Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell
PG-HQ Library - Infantry Attacks Hall
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Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library
Infantry Attacks Hall

The heart of Panzer Grenadier Headquarters is the database. Consultation with Avalanche Press and hundreds of volunteer hours have resulted in PG-HQ presenting to you the most comprehensive data possible on every single aspect of Panzer Grenadier without providing "too much" - you still have to own a scenario to be able to play a scenario.

The Library strives to be as accurate as possible, but mistakes and omissions are to be expected in a project of this scale. Should you spot an error or omission, there's a link at the upper right of every page for you to recommend a change.

PG-HQ Library
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