Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
A Reverse of Fortune
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2014-12-19
Language English
Scenario ElsR013

Having played a disastrous (for the US side) Scenario 12, I followed up with scenario 13 and things went very badly for the Germans. US illumination made the field much as a daylight scenario as the Germans entered and tried to deploy under fire. The Germans while still loaded in trucks took a hit disrupting two truck loads of troops and forcing the SS Colonel to get the whole stack unloaded so he could start working on regaining morale. The German tank destroyers moved on towards the north and south towns, and attracted unwanted attention as they were both assaulted with very different results. The northernmost US force found a handy bazooka and took out a step of armor with one platoon while the other assaulted with little result, overall demoralizing the surviving step of that German armor platoon, while the southern assault went badly for the US, disrupting them while not doing any harm to the armor. US 57mm fire was barely able assist infantry fire against German shadows in the illumination, but a second turn of assault, while not taking a step, succeeded in demoralizing the second Jagdpanzer. German morale among the armor crews was abysmal, and both demoralized units continued to flee until they left the board back the way they came, while the Germans lost the first of the 3 leaders to combined fire from the northern town. The SS Captain with the southern group succeeded in disrupting the dug in US troops but lost one of his platoons to return fire. All German attempts to close and enter into assault were stymied by accurate point blank fire, causing more and more SS platoons to fail morale checks and head towards the retreating armor. Then the Hauptman died in an artillery strike and only the Colonel was left to try to form a new assault team and head for the northern town after a rather accurate German fire mission destroyed the 57mm gun, truck and a single step of infantry in that northernmost town hex, but just as he was ready to initiate an assault, US artillery demoralized him and disrupted the elements with him, followed by a volley from 2 hexes away which finished off the Colonel and left the young SS troops with nobody to follow. Great game, completed in 10 turns.

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