Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Bloody Tigers
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2011-12-22
Language English
Scenario ElsR022

This scenario has been played at bit so there is a number of good write ups already, but truly is a gem in the Elsenborn box. It has all elements of a challenging scenario, the Germans have the numbers in men and material, but low morale and mud will slow them. The Americans have the setup and better morale, but cannot take heavy losses or else the Germans will overrun them. Also, the dilemma of setup, all units forward to blunt the attack or in depth to keep the advance slowed down.

In my solo play the Americans setup forward with units on the ridge of board 25 and the woods or board 23. No units were on 22 or 24 so a breakthrough will bdevastatingng for the Americans, but they will maximize their firepower on the advancing Germans. The Germans setup adjacent to board 25 for their initial advance. The two variables of Tiger entry and weather would dictate the advance.

Turn 1 has the Germans moving on to board 25 with the Americans on 23 advancing to the town to provide added defense. But on turn 2 the Tiger II's appear and advance on board 23 and Volksgrenadiers move south to pinch the Americans in the town. The trap nets the Germans a company of American troops as the Tiger II fire and GRENs assault takes the town and force the Americans to flee. To the north the Germans slowly move toward the American defenses on the ridge. Soon the Americans open fire but accurate NW41 fire knocks out the American picket line. German GREN's advance toward the American lines but OBA and mortars demoralize them and they start taking losses. Leaders try to rally them but it takes time. German OBA and NW41's start to take there toll on the Americans but the biggest losses come from the four platoons of Tiger II's.

In total the Tigers account for 9 infantry steps, an M4, M36 and M18 without getting a scratch. The Tigers are devastating but are slowed by mud and can only capture the towns on board 22 before the end of the game, but they accounted for 19 vps out of the 61 total steps the Germans accumulated.

The Americans were tough as well, they racked up 28 German step losses. Taking all opportunities to double demoralize the low morale GREN's as well as scoring well placed kills were able to keep the game close. The overwhelming factor was the well targeted NW41 and OBA which disrupted and demoralized the Americans so that the GRENassault assualt them.

The final count was German 61, American 44, but this does not show how close the game was as most points came from the losses of the town hexes at the end of the game. Factoring these out the 49 to 28. The main GREN force never made it off board 25, but a small reinforced company with the Tigers was able to turn the American flank to win the game.

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