Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Hook, line and sinkered
Author Brett Nicholson
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2014-06-29
Language English
Scenario EFDx045

Storming entrenched machine-gun postions is never a pleasant task but that's the kind of job that axis lackeys like Romania can expect to get assigned. In this case there are only 10 platoons of Soviet HMGs to contend with and every Soviet occupied hex is entrenched, including the town hexes. Somehow Romania must clear the east-west road from being occupied or within DF range of any Soviets AND clear out a 5-hex town without losing 12 steps. Dubbing the task arduous would be optimistic.

There are so many possiblities and options for the Soviets to deploy and honestly I don't think there is any way to go wrong provided that the entrenchments are placed within DF range of the road or in the town. My Soviet plan was to spread out 5 entrenchments with double stacked HMGs at least three hexes away from each other in as many different directions as possible and hole up all the INF and support weapons in the entrenched town. This would force the Romanians to cover a lot of ground and out in the open for Soviet on and off-board artillery to have it's maximum effect. Sure, a few entrenchments would fall but all of them would have to be cleared for a Romanian win anyway so why not make it even more difficult? Begrudgingly the Romanians begin to advance towards certain disaster.

The Romanians do not attempt a river crossing with their ENG units but take the bridge and between the town and the woods on the other side there is just enough space between to spot for Soviet artillery. Romanian HMG units are targeted and disrupted before they can reach the safety of the town but rest of the 4th Mountain Brigade presses on towards the first Soviet entrenchment just outside the northern woods. Here is where the trouble begins. Opportunity fire immediately eliminates a step of ENG and then combined on and off-board artillery makes a mess of Romanian units trying to form a line. Soon after that the reduced and demoralized ENG must flee and it too is eliminated by HMG opportunity fire; now, at just 06:45/turn 6, the Romanians have just one platoon of ENGs left to assist in taking out 10 entrenchments -it's turning out to be a very dreary morning, most likely a Monday. While the Romanians try desperately to form a decent firing line there the Soviet KOM is able to sneak into this one entrenchment and restore order to a demoralized HMG unit before a go is made for it.

Meanwhile, another Romanian attack group splits off and makes for the central entrenchment blocking the road. Soviet artillery continues to rip units apart and by 07:30/turn 9, Romania has already lost 6 steps; half the amount the Soviets need for a win with 21 turns left to go. Then at 08:15/turn 12 a bold assault is carried out, led by the Romanian COL on the central entrenchment eliminating 2 steps of Soviet HMGs along with the SGT, leaving just 2 reduced and demoralized units left to defend. Soviet morale is appalling at 7/5 and once a Soviet unit is reduced it is as good as gone. The next turn the roadblock entrenchment is cleared and in Romanian control; only 9 more entrenchments left to go! Overall Romanian morale is lifted and then another entrenchment in the fields falls at 09:45/turn 18; only 8 entrenchments left! While it doesn't seem likely with just 12 turns left that all the entrenchments will be taken it is a quite a reversal of fortune for an otherwise abyssmally dismal morning.

Privy to some limited Romanian success STAVKA throws both friend and foe alike a monkeywrench of a whammy with a Soviet change in orders at 11:15/turn 24 to "stand fast!". This random event makes the town on board 1 the only objective that matters now -forget the line! If the Romanians are able to seize control of just one town hex then the Soviets lose the battle. Immediately Soviet HMG units abandon the entrenchment just north of the town to reinforce the town and units are shifted around there to make room for them. This seems like great news for Romania but the problem is that so much time and human resources have been expended trying to clear the outer ring of trenches that there is not much of a capable attack force left and they are still spread out with only a token force stationed in western area of the fields. Then to make matters worse, at 11:30/turn 25, the Romanians lose their 12th step and the Soviets meet their VCS. Half of the remaining Romanians are still trying to clear the first entrenchment by the woods. It's just another one of those quirky random events, love them or hate them, but this really seems to have changed every expectation. Ultimately this change in orders does favor the Soviets and only gives Romania false hope but false hope is better than none. Storming the town will be hard enough with no cover after leaving the fields but even worse, one Soviet entrenchment was strategically placed on the east edge of the fields as an obstacle with HMGs to slow down any advance from that direction. There is no time left to assault it, it will have to be bypassed if possible at the risk of opportunity fire.

Well, the axis euphoria is shortlived as every attempt to even leave the fields for the town gets hammered down. There aren't many Romanian leaders or good ordered units left on the battlefield and every time a leader or unit pokes it's head out of the fields it is pelted with ample HMG and artillery fire. Romania has only jumped out of the frying pan into another frying pan -they are trapped with no time left to make even the most futile attempt at an urban assault. Not one unit is able to get even within DF range of the town before it it is either eliminated, demoralized or disrupted. At the last moment, 12:45/turn 30, the overzealous Romanian COL orders and leads a platoon of MTN units to charge at the town anyway, just for the sake of dignity, bravado or just sheer insanity. The MTN platoon actually make it to two hexes away before becoming merely demoralized by the hail of bullets with the COL still in good order. But that is all in vain and the battle ends with a sealed Soviet victory.

I didn't go into this scenario with high expectations, especially for the Romanians but still managed to get a decent play out of it. Midway through, after the first two entrenchments fell my motivation and interest began to perk up. Also I think using random events greatly enhanced this one. Had that Soviet change in orders taken place a lot earlier then Romania would of had better chance of actually winning with the town being attacked first and foremost. Also, despite the axis defeat they did not lose 12 steps until turn 25 so even without any quirky random events a draw is still highly possible. There were moments in the scenario where I wanted to rate this one high though it ended very poorly. So for what it's worth I give it a steady "3" forgeting any slant towards a Soviet win. Also, as I mentioned before I really like the flexibility with the Soviet deployment and don't think I would change one thing with how I set the entrenchments up. Without fully realizing it before play I managed to set-up quite a decent trap which catered to the Soviet change in orders. Had I bunched all the entrenchments together in just one location further west then the town would of been easier to take when it became the sole objective. I do highly recommend this one for at least solo play in that aspect this one is closer to a 4/5 rating. Perhaps a little lower for a shared match as you will likely be playing for a draw with the Romanians eventually.

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