Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 25th:
First Axis #5 - On a Darkling Plain Spearhead Division #13 - It Starts
Uprising #5 - On a Darkling Plain

Support PG-HQ!

Can you believe we have been online for 14 years 9 months and 19 days!?

The best way to support Panzer Grenadier Headquarters is to join us and participate as often as possible, be that via recording plays and AARs, chatting in the forum, or even submitting Library error notifications. You are what makes PG-HQ possible, and you are what makes it awesome!

Here are some quick stats about what we've accomplished since the dark days before PG-HQ existed:


Members 1,470
Recorded Plays 12,930
Recorded AARs 6,118
AAR Word Count 2,346,752
Forum Posts 25,740

Library Data

Games 171
Maps 129
Scenarios 3,797
Units 2,318
Errata 790

Become a PG-HQ Patron Today!

Panzer Grenadier Headquarters has always been free and will always be free - no fee to participate and no ads. That being said, over the years our members have asked about ways to help support our website hosting costs.

To facilitate this generosity, PG-HQ now has a Patreon page. Patreon is a crowd-funding platform that is geared towards projects with recurring needs (like webhosting!), unlike Kickstarter which is for one-off funding campaigns.

All donations go towards website hosting fees. You can set up an automatic monthly donation, or make a one-off contribution by donating that amount for the first month and then canceling your support. Additionally, there are two modest thank-you gifts for contributors to receive!

Our Patreon page shows up-to-the-minute contribution statistics. The below table is updated on the 5th of each month after Patreon collects the previous month's pledges.

Current Financials

Monthly Hosting Rate $ 15.95 @ HostGator
Annual Domain Name Rate $ 12.17 @ Cheap-Registrar
2020 February Contributions $ 42.00
2020 February Net Donations After Fees $ 35.77
Lifetime Patron Total 16 supporters
Lifetime Contribution Gross Total $ 2,001
Lifetime Contribution Net Total $ 1,750
Lifetime Hosting Support 103.2 months
PG-HQ Site Age 116 months
Lifetime Hosting Support % 88.9%

If you have any questions or comments about our Patreon feel free to email me or post a new thread in our forum!

~ Shad, PG-HQ Admin

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