Panzer Grenadier Battles on November 21st:
Desert Rats #16 - The Panzers Pull Back Desert Rats #19 - The Panzers Return
Desert Rats #17 - The Tomb Of Sidi Rezegh Jungle Fighting #7 - Line Of Departure
Desert Rats #18 - A Pibroch's Skirl South Africa's War #5 - Irish Eyes
tank battle part is interesting
Author t1M0t8yk
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2010-08-24
Language English
Scenario EFDx026

Germans dug-in infantry up to three lines deep around both bridges, backing up the eastern bridge with their AT batteries. Soviets sent a majority of the BT-7s and T-26s at the eastern bridge defenders to soften them up and lure in the panzers. KV-1s forward-deployed into the town on board 7, backed by a couple of BT-7s to provide flanking shots.

The Germans declined to take on the KV-1s and instead flanked the trees on board 4 and targeted BT-7s and T-28s in the board 4 town. A few turns of exchanges reduced armor on both sides. The Soviets were gaining the upper hand, but at too much of a cost in tanks. Also, their attempts to soften up the eastern bridge defenders yielded only modest results - two infantry step losses. Note though the Soviet OBA and aircraft destroyed the German mortars and AT guns.

After about halfway through I called it for the Germans. They needed to knock out only two more Soviet steps, and the Soviets had far too much work left to make a meaningful dent in the eastern bridge defenders.

In conclusion, the tank battle was really interesting, but the severe lack of Soviet infantry rendered the infantry engagements inconsequential.

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