are awarded and announced on the 1st of each month.

PG-HQ General of the Army
PG-HQ General of the Army
PG-HQ Brigadier General
PG-HQ Brigadier General
driddle01 garbare83686
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