This should not be called a tank battle more of a tank dance. A mixed bunch of T34 and T26 face Roumanian R2's. The R2 have to move of the south edge of the boards and not lose 4 steps. The first thing the cunning Roumanian commander does is split his forces the Russian commander has only 2 T34,s and worse only 3 tank commanders. The Russian player has to match the tactics of his opponent and bring him to battle. After 90 mins of cat and mouse play a lone T34 pounces and manages to get the first kill, there then follows a flurrey of action and another R2 bites the dust. However 2 platoons scurry off the edge followed by a thrid which limped of disrupted the Roumainian commander had achieved his VC could he stop the Soviet commander grabbing a draw. Well yes he could in fact as his remaining two platoons skipped past the Russian road block and legged it down the road and away out of sight. ...My face was picture as I missed with 5 shots needing a 9 or more and then realised that I has left a path for Vince to escape. I lost this game having not suffered a casualty and Vince not even firing a shot. Although Vince said I was unlucky he is being generous I thought that I had got the draw in the bag and that over confidence caught me out. I could have moved in to close combat and there frozen the R2 and that would havegiven me enough time to bring up the rest of my forces to block off any retreat.