Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
That's why you don't do that in an Igo-Ugo game.
Author plloyd1010
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2022-04-12
Language English
Scenario ElsR008

This play began as shared play over a year ago, back when Über v2.6 was the thing. My opponent insisted that we use several optional rules from the 4th Edition set. Of particular interest was the efficient split move and fire rule. I suggest that we not use that rule, but my opponent insisted. The coin flip gave me the Germans.

The setup was quite conventional. I deployed my SS troopers in 3 groups with tank support floating behind them. My center group moved on the northern town from the northwest while my left side (east) approached from the northeast. My right side moved through the woods to interdict any support that might come from the southern town.

Things got seriously ugly for the American armor from the get-go. Using the afore mentioned, and not recommended, split move and fire rule I advanced on the Americans from alternating sides, first with the Panthers, with the PZIVh's. The M18's died in swift fiery deaths, only able to get a couple ineffective shots off. The Shermans fared little better. As turn 2 closed, 1 Sherman remained, running like a scared rabbit through the eastern woods. With the arrival of the 12th VG division on turn 3 my opponent abandoned the game.

I recently pulled up the game and updated it to see if the Americans might recover. The SS slowly won the battle for the northern town, grinding the American infantry down, mostly through compound morale and rally failures, and not having a retreat path. The volksgrenadiers had more trouble. American artillery and good infantry firepower broke up the German advance. The resulting firefight favored the Americans until the northern town fell. After that, the combined threat spelled doom.

The split move and fire rule had seriously unbalanced the game in favor of the Germans. The only advantage the Americans really had was their artillery. It slowed the SS center in the north and stopped the VG advance from the south before it got to the town.

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