Panzer Grenadier Battles on December 4th:
Desert Rats #31 - Young Fascists : The Morning Phase Red Warriors #18 - Shanaurin Strikes Back
Desert Rats #32 - Young Fascists : The Afternoon Phase Tank Battles #29 - Operation MARS #17: Shanaurin's Drive VI: Shanaurin Strikes Back
Heavy Metal #4 - Shielded Frogs
Hitler Youth tries again
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2011-11-15
Language English
Scenario ElsR017

In a solo effort, this small scenario proved to be quite interesting. With a substantial SS assault on the the manor of Dom Butgenham the Americans must hold the buildings while the Hitler Youth needs to occupy the manor to provide an northern avenue of advance. The American 1st Division has plans to stop them.

The Germans have tank superiority as well as more troops while the Americans have a slight advantage in OBA, but both sides of overpowering OBA. Leader selection is evenly matched with no outstanding leaders. The Americans have the setup and the Germans must advance onto the board potentially under fire from the Americans, if they advance too quick. The Americans must hold the towns and the German must take all the towns hexes. I tough job at best. My play was quite interesting as the game went back and forth with the tactical advantage and proved very interesting.

The Americans setup has them concentrating on the central town hexes with the M4/76's and M18s posting it them. The INF's and HMG's setup next to the town hexes both south and east in the fields. Most dig in to await the attack. AT guns are hidden in the fields and towns. Leaders position with the troops while the Major takes the northern town hexes and the Lt. Col posts to the south town hex. The lone town to the west is left alone with the wreck placed in it.

The German advance on to the board using the cover of the heavy fog. The eastern force moves onto the board and quickly spots an American AT. Ordering fire on the the guns proves to be ineffective. The GRENs quickly moved to flank the guns but failing to get the initiative allowed the guload uploadup and retreat back toward towns. American OBA starts hitting the advancing Germans with causalities starting on turn 1. SS GREN's begin to fail morale checks as well as timely kills by OBA throw the German attack back from the fields. To the south, the Germans split there force to try to flank the heavily defended southern approaches to the town. The place a company of SS troops to pin the American defenders while the rest move west to attack the flank. American OBA hit the pinning troopscausalitieslities and demoralizations. But the flanking force moves north west of the towns, right on the weaker American flank. By turn 4 the mist is lifting and the Americans can see the German two companies bearing down on them. Initiative favors the Americans and the call in OBA on the Germans, killing one step of GREN's and a OSTFR while others demoralize a second round demoralized a HPSTFR that is preparing to lead the charge toward the town. At this point the German attaseverelyeverly hampered.

The Americans have the advantage but not for long as German OBA scores some hits on the Americans. Eventually demoralizing units south of the town, German DF provides the final blow and finally an American unit is lost. But this is jbeginningginining. Small bands of German GREN's make it next to the southern town, even under heavy American OP fire. There are eventually assault assualt the town. But the Americans provided enough OP fire to kill more German steps and demoralize key German leaders so that reinforcements to tassault assualt cannot make it to help.

Back to the east the Germans bring up there Jag Panthers to help attack the dug in Americans, but heavy OP fire by the Americans disrupt the German tanks. The fire by the tanks cannot dislodge the Americans that are anchored by a LT 10-0-1. Eventually the tanks back off looking for other American tanks to strike at. Meanwhile the Germans probe the fields to the south east, but American OBA and OP fire put an end to that advance. The German attack looks to the more exposed northeast advance on the town. An OSTFR and HPSTFR take a company of GREN's supported by a HMG to advance. The Americans put down heavy OP fire on the advance, but the Germans make it through and ready an advance on the northern edge of the town. But there is one group of dugin Americans to stop them.

To the west the Germans begin the recovery of the disrupted and demoralized troops while the small bands battle for the advances to the towns. Both German and American OBA fire is very accurate by mid-game. Both sides knocking out a total of four steps in one turn. Leader loss is high with both an American and German leader lost. The southern force recovers and moves to attack the dugin troops covering the south town hex. The American reduced M4/76 fires on them and slows them down, but the German PzIVH' see and opportunity to get an attack on them and move into position for a attack. The M18 moves to fire on them, but misses. In the next turn the Germans win the initiative and the PzIVH's open fire on both the M18's and reduced M4/76 and destroy the M4/76 and reduce the M18. The other German Jag Panthers move to attack from the northern town.

To the south the Germans and Americans assaultked in assualt with the southern town. Germafeeblecks are feable and the Americans score hits on the Germans. This forces the Germans to shift disrupted and demoralized units out and replace them with recovered units. It throughontinue throuh out the game. The Germans eventually get the advantage after a HMGassaultto the assualt. But they never get control of the hex and it stays contested. But to the north the German tanks are able to knock out the other M4/76 and the reduced M18 while losing one step of Jag Panthers.

Germans continue to recover move to attack the northern town, American OBA fires on the advancing Germans with devastating effect. Germans ENG's and GREN's are killed and demoralized. The Germans switch attacks and units in the eastern fields assault defending infantry units forcing them back after losses. By turn 12 the Germans still have a chance, German OBA takes out the a 57mm AT in the town and forces the other units back. The Germans advance into the town, but it is a weak force and the Americans mount a counter attack and force the town to be contested. The Germans continue to push but American OBA is back on target with demoralization and step losses on the German reinforcing units. By turn 16 the Germans have one final chance to clear the two contested tassaultd get an assualt on the American controlled town. But a spoiling initiative roll gives the Americans the initiative and the OBA hits the leading HPSTFR endinassaulthance of assualt. The Americans win controlling one town hex and contesting two others.

Casualties we high with the Americans suffer 19 steps lost and the Germans losing 17 steps. Both sides are still lock in contention for the town so tactically it is a draw, but the bigger picture would have the Germans stopped on their way through the Ardennes.

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