Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Fuller gets overrun
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2010-01-01
Language English
Scenario BaBu012

This one is very interesting as the title makes you think the Americans are attacking, but give the American and German OOB's, I think the Americans need to be on the defense or at least "hit and run" tactics. The Germans have two forces to start with, either on is superior to the Americans, but there a trick. The reinforcements must move on and off the board for the Germans to win. So if the Americans can snipe at them they will be very limited in terms of response and if the onboard Germans try to help, the Americans can try to capture the towns.

Given this the Americans setup in the woods on board 9 around the road ready to pounce. The Germans are in the towns on board 11. To begin the Germans move a company of troops up from the town to try to engage the Americans before the reinforcements enter. The Americans stay put and wait. The German company runs into the first American platoons waiting American Op fire slows them down but eventually the get close for the assault. Meanwhile the reinforcements slowly make their way down the road. The Americans look to their OBA to knock out the recon company, but it has no effect. The Americans need to get rid of the recon company. So move platoons get into Op fire positions. German on board and off board artillery start having effects on the Americans as the German tanks are moving on to board 9 into a support position. A third of the way through the scenario and the Americans are hurting with step loses and disruption. The Germans look to reinforce the company with more troops from the town as it look unlikely the Americans will mount an attack on the towns. Two companies more north and south of the road to try to flank the Americans. The recon company with tanks moves in for assaults. At this point in my notes, I was wishing for infantry AT, with came after this game. The German assaults were devastating, step losses and demoralizations on every assault. By turn 6, the Germans were at the crossroads on board 9. The lone American tank had be looking for a good ambush site. But was destroyed by a Panther before it could find a hiding place. With the road open the German reinforcements move easily off the board to with the game. Fullers command was destroyed and the remnants scattered into the woods.

I like the scenario, but the American infantry need something to attack armor with. The German recon company was lucky with dice rolls but with the addition of Panthers, the Americans could not stop then. I am looking forward to playing again, this time with infantry AT guns.

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