Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
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AAR / Person 29
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Elsenborn Ridge (171 AARs)
2010-07-15 waynebaumber English ElsR001 3/5 Autumn Mist
2011-03-14 campsawyer English ElsR001 3/5 German leadership wins the day
2011-03-18 vince hughes English ElsR001 3/5 The 277th Volksgrenadier's puncture the 99th Inf Divs Forward Positions
2011-04-12 nitelook English ElsR001 5/5 Luv me some entrenchments
2011-07-25 10leopard2 English ElsR001 4/5 Wo sind die Panzer?!
2011-09-05 armyduck95 English ElsR001 4/5 Historical Outcome. If you can leave with a minor victory - you should
2011-09-06 Bart English ElsR001 3/5 The long and winding road
2011-12-20 CravenDumps35 English ElsR001 4/5 POORLY PLANNED ATTACK
2011-12-22 captwoosey English ElsR001 3/5 Mistakes in the Mist
2012-02-02 awdougherty English ElsR001 5/5 Basically came down to the last roll...
2012-02-12 ericmwalters English ElsR001 3/5 First Foray into ELSENBORN RIDGE
2012-02-28 tlangston28 English ElsR001 4/5 Mist Opportunities - Autumn Mist Elsenborn Ridge #1
2012-07-10 enrique Español ElsR001 3/5 Niebla de otoño
2012-10-11 Hugmenot English ElsR001 4/5 A Fun Draw
2013-05-17 upintheattic English ElsR001 3/5 A Muddle in the Mist
2013-09-13 PaperTiger English ElsR001 3/5 First Blood on a New Front
2014-10-25 thomaso827 English ElsR001 4/5 End Run Avoided
2015-09-07 ParaMarine English ElsR001 2/5 VCs can make it a good scenario, but kind of a grind
2020-08-21 g1ul10 Italiano ElsR001 5/5 Pareggio nella nebbia
2025-03-18 battlecarrysabot English ElsR001 3/5 Early Morning Draw
2011-02-20 Roland Robinson English ElsR002 3/5 An Operation Named Mist
2011-08-13 campsawyer English ElsR002 3/5 What do you do with a demoralized Volksgrenadier...
2011-12-18 Bart English ElsR002 4/5 Ankommend!!
2011-12-23 armyduck95 English ElsR002 3/5 A raging blood bath
2011-12-26 captwoosey English ElsR002 3/5 Lt. Colonel "America" holds the line
2012-02-24 awdougherty English ElsR002 5/5 Another close battle
2025-03-20 battlecarrysabot English ElsR002 3/5 Back Up, Back Down
2010-11-22 Matt W English ElsR003 3/5 So much to despise, and yet...
2011-08-16 campsawyer English ElsR003 2/5 An American Heghog
2011-11-05 KirkH English ElsR003 2/5 The Americans Just Had Too Many Guns.
2011-12-27 captwoosey English ElsR003 2/5 A Dismal Pounding for the Germans
2012-02-16 Bart English ElsR003 3/5 Wir haben kein Gluck Fritz, kein Gl.. fritz? FRITZ!!??
2025-03-22 battlecarrysabot English ElsR003 2/5 Fruitless Advance
2011-08-23 campsawyer English ElsR004 4/5 Volkgrenadiers are more than a match for second line troops
2012-01-02 captwoosey English ElsR004 3/5 Second-Hand Lions
2012-07-10 enrique Español ElsR004 4/5 Leones de segunda mano
2013-03-30 Bart English ElsR004 5/5 The Devil always shits..
2020-03-25 bp1123 English ElsR004 4/5 Second Hand Lions
2010-10-01 campsawyer English ElsR005 4/5 99th loses again
2010-10-01 vince hughes English ElsR005 4/5 Hitler Jugend And Panthers Secure Slug-Fest German Victory
2015-12-19 Special K English ElsR005 4/5 American defense in depth
2023-11-25 JayTownsend English ElsR005 4/5 Battle of the Bulge 2: Elsenborn Ridge, scenario # 5: Collision
2010-12-09 waynebaumber English ElsR006 3/5 Twin Villages
2012-01-29 CravenDumps35 English ElsR006 4/5 US Forces Hold On
2012-02-27 Dean_P English ElsR006 4/5 The Defense of Rocherath...
2012-07-10 enrique Español ElsR006 3/5 Ciudades gemelas: la primera noche
2022-09-20 plloyd1010 English ElsR006 3/5 Credit for Guts and Persistence
2011-04-20 patman English ElsR007 4/5 That took a while...
2012-01-07 Matt W English ElsR007 4/5 Pile 'em Up
2012-02-05 CravenDumps35 English ElsR007 4/5 Minor German Victory
2014-01-28 wkenney53 English ElsR007 4/5 Twin Villages: Valor and Sacrifice
2011-08-25 campsawyer English ElsR008 4/5 Artillery rules the day...
2012-07-12 enrique Español ElsR008 2/5 Escenario malo, muy malo
2022-04-14 plloyd1010 English ElsR008 3/5 That's why you don't do that in an Igo-Ugo game.
2024-12-18 treadasaurusrex English ElsR008 1/5 Enrique was Right - Avoid this Poorly-Designed Mess
2024-12-20 Tambu English ElsR008 1/5 Yep, a Real Dog!
2024-12-20 PANISTA English ElsR008 1/5 A Brutal Winter Fight - Not much fun to play
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English ElsR009 3/5 Bulge II: Elsenborn Ridge, Scenario #9, St. Vith: First Probe
2010-07-07 campsawyer English ElsR009 4/5 St. Vith: First Probe AAR
2010-07-15 waynebaumber English ElsR009 4/5 St Vith: First Probe
2010-11-26 Poor Yorek English ElsR009 3/5 St. Vith: First Probe 1/2: Solo
2010-11-26 Poor Yorek English ElsR009 3/5 St. Vith: First Probe 2/2 live opp
2011-07-08 awdougherty English ElsR009 4/5 St. Vith: First Probe
2011-08-06 campsawyer English ElsR009 4/5 Good introduction game
2011-10-16 armyduck95 English ElsR009 4/5 Decisive US victory - it is about removing assault column shifts
2011-11-05 KirkH English ElsR009 3/5 Sherman's March
2012-01-10 Matt W English ElsR009 3/5 They were mown down by dice, I'm afraid
2012-07-09 tlangston28 English ElsR009 4/5 Vith you were here...
2012-07-11 vince hughes English ElsR009 3/5 Never Again !
2014-01-28 Dean_P English ElsR009 4/5 Reinforcements hurt
2015-04-25 t1M0t8yk English ElsR009 3/5 Damnblastit, lost again
2016-02-28 leonard English ElsR009 4/5 M16 in assault
2020-02-24 J6A English ElsR009 5/5 When domination isn't enough
2025-01-15 treadasaurusrex English ElsR009 4/5 Hold St. Vith, Captain!
2010-07-15 campsawyer English ElsR010 4/5 Elsenborn Ridge Scenario #10 St. Vith: First Assault
2012-03-15 Poor Yorek English ElsR010 3/5 Not much of a first assault
2012-04-07 armyduck95 English ElsR010 4/5 None Shall Pass - Dogged American Defense and Counterattack
2019-12-26 Arisaka92 English ElsR010 5/5 Stark and Bitter Hours
2020-03-05 wkenney53 English ElsR010 3/5 Slow Engineers
2020-07-30 J6A English ElsR010 4/5 Neither side was strong enough to win
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English ElsR011 3/5 Bulge II: Elsenborn Ridge, Scenario #11, St. Vith: Help Arrives
2010-06-08 patman English ElsR011 4/5 Need Help: Tanks Keep Blowing Up!
2010-07-24 campsawyer English ElsR011 3/5 St. Vith falls to the SS
2010-10-31 Greg SW English ElsR011 4/5 Speed and Daring
2012-03-16 Poor Yorek English ElsR011 4/5 Help certainly did arrive: SS avenges volksgrenadiers
2014-10-01 enrique Español ElsR011 4/5 El Leibstandarte AH gana una sangrienta batalla
2010-07-29 campsawyer English ElsR012 3/5 Slugfest in the towns
2011-04-13 filbox English ElsR012 4/5 Es hat Hölle Geregnet
2014-12-19 thomaso827 English ElsR012 4/5 Even The Tanks Are Bleeding
2015-02-11 enrique Español ElsR012 4/5 Rotunda victoria alemana
2016-04-05 Dan_Huffman English ElsR012 4/5 Assualt can be your friend
2020-12-24 splat99 English ElsR012 4/5 CARNAGE IN A WINTER WONDERLAND
2010-08-06 campsawyer English ElsR013 3/5 The Americans fought and the Hilter Youth died
2011-05-08 mcgallons English ElsR013 3/5 Assalto respinto (italian)
2012-01-16 CravenDumps35 English ElsR013 3/5 Easy US Victory
2012-07-07 Matt W English ElsR013 3/5 Luck really does even out.
2012-07-07 Hugmenot English ElsR013 4/5 Time is on my Side; no it isn't!
2014-12-19 thomaso827 English ElsR013 4/5 A Reverse of Fortune
2015-01-01 splat99 English ElsR013 4/5 NEAR-ROLLOVER
2015-10-31 Coniglius English ElsR013 3/5 The artificial light of night....
2010-08-11 campsawyer English ElsR014 5/5 SS rule the day
2010-11-15 JayTownsend English ElsR014 4/5 Battle of The Bugle 2: Elsenborn Ridge, Scenario #14, Roosevelt's SS
2015-12-19 Special K English ElsR014 5/5 Tough resistance for the Tigers!
2023-01-28 treadasaurusrex English ElsR014 4/5 Hold Stoumont, boys!
2010-08-14 campsawyer English ElsR015 2/5 Goering's Bums
2011-11-11 splat99 English ElsR015 2/5 SHOOTING GALLERY
2010-08-23 campsawyer English ElsR016 5/5 Bend but don't break
2012-07-01 JayTownsend English ElsR016 4/5 Battle of The Bulge 2: Elsenborn Ridge, scenario # 16: Crossroads: Hunting Panthers
2012-07-06 upintheattic English ElsR016 3/5 Triumph of the AMERICAN Will (complete with an American Superman)
2012-07-06 tanzerleader English ElsR016 4/5 Hitlerjugend division captures the crossroads
2012-07-07 Matt W English ElsR016 4/5 Heroes Need Not Apply
2012-07-07 Hugmenot English ElsR016 4/5 A Nice, Full Dead Pile
2012-07-08 Poor Yorek English ElsR016 3/5 Big Red Won
2012-07-11 waynebaumber English ElsR016 3/5 Xroads Hunting Panthers
2012-07-17 Blackcloud6 English ElsR016 3/5 Toughness annihilated
2012-07-30 leonard English ElsR016 3/5 Fight to the end
2012-10-27 tlangston28 English ElsR016 4/5 Down to the wire at the Crossroads
2010-08-10 JayTownsend English ElsR017 3/5 Elsenborn Ridge, Scenario #17: Crossroads: Panzer Attack
2010-10-02 Greg SW English ElsR017 5/5 Taking Risks
2011-11-05 KirkH English ElsR017 3/5 The Wehrmacht Tastes Defeat - And It's Cold and Bitter
2011-11-11 splat99 English ElsR017 5/5 PHYRRIC VICTORY
2011-11-16 campsawyer English ElsR017 5/5 Hitler Youth tries again
2014-12-20 thomaso827 English ElsR017 4/5 Hitler Youth Spanked
2011-11-26 campsawyer English ElsR018 2/5 Lost AAR
2012-03-18 Poor Yorek English ElsR018 3/5 A near run thing
2010-10-26 PatC English ElsR019 3/5 Elsenborne Ridge Scenario 19 Bastard Tanks
2011-04-12 JayTownsend English ElsR019 3/5 Battle of The Bulge 2: Elsenborn Ridge, scenario #19: Bastard Tanks
2011-11-22 campsawyer English ElsR019 5/5 Initial success for the Americans leads to victory
2011-11-25 campsawyer English ElsR019 5/5 Ad-hoc forces win the day
2012-10-16 leonard English ElsR019 3/5 dead bastard tanks
2013-01-31 Memenne English ElsR019 4/5 OBA is key
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English ElsR020 3/5 Bugle II, Elsenborn Ridge, scenario #20: Night of the Long Knives
2010-11-06 campsawyer English ElsR020 4/5 Surprised SS fend off American paratrooper attack
2010-11-06 Shad English ElsR020 4/5 Hindsight is 20/10
2011-05-01 PatC English ElsR020 4/5 Night of the Long Knives ER#20 Don't give me no Flak!
2011-11-05 KirkH English ElsR020 3/5 Spread Too Thin
2012-01-14 Matt W English ElsR020 4/5 Who's afraid of the dark?
2014-11-01 thomaso827 English ElsR020 4/5 SS Hang On
2011-11-02 Ifig English ElsR021 4/5 Sanglant
2011-11-26 campsawyer English ElsR021 4/5 Stalemate for the Hitler Youth
2020-07-18 JayTownsend English ElsR021 4/5 Elsenborn Ridge: scenario # 21, Crossroads: The Last Gasp
2010-05-31 JayTownsend English ElsR022 5/5 Battle of the Bulge 2: Elsenborn Ridge, Scenario #22, St Vith: The Fall
2011-12-22 campsawyer English ElsR022 5/5 Bloody Tigers
2012-03-25 Poor Yorek English ElsR022 4/5 St. Vith: the draw
2012-10-22 enrique Español ElsR022 4/5 Tormenta de hielo y fuego sobre St. Vith
2011-12-23 campsawyer English ElsR023 2/5 Over before they got started.
2011-03-02 Matt W English ElsR024 3/5 Bring out your dead!
2011-12-26 campsawyer English ElsR024 1/5 Unfortunate setup
2019-01-06 splat99 English ElsR024 5/5 FUEL IS IMPORTANT
2010-10-09 campsawyer English ElsR025 3/5 Don't stretch yourself out to thin
2011-12-29 campsawyer English ElsR026 3/5 Who's in command?
2015-12-31 Special K English ElsR026 4/5 Certain German win: Poor US rolls and setup could have been much better
2019-01-19 splat99 English ElsR026 4/5 Bloody Night in the Bulge
2012-01-02 campsawyer English ElsR027 4/5 You must be patient for your Christmas presents
2012-01-03 campsawyer English ElsR028 3/5 Why should I attack if I have already won?
2012-07-05 JayTownsend English ElsR028 3/5 Battle of The Bulge 2: Elsenborn Ridge, scenario #28: Boxing Day
2012-02-20 campsawyer English ElsR029 4/5 They meet again
2012-02-20 vince hughes English ElsR029 3/5 9th SS Hohenstaufen Finally Show Signs Of Weariness
2012-01-07 campsawyer English ElsR030 2/5 VT fuses rule the day
2010-08-14 driddle01 English ElsR031 3/5 Sad Sack Affair
2012-01-10 campsawyer English ElsR031 2/5 Groping around at night
2012-08-28 tlangston28 English ElsR031 3/5 Sad Sack - A Sad Ending for the Germans
2022-12-29 thomaso827 English ElsR031 5/5 Bulge-a-Thon Continues
2023-01-02 treadasaurusrex English ElsR031 4/5 Nighttime SS Disaster
2012-02-03 campsawyer English ElsR032 4/5 Hell on Ice
2012-02-07 campsawyer English ElsR033 4/5 Lows and Highs
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English ElsR034 3/5 Bulge II: Elsenborn Ridge, Scenario #34, Return to Parker's Crossroads
2012-02-27 campsawyer English ElsR034 3/5 Overwhelmed by the numbers
2011-04-11 driddle01 English ElsR035 4/5 Forgotten Battaltion
2012-02-29 campsawyer English ElsR035 3/5 The Final attack
2020-01-23 J6A English ElsR035 4/5 On this day, the paratroopers weren't enough
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