Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 24th:
First Axis #4 - Struggle and Flight Uprising #4 - Struggle and Flight
Fronte Russo #22 - A Bad Start Road to Berlin #49 - Horses and Tigers
Fruitless Advance
Author battlecarrysabot
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2025-03-22
Language English
Scenario ElsR003

The Americans begin setup with the majority of their formation in the town on Board 24, with two Infantry Platoons in three entrenchments in the village to the southwest, the woods to the north and light woods to the south east. The Germans plan of attack consists of three elements. Two infantry Companies with Engineer support attack the village and light woods outpost, and then the main body of eight Infantry Platoons and 4 MG Platoons assault the main town.

The German initial advance in the center is slow but steady as the MG Platoons slow the formation as they make their way into covered postions 1,000m to the east of the American entrenchments surrounding the village. The two German Infantry Companies fare poorly. Artillery and direct fire attrite one of the Engineer Platoons and low morale forces the Germans to regroup several times before attempting assaults on the southern American positions.

After several turns the Germans organize through the indirect and direct fire. They score lucky rolls in the village and clear it with minimal losses, but the light woods charge leaves the Germans in disarray and they must fall back to regroup. The Americans hold the entrenchment, but are down to a single Infantry Platoon. In response to the loss of the village to the southwest, the American commander repositions forces south to cover his southern flank.

With the Americans repositioning from north to south the Germans launch their main body across the 1,000 meters of open ground. This attack is in conjunction with the Germans in the village advancing from the south towards the Americans. The German main attack suffers some losses to opportunity fire, including two full MG Platoons, but arrives in position to attack from the North as the German forces in the South gain a foot hold in the town.

The Germans launch four assaults simultaneously, and only survive in two, and just barely. The low morale, first fire opportunities and American full strength units significants degrade the German attack, forcing local retreats and compeltely disrupting the German attack. As the game ends, the Germans begin to fall back to gained ground, with little to show for the massive casulties.

Conclusion: American Major Victory (44 VP to 15 VP)

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