Panzer Grenadier Battles on December 4th:
Desert Rats #31 - Young Fascists : The Morning Phase Red Warriors #18 - Shanaurin Strikes Back
Desert Rats #32 - Young Fascists : The Afternoon Phase Tank Battles #29 - Operation MARS #17: Shanaurin's Drive VI: Shanaurin Strikes Back
Heavy Metal #4 - Shielded Frogs
Hitler Youth Spanked
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2014-12-20
Language English
Scenario ElsR017

Germans enter from both south and east on this one, with US holding town hexes, two in the center and one to the west of the board. With the Germans moving in from 2 directions, and in large numbers, it looked like a pretty sure thing for a German victory. This went just the opposite. Germans took advantage of the 2-hex visibility over the first 2 turns to organize two assault forces to move in and strike the two central towns while a tank and tank rider force moved on the western town hex. US set up the M-18 in the light woods just a few hexes away from the western town to try to prevent the Germans from getting forces to encircle that single hex, and also placed one of the M-4/76s in the woods just to the west of the town. Central towns were stacked up with plenty of infantry, and a 57mm AT gun in each town so there was some chance for some anti-tank work, even with the odds as low as they are with the 57s engaging Jagdpanzers and Jagdpanthers. As the German tank riders came into range to dismount on the west side and set up their assault, they were hit by fire from the two armor units, taking out one step and demoralizing the one tank unit and disrupting the other. The infantry didn't stop to look, they immediately moved forward to be ready to start the assault. The rest of the Germans set up two long assault lines, one facing the southern town and a line of dug-in infantry and armor strung out from the town and the other facing the northern town and another dug-in force to prevent Germans from getting around and trying to attack from behind. Both sides had limited success with the artillery, especially the Germans trying to weaken the town hexes, and tried to walk right in for an assault. US point blank fire really hurt the Germans and broke up most of the assaults, and the few that did strike were damaged by the first fire of the town defenders before they could do much damage. The situation bogged down, with fleeing Germans heading for board edges for lack of safe terrain, German armor getting killed, and even leader loss rolls taking a number of German leaders, while for the most part, US troops succeeded time after time in regrouping, rallying and continuing to hold. By the end of turn 7, the Germans had hit the stage where they no longer had any chance of taking all the town hexes, that western most town just kept up the successful adjacent hex fire and then successful first fire defending against the few SS troops that did make contact. At this point, the Germans had lost 45 steps, including all but a single step of the Jagdpanzer, having already lost the single step Jagdpanther in an unsuccessful town assault. Even the dug-in units holding the town flanks were succeeding in holding out and taking out numbers of Germans, and even the SS Colonel and his stack, as they prepared for an assault, was demoralized by a large artillery strike that even his 10-1-2 power couldn't stay on top of. The surviving German units were more and more surviving single steps, and US fire had just about completely eliminated the German HMG units and engineers. Game called at this point as the SS Youth pulled out to regain their courage for the days ahead.

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