Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Why should I attack if I have already won?
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2012-01-03
Language English
Scenario ElsR028

Another solo effort for Elsenborn leaves me wondering about the scenario victory conditions. The Americans get one more VP than the Germans for each town hex they occupy and with the setup each side has eight town hexes under their control, giving the Americans a 24 to 16 lead on turn 1 and a minor victory. This forces the Germans to attack and the Americans to defend and attack at will. So this left me a little puzzled but I still played.

The forces are general even, Germans have more troops, but the Americans have more armor, including a lost platoon of M4/76. The Americans have an edge with OBA, which was a big influence on the game. Leaders were average for both sides, for the Germans a good HPSTFR and OSTFR, for the Americans a good CAPT and LT's.

The setup has the American on the western boards of 23 and 25 and the Germans on 24. The Americans position a company of infantry in the crossroads on board 25 and the rest are defensively setup around the towns on board 23. The hidden tanks on 24 are marked with several blank counters. The German on board 24 setup on the road to force the crossroads on board 25 with the Panthers and PZIVH. Once that is taken they will look at the best approaches to the towns on 23.

Turn 1 starts with a dash up the road by the Germans. They reach the dug in Americans and are hit by devastating OBA, three step losses plus disruptions and demoralization's to their GREN's. The Panthers immediately single out the leader hexes with direct fire and disrupt some INF's. The Americans begin to fall back from the crossroads into the woods and call in more OBA keeping the Germans at bay. Recovery are in order for the SS and soon the GREN's are back on their feet.

Continuing their advance the Panthers move over the ridge with the GREN's go after the Americans company. Close quarters action in the woods leaves both sides bloodied with step losses. Again the SS leader need to recover their GREN's before moving out. Meanwhile the Panthers move slowly toward the towns but a pair of M4/76 cover the area of advance and with a hidden 3in AT lurking they wait for GREN's. But time is ticking away and nearly half the time has gone.

More American M4/76's appear and move to take advantage of the Panthers. The Panthers adjust there position and this stops the advance, but puts the Panthers out of support of any attack on the towns on board 23. The SS GRENs will have to do it on there own. The PZIVH moves to support the attack but is blindsided by the 3in AT gun that scores a hit. Demoralized the tanks retreat into the woods.

The German GREN's position as close as possible to the attack the first town, but American OBA is punishing and disrupt and demoralize the troops before they get started, leaving the SS leaders to rely on their own OBA. Several times the OBA is called in but the reduction for towns makes the 42 firepower shots ineffective. Finally a last desperate advance by the GREN's and one Panther makes it close to the the town, but leaves the flank open for the American M4/76's to dash by the attacking Germans and threaten the German rear. The Panthers give chase, but the speeder M4's make it through the woods before the Panthers. The stream runs out of the German assault as FoW rolls end the turns early. In the end the Germans reduce the American lead put it is too much for them to overcome.

This probably would have gone the other way if the VP's for the towns were the same, forcing the Americans to attack earlier in the game, but who knows another play can yield other results.

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