Panzer Grenadier Battles on January 21st:
An Army at Dawn #13 - Ousseltia Valley Africa Orientale Italiana #30 - Road to Barentu
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #12 - Ousseltia Valley Conquest of Ethiopia #18 - First Tembien: the Last Sweet Hours
Afrika Korps #16 - Forte Pilastrino Eastern Front #97 - Quiet Flows the Vodka
Africa Orientale Italiana #27 - Amhara Cavalleria

Launched on 2010-06-06, Panzer Grenadier Headquarters' mission is simple and forthright:

PG-HQ strives to become the nexus of the Panzer Grenadier Community

The Panzer Grenadier universe is massive: 168 games featuring 64 nations fielding 1,135 distinct units across 3,737 different battles. We strive to provide the tools, the ability, the infrastructure to support such a diverse, sprawling series in the belief that wargamers need, want, and most of all enjoy coming together to share in the gaming experience - provided it can be done easily, quickly, and freely.

Due to our limited resources, we are not - cannot be - fast or flashy, but instead we are patient and methodical. The Panzer Grenadier series will survive long past the day when Avalanche Press closes its doors for the final time, and holding steady at the center will be PG-HQ.

With every new play we grow a little bit wiser. With every new AAR we grow a little bit taller. And with every new member we grow a little bit stronger.

Our members hail from 49 different countries. Join us, as we grow together!

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