Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
  • - 6120 valid AARs remaining
  • - Found 164 AARs for game filter
  • - 164 AARs passed all filters selected

Battle of the Bulge (164 AARs)
2010-06-08 Hudson English BaBu001 3/5 Battle of the Bulge Scenario 1: Interruption
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English BaBu001 3/5 A Quick Introductory Battle
2010-08-14 campsawyer English BaBu001 4/5 Learning the rules...
2010-10-26 PatC English BaBu001 3/5 BotB#1 Interuption OR Don't blink or you'll miss the end!
2010-11-28 Bart English BaBu001 3/5 Cross that road Lieutenant!
2010-12-26 Shad English BaBu001 2/5 Quick and easy, just like your m-
2010-12-26 Shad English BaBu001 2/5 It's your mother... Yes? ... She's still ea-
2010-12-29 Poor Yorek English BaBu001 2/5 Heer (barely) holds off US hill assault: solo play
2011-07-24 10leopard2 English BaBu001 4/5 Smal trouble
2011-11-04 Buquis English BaBu001 3/5 What Was That All About?
2011-11-19 waynebaumber English BaBu001 2/5 Bluff and double Bluff
2011-11-20 vince hughes English BaBu001 3/5 Americans Leg It ! - But Its Considered A Draw ?
2012-03-08 J6A English BaBu001 3/5 No chance at all
2012-09-04 facie English BaBu001 3/5 Good, solid, intro fun
2013-01-20 DDonnelly English BaBu001 3/5 Vicious close combat in wooded hills
2013-01-29 deleted English BaBu001 4/5 No, no, after you!
2013-02-24 tlangston28 English BaBu001 3/5 Attack Interrupted
2013-04-21 daxelos English BaBu001 4/5 Delay & Destroy
2014-01-12 thomaso827 English BaBu001 4/5 First Full Game
2017-01-02 triangular_cube English BaBu001 2/5 Battle of the Bulge Scenario 1
2017-10-28 Jockulus English BaBu001 3/5 Germans route Americans with heavy losses
2017-12-14 Retiredgrunt17 English BaBu001 4/5 Another Short and Fun
2019-03-17 Burgmark English BaBu001 3/5 Decent fun learning scenario
2022-02-02 t1M0t8yk English BaBu001 3/5 decent very quick very small scenario
2023-01-23 Grognard Gunny English BaBu001 1/5 Beginner's mistakes
2010-12-05 Bart English BaBu002 4/5 City fight
2012-03-13 J6A English BaBu002 3/5 Town? We don't need no steeking towns!
2012-05-19 vulcan558 English BaBu002 3/5 Holzthum I
2012-09-04 facie English BaBu002 3/5 Have Halftrack, will travel
2012-11-14 mikosevar Nederlands BaBu002 4/5 AAR Battle of the Bulge, scenario 2: Holtzum I
2013-01-20 LaxCoach English BaBu002 4/5 Again And Again
2013-01-28 deleted English BaBu002 5/5 Is that a hill or are you just happy to see me?
2013-04-21 daxelos English BaBu002 3/5 Foreward defense of Holzthum failes becaus of too many casualties
2015-06-25 dreierj English BaBu002 3/5 Battle at the Crossroads
2017-01-02 triangular_cube English BaBu002 4/5 Battle of the Bulge Scenario 2
2023-01-23 Grognard Gunny English BaBu002 3/5 Holdouts all
2010-08-14 campsawyer English BaBu003 3/5 AA guns rule the day
2010-12-05 Bart English BaBu003 4/5 Silence that gun!
2010-12-26 Shad English BaBu003 3/5 Sometimes it's better to lay low and piss yourself than to try and rally the men!
2011-07-24 10leopard2 English BaBu003 5/5 Bocholz
2012-03-13 J6A English BaBu003 3/5 Rush the machine guns, boys!
2012-11-09 Matt W English BaBu003 3/5 Tiny
2012-12-29 vulcan558 English BaBu003 4/5 Nail-biter Deluxe!
2013-01-24 LaxCoach English BaBu003 4/5 Quick and Easy
2013-06-22 deleted English BaBu003 4/5 We are not who you think we are!
2014-02-05 thomaso827 English BaBu003 3/5 Good Game for Snow Day
2015-06-30 dreierj English BaBu003 3/5 The Battle at Bocholz
2017-01-03 triangular_cube English BaBu003 3/5 Battle of the Bulge Scenario 3
2017-12-14 Retiredgrunt17 English BaBu003 4/5 Like Molasses in Winter
2019-03-22 Burgmark English BaBu003 3/5 Bloody Bocholz (not as easy as it looks you know...)
2023-01-23 Grognard Gunny English BaBu003 1/5 Another quickie
2011-05-10 Bart English BaBu004 3/5 Close call - AAR ready!
2012-03-27 J6A English BaBu004 3/5 Too many Germans - Dead and Alive
2017-01-06 triangular_cube English BaBu004 2/5 Battle of the Bulge Scenario 4
2023-01-25 Grognard Gunny English BaBu004 4/5 Interesting problem
2012-08-09 arixius English BaBu005 4/5 What a Finish
2013-07-05 deleted English BaBu005 4/5 And the Rockets’ Red Glare
2017-01-06 triangular_cube English BaBu005 3/5 Battle of the Bulge Scenario 5
2019-04-14 Arisaka92 English BaBu005 3/5 A bitter victory
2023-01-26 Grognard Gunny English BaBu005 4/5 Lambs to the slaughter
2011-04-21 JayTownsend English BaBu006 2/5 Battle of The Bulge, scenario #6: Weiler
2012-03-30 J6A English BaBu006 2/5 Wake me when it gets fun
2013-03-17 Bart English BaBu006 2/5 Defeat in Wahlhausen
2015-06-07 mikosevar English BaBu006 3/5 Very one-sided
2017-01-07 triangular_cube English BaBu006 3/5 Battle of the Bulge Scenario 6
2023-01-31 Grognard Gunny English BaBu006 3/5 Holy Catfish! Look at all the Germans!
2012-08-23 arixius English BaBu007 2/5 A Twist on More of the Same
2015-09-11 dreierj English BaBu007 4/5 Germans Roll Through Marnach
2017-01-08 triangular_cube English BaBu007 3/5 Battle of the Bulge Scenario 7
2019-04-25 Arisaka92 English BaBu007 3/5 Shermans versus Grenadiers
2023-02-04 Grognard Gunny English BaBu007 4/5 Almost lost it!
2015-09-17 dreierj English BaBu008 4/5 A Thorn in the Side
2017-01-08 triangular_cube English BaBu008 2/5 Battle of the Bulge Scenario 8
2019-05-02 Arisaka92 English BaBu008 2/5 Panzers Crush American Infantry
2023-02-07 Grognard Gunny English BaBu008 3/5 Holy Catfish! Look at all the Germans! (II)
2010-05-27 vince hughes English BaBu009 3/5 Reuler - Battle Of The Bulge Scenario 9
2010-07-15 waynebaumber English BaBu009 3/5 Famous Last Words!
2010-08-21 mcgallons English BaBu009 2/5 Reuler
2011-11-03 KirkH English BaBu009 4/5 A Town Under Siege
2012-05-30 Bart English BaBu009 4/5 Hook up and go!
2012-08-30 arixius English BaBu009 3/5 Tried to do a Lee
2013-06-25 deleted English BaBu009 4/5 Ok, you can take off the clown noses now.
2017-10-28 Jockulus English BaBu009 4/5 German attack succeeds in destroying artillery
2020-06-17 mitch2234 English BaBu009 4/5 Slogging through Woods
2023-02-11 Grognard Gunny English BaBu009 3/5 Got caught!
2012-09-01 arixius English BaBu010 4/5 Harder than it Looks
2014-01-07 deleted English BaBu010 4/5 Line of sight issue?
2015-09-22 dreierj English BaBu010 3/5 Germans Bypass Hosingen
2017-01-14 triangular_cube English BaBu010 1/5 Battle of the Bulge Scenario 10
2018-03-09 gocamels English BaBu010 2/5 A stroll in the woods
2019-05-17 Arisaka92 English BaBu010 1/5 Broken.
2023-02-16 Grognard Gunny English BaBu010 3/5 Nice attack coordination.
2011-10-14 scrane English BaBu011 3/5 Crushed like a nut
2017-01-15 triangular_cube English BaBu011 2/5 Battle of the Bulge Scenario 11
2019-05-19 Arisaka92 English BaBu011 4/5 Triumph of the Grenadiers
2023-02-16 Grognard Gunny English BaBu011 3/5 Thought it would be easy!
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English BaBu012 3/5 Battle of the Bulge, Scenario #12, Fuller's Counterattack
2010-08-16 campsawyer English BaBu012 3/5 Fuller gets overrun
2011-08-07 waynebaumber English BaBu012 3/5 Fuller's Counterattack
2014-05-04 thomaso827 English BaBu012 3/5 Stopped Cold
2019-06-15 Arisaka92 English BaBu012 3/5 Through the woods
2023-02-23 Grognard Gunny English BaBu012 4/5 Almost made it!
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English BaBu013 2/5 Battle of the Bulge, Scenario #13, The Missing Company
2010-07-15 dingo262 English BaBu013 2/5 13 - The Missing Company: or "How to lose tanks in a small amount of time."
2010-08-14 campsawyer English BaBu013 3/5 Reasons to stay together
2012-02-18 waynebaumber English BaBu013 1/5 One sided scenario
2012-02-18 vince hughes English BaBu013 2/5 Twelve Men Try And Twelve Men Fail !
2017-01-15 triangular_cube English BaBu013 3/5 Battke of the Bulge Scenario 13
2023-03-02 Grognard Gunny English BaBu013 1/5 Run through.
2014-04-03 mikosevar English BaBu014 3/5 Clervaux
2017-01-16 triangular_cube English BaBu014 4/5 Battle of the Bulge Scenario 14
2023-03-08 Grognard Gunny English BaBu014 4/5 Darned if you do. Darned if you don't.
2017-01-16 triangular_cube English BaBu015 3/5 Battle of the Bulge Scenario 15
2023-03-12 Grognard Gunny English BaBu015 4/5 Lackluster ending.
2017-01-20 triangular_cube English BaBu016 2/5 Battle of the Bulge Scenario 16
2018-05-19 SARACV3 English BaBu018 3/5 28th Crushed
2014-05-29 arixius English BaBu019 3/5 Hold and Go
2014-06-01 arixius English BaBu020 2/5 Germans Overrun Our Boys!
2010-06-11 enrique English BaBu021 3/5 Wiltz: 18 December
2014-06-10 arixius English BaBu021 1/5 Another German Cakewalk
2021-01-31 triangular_cube English BaBu021 1/5 Battle of the Bulge #21
2010-12-26 Shad English BaBu022 4/5 The Tides of Battle
2013-07-01 deleted English BaBu022 5/5 The Hazards of Playing Solo too often
2014-06-13 arixius English BaBu022 2/5 Now a Cakewalk for the Americans
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English BaBu024 3/5 Battle of the Bulge, Scenario #24 Team Dosobry
2014-08-13 arixius English BaBu024 4/5 That's What I'm Talking About!
2021-03-15 triangular_cube English BaBu025 2/5 Battle of the Bulge #25
2021-04-03 triangular_cube English BaBu027 1/5 Battle of the Bulge #27
2016-05-19 patman English BaBu028 5/5 Why yes, I have played Panzer Grenadier face-to-face, a long time ago...
2010-12-26 Shad English BaBu029 3/5 Big dumb yanks and their big gun...
2015-12-21 dreierj English BaBu029 3/5 KG Beinsen: Clearing the Way
2011-09-12 Ifig English BaBu030 4/5 Premieres Ardennes
2013-07-05 scrane English BaBu031 4/5 Sixpack of whoopass
2017-08-16 plloyd1010 English BaBu031 4/5 Night marchs can ruin your breakfast
2011-02-22 PatC English BaBu032 3/5 B.o.B. #32 Champs or Red Legs save the day
2011-11-13 vince hughes English BaBu032 2/5 Germans On Top But VC's Far Too Demanding
2012-03-25 udet1917 English BaBu032 3/5 My Panzerfaust missed!
2015-02-22 Blackcloud6 English BaBu032 2/5 Tedious
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English BaBu033 3/5 Battle of the Bulge, Scenario # 33/Rochefort
2018-03-16 dreierj English BaBu033 3/5 Fighting it Out at Rochefort
2014-10-09 arixius English BaBu034 2/5 Catch me if you can
2018-12-21 dreierj English BaBu034 3/5 The Ridge
2018-12-21 dreierj English BaBu035 3/5 Brief Relief Attempt
2021-04-23 triangular_cube English BaBu035 1/5 Battle of the Bulge # 35
2010-08-17 campsawyer English BaBu036 3/5 Germans were lacking
2015-12-20 thomaso827 English BaBu036 4/5 Fields Littered With Enemy Dead
2019-01-03 dreierj English BaBu036 2/5 Christnach
2016-10-31 plloyd1010 English BaBu037 1/5 Fencing with a giant ogre
2021-04-24 triangular_cube English BaBu037 3/5 Battle of the Bulge #37
2012-01-28 splat99 English BaBu038 3/5 LONG DAYS JOURNEY INTO NIGHT
2017-01-23 plloyd1010 English BaBu038 3/5 The End of the March
2012-01-21 splat99 English BaBu039 3/5 DRAWING BLOOD
2017-09-30 Retiredgrunt17 English BaBu043 5/5 Ettelbrook...chaos, chaos, chaos
2012-09-12 Matt W English BaBu044 2/5 In the words of Elliot Gould, "Where is that Bailey Crap"
2012-09-20 campsawyer English BaBu044 1/5 More work is need, not only on the bridge
2012-10-02 waynebaumber English BaBu044 2/5 That's 18 hours of my life that I will never get back
2018-01-14 Retiredgrunt17 English BaBu044 5/5 Easier Done Than Said
2010-06-11 petermc English BaBu045 4/5 Bigonville
2019-01-10 splat99 English BaBu046 5/5 Greetings, Colonel Abrams!
2021-05-11 triangular_cube English BaBu047 3/5 Battle of the Bulge #47
2017-12-19 Retiredgrunt17 English BaBu048 5/5 Cracked, But Not Broken
2021-12-28 Blackcloud6 English BaBu049 4/5 Squeeze Play
2021-05-13 triangular_cube English BaBu050 2/5 Battle of the Bulge #50
2013-08-04 JayTownsend English BaBu051 4/5 Battle of The Bulge, scenario #51: First Attempt
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