Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 24th:
First Axis #4 - Struggle and Flight Uprising #4 - Struggle and Flight
Fronte Russo #22 - A Bad Start Road to Berlin #49 - Horses and Tigers

Impartial Leader Selector

This tool will randomly select leaders for both sides of any given scenario. Results can be emailed to addresses of your choice. In such instances the PG-HQ Admin also automatically receives a copy of the email for verification. This makes the ILS ideal for competitive play scenario preparations.

Please Select Your Game
49th Mountain Corps Intervention
Aachen 1944 Invasion 1944
Africa Orientale Italiana Invasion of Germany
Afrika 1944 Iron Curtain
Afrika Korps Iron Wolves
Airborne Jungle Fighting
Airborne - IE Kokoda Campaign
Airborne - Remastered Kokoda Trail
Alaska's War La Campagne de Tunisie
An Army at Dawn Land Battleships
Ancient Armor Land Cruisers
Arctic Front Last Days of May
Arctic Front Deluxe Legions of Zog
Armata Romana Leyte '44
Armor of Saipan Liberation 1944
Army Group South Ukraine Lions of Finland
Atlantic Marines Lithuania's Iron Wolves
August 1914, 1st Ed Little Saturn
August 1914, 2nd Ed Lost Battalion
Battle of the Bulge Maple Leaf Brigade
Beyond Normandy March on Leningrad
Black Helicopters Marianas 1944
Black Mountain Mouse That Roared
Black Panthers New Zealand Division
Black Sea Marines Nihon Silk
Black SS North of Elsenborn
Blackshirt Division North Wind
Blue Danube Operation Green
Blue Division Panzer Grenadier
Britain's Bulge Panzer Lehr
Broken Axis Panzer Lehr 2
Bron Pancerna Panzer Lion
Burning Tigers Parachutes Over Crete
Burning Tigers 2 Patton's Nightmare
C&CV1: War in the East Peace in Our Time
C&CV2: The King's Officers PG Demo Games
Carpathian Brigade PG Über Mentoring
Cassino '44 Police Action
Changsha Polish Exiles
Chihuahua Incident Polish Steel
Conquest of Ethiopia Power of the East
Counter Attack Pusan Perimeter
DAK '44 Raseiniai
Defense of France Red & White
Deluge Red Warriors
Desert Rats River Battleships
Dishonor Before Death River Fleets
Division Marocaine Road to Berlin
Divisione Corazzata Road to Dunkirk
Dogs of War Roer River Battles
Eastern Front Romanian Soil
Edelweiss Saipan 1944
Edelweiss IV Secret Weapons
Edelweiss: Expanded Sherman Tanks
Elsenborn Revised Siege of Leningrad
Elsenborn Ridge Siegfried Line
Fall of Empires Sinister Forces
Fall of France 1 Slovakia’s War
Fall of France 2 South Africa's War
Fall of Luxembourg South Flank
Fire in the Steppe Spearhead Division *
First Axis Storm Division
Four-Five Commando Swallows of Death
Franz Josef's Armies Sword of Israel
Fronte Russo Tank Battles
Germany's Colonial Empire The Last Horse Soldier
Go for Broke To Hell With Spain!
Go for Broke 2 Variant Panthers
Grossdeutschland 1944 Voice of the Arabs
Grossdeutschland 1946 Waltzing Matilda
Grossdeutschland at Kursk War of the Worlds
Guadalcanal War on the Equator
Hammer & Sickle West Wall
Heavy Metal White Eagles
Heraklion Winter Soldiers
Heroes of the Soviet Union Winter's Battle
Hopeless, But Not Serious Workers and Peasants
Indian Unity
* - ILS currently does not support leader draws for Spearhead Division scenarios
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