Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Battle of the Bulge #37
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2021-04-24
Language English
Scenario BaBu037

The Germans will win this scenario. There is no getting around that. Its not balanced in the least bit, although I have seen worse. The Americans "technically" can win, and if they roll aces maybe they actually would. It can be tough to dislodge INF/HMG stacks in towns without the right tools to do so. That being said....

I actually found this scenario to be quite enjoyable. I wouldnt play it opposed, but balance isn't the end all, be all for single play. The Americans start with disparate companies, one on board 12 in the north and the other in board 10 in the south. They get a reinforcement roll starting in a couple hours and are initially frozen. They are mostly just going to try to hang on. They setup the northern group in 2 stacks to get very good OP fire against germans advancing across the two bridges (neither side has engineers). The Germans opposed to them set up across from them and try to set up fire groups to weaken the American stacks, assuaulting if possible. Otherwise they will wait for reinforcements to arrive from behind the American defenses and swipe the north town by both ends.

The German reinforcements mentioned are the bulk of their force. One onboarding on board 12, the other on board 9. The Board 9 group will begin the attack preparations in the south while the group coming onto 12 will help eliminate the northern force and then join for the main attack afterwards. Simple stuff, although the decision of how to use the board 12 reinforcements is interesting. You can either immediately attack south or focus north. Focusing north isnt relevant per the VCs but trades time for more units to ultimately attack the town in the south later on.

The Germans repeatedly roll poorly for the board 12 fire exchanges and get the worse of it until the reinforcements swarm the town from the south. This takes 10 turns longer than it probably should have. Fortunately time really isnt a factor as the scenario is so long.

The board 9 force starts skirmishing with the town on board 10, trading artillery and HMG fire. Nothing decisive happens. Finally the Americans get their reinforcments about as the northern force arrives for the final fight.

The Germans roll better in the south and ultimately wipe out the Americans. Pretty standard stuff.

Even with overwhelming numbers, its difficult to clear towns without strong artillery or supporting arms. The Germans have bodies, but not much else here.

I think buried in here is a quality scenario actually. The decision of what to do with those board 12 reinforcements is key. I'm always a sucker for a big picture decision thrown into a scenario. You just need to cut the turn allotment significantly and tweak the VCs a bit to be more forgiving. Maybe just whomever controls the most town hexes on 10 wins after a more realistic window?

I dont take detailed notes to give a long play by play. I just felt like justifying my middling rating of a "3" for a scenario that others have given a "1" which i reserve for completely broken scenarios.

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