Author |
Greg SW
Method |
Solo |
Victor |
United States |
Play Date |
2010-09-29 |
Language |
English |
Scenario |
The Americans won this game by a combination of three lucky roles, taking out the Oz. IV's and the Jg Panz IV early in the game (this unit was taken out using the optional artillery rule...I have just read too many accounts of how artillery stopped tank assaults not to include this rule). The Americans also took some risks by bringing down artillery on assault squares, trusting to their +2 moral leader, to help them fare better than the Germans. They also only had two units in each assault hex, while the Germans had three, giving the Germans an additional plus 1 shift. This along with the Americans focusing on disrupting the German engineers before they could assist in assault combat (and having taken out the tanks...the remaining 1/2 strength Jg Panther was destroyed in its first combat) gave the Americans the victory. The were still holding on to 3 out of 4 of the town squares at the end of the game.