Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
None Shall Pass - Dogged American Defense and Counterattack
Author armyduck95 (United States)
Method Dual Table Setup + Email
Victor United States
Participants unknown
Play Date 2012-04-07
Language English
Scenario ElsR010

This was perhaps the most decisive victory I have yet to play to date for PzG. I played my opponent using the double blind rules.

US ASSESSMENT: My mission was to defend the roads, especially the East-West road to St. Vith in order to deny its use to the Germans. Based on the victory conditions, any course of action that did not include defending board 25 would lead to a German minor victory. So I decided the bold defensive move would be to consolidate on key terrain around the road and dig-in. I did not have stellar leaders for the Infantry, but with superior artillery and armor, morale and initiative I had a good chance of victory.

US SET-UP: 1. US INF BN established a defensive strongpoint centered around board 25, hex 1109. Infantry concealed themselves on the reverse slope in the light woods and would dig-in to maximize defensive bonuses. From 1109, the MAJ could control the morale and activation of the units. 2. The M5, M8, and Scott established a forward line around 0808 in order to cover the IN BN efforts to dig-in, and disrupt the German advance and force the Germans to deploy early 3. A 7-0 LT established an OP on the northern hill top to call for indirect fire.

EXECUTION: Phase I - As the Germans approached from the East and North east, my armor covering force was able to cause him to deploy one of his AT Guns and my forward OP was able to use OBA to disrupt his AT Gun and HMGs. His attacking NE force was able to Kill my LT on the hilltop with OBA. But the armor covering force withdrew into the woods, with the M5 and Scott establishing back-up positions while the M8 moved back to Board 22 to watch the southeaster flank.

Phase II - The Germans began probing into the woodline and began losing platoons to well placed US opportunity fire. His NE attack made it to Hex 1011 but was repulsed, while he also set up his mortars near the north end of the hill. Then there were movement indicators that his Southern Attacking force was going to bypass my position. Once my M8 was able to slow down some of his southern advance and locate his AT Guns, it withdrew and reinforced efforts in the north.

Phase III - a CPT, LT and 2 INF platoons and the Scott, M5 counter attacked against Hex 1011 and eliminated more steps and a leader. The M5, LT and INF Platoon returned toward the center defense to repulse the approaching Southeast attack. The CPT with infantry platoons and Scott attacked North and defeated his northern prong. With the M8 speedily joining them, they proceeded throughout the rest of the game to eliminate his mortars and mop up straggling German Infantry in the North.

Phase IV - The German high watermark came when he launched attacks just short of 1109 on my southern flank. US Artillery had effectively suppressed and his AT Guns, and between the dug-in first fire and then counterattack, The US was able to destroy 8 German steps in a single turn. Effectively breaking any chance he had of furthering breaking the line.

Phase V - My Engineer reinforcements arrived late in the game, but moved quickly enough to overwhelm the few remaining locked melees and to assault one of his AT Guns.

Phase VI - By the end of the game, the Germans were combat ineffective. The US had reestablished its original positions and dug back in while using OBA to hit straggling German units in LOS.

End Results: US MAJOR VICTORY US caused a 6:1 casualty ratio!!! US Casualties: 20% casualties = 1 x LT, 8 INF steps (4 Platoons) German Casualties: 78% casualties = 47 steps!!!! (35 steps of gren, 6 steps of HMG, 3 mortars, 2 75mm, 1 50 mm and a wagon (plus a few leaders))

US Lessons/Observations:

  1. It is about holding onto the road - DIG IN and use the woods and hills terrain to conceal you and protect you.
  2. Use your OBA to target his AT Guns and your armor to target his mortars and HMGs. Avoid his strengths, do not have your armor go anywhere near the LOS of his AT Guns.
  3. Combined Arms Counterattack force - keep your M5, leader, and INF platoon close -in to your main defense so you have a counter attack force that maximizes assault column shifts.
  4. Don't be afraid to reposition, but keep digging in. At somepoint, casualties may cause you to collapse your defense a bit and close your line. Do not become wed to any piece of terrain other than the road itself.
  5. You can't count on reinforcements. They'll be value added when they arrive, but your plan has to disregard them.

German Observations. 1. MASS your forces, piece meal attacks allow a consolidated defender to defeat the Germans in detail. A massed penetration of GRENs moving down the road is probably the best option for breaking the Americans and driving them back. My opponent allowed me to fight three separate battles at three separate times... rarely stressing my options.

Overall, a very enjoyable scenario.

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