Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
  • - 6120 valid AARs remaining
  • - Found 191 AARs for game filter
  • - 190 AARs passed all filters selected

Airborne - IE (190 AARs)
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English AirI001 2/5 D-Day, the Day Nothing Happened
2010-06-20 Shad English AirI001 2/5 Four go in, One comes out
2010-07-07 vince hughes English AirI001 2/5 Plenty Of Manouever And Some Collateral Damage !
2010-07-07 waynebaumber English AirI001 2/5 Lots of nothing happened
2010-07-15 dingo262 English AirI001 3/5 The Orange Hero in France
2010-07-20 commanderposey English AirI001 4/5 The Orange Masacre
2010-07-29 Dean_P English AirI001 2/5 Orange Hero (my first game...)
2010-08-22 campsawyer English AirI001 3/5 Even a hero can have a bad day
2010-11-01 Matt W English AirI001 1/5 Some things improve with age
2010-11-13 armyduck95 English AirI001 2/5 Luck of the Draw
2010-11-13 armyduck95 English AirI001 2/5 Learned the basic mechanics, but not too exciting
2011-02-12 PatC English AirI001 5/5 Airborne Scenario 1 The Battery Position at Holdy
2011-11-02 KirkH English AirI001 4/5 It Was All About One Hex
2012-08-27 J6A English AirI001 3/5 Heroes are made, not born
2012-09-09 Hugmenot English AirI001 1/5 A Long Range Firefight
2013-01-25 DDonnelly English AirI001 3/5 Attack along flooded river
2013-04-18 daxelos English AirI001 1/5 Hopeless American Assault
2013-10-25 Brett Nicholson English AirI001 3/5 Stopped dead on the tracks
2014-08-28 plloyd1010 English AirI001 1/5 Ever see Gallipoli?
2017-11-18 Retiredgrunt17 English AirI001 4/5 Small But Still Fun
2020-05-21 metfan English AirI001 3/5 Alot of fun without alotta pieces...
2022-08-21 mikejames38 English AirI001 3/5 No Chance for US Victory
2024-03-18 Brad_Newcomer English AirI001 3/5 A painful DRAW due to time running out .... and a bad initial decision by the US Paratroopers
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English AirI002 2/5 The Great Bloodless Battle at Holdy
2010-06-15 PG-Tank Dude English AirI002 4/5 Battery Position at Holdy or Ass Waxing for Everyone!
2010-06-20 Shad English AirI002 4/5 Impatience denies Victory
2010-07-05 driddle01 English AirI002 4/5 Take out the Battery
2010-07-07 vince hughes English AirI002 3/5 Exciting Meeting Of Attack And Counter-Attack
2010-07-07 waynebaumber English AirI002 3/5 Patience is a virtue
2010-07-20 commanderposey English AirI002 4/5 Quick Success, Stalled Finish
2010-08-22 campsawyer English AirI002 4/5 Most played scenario...
2010-12-24 ffs6 English AirI002 2/5 First AAR
2011-11-05 KirkH English AirI002 4/5 A Draw Via E-Mail
2011-11-11 splat99 English AirI002 4/5 BRECOURT, ANYONE?
2011-11-11 splat99 English AirI002 4/5 SECOND TIME IS NOT THE CHARM
2011-12-23 PatC English AirI002 3/5 Canquigny or You can't always get what you want. But you get what you need
2012-08-27 J6A English AirI002 4/5 Hold(y)ing On
2013-01-26 DDonnelly English AirI002 2/5 Unstoppable American Paratroopers
2014-02-04 plloyd1010 English AirI002 3/5 Dancing around a kettle drum
2018-02-01 Retiredgrunt17 English AirI002 4/5 Not Quite a Duracell
2020-05-21 metfan English AirI002 4/5 This scenario seemed tougher to play than the actual US Army AAR described...
2022-11-26 mikejames38 English AirI002 3/5 Not Much of a Battle...
2024-03-18 Brad_Newcomer English AirI002 4/5 A definite nail biter ..... It came down to the last roll of the dice!!
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English AirI003 3/5 How About some one-on-one?
2010-06-20 Shad English AirI003 3/5 Empty pillboxes nearly lead to American success...
2010-07-21 commanderposey English AirI003 4/5 The Long Assault
2010-08-22 campsawyer English AirI003 4/5 Russians just want to go home
2010-11-14 vince hughes English AirI003 1/5 Poor Hiwis Given Little Hope !
2010-11-15 waynebaumber English AirI003 2/5 US v Russ in France
2010-12-26 ffs6 English AirI003 3/5 Solo Play
2011-11-05 KirkH English AirI003 3/5 One Final Attack
2012-03-22 Matt W English AirI003 2/5 So close
2012-08-27 J6A English AirI003 3/5 You want defiance, I'll show you defiance!
2013-11-13 Brett Nicholson English AirI003 4/5 More resilient than defiant
2017-12-05 Retiredgrunt17 English AirI003 4/5 Defiant and and Steady
2021-02-15 metfan English AirI003 4/5 "Snake eyes" victory makes it a 4, or, I didn't think this one would be so exciting!
2022-12-27 mikejames38 English AirI003 2/5 Defiant Russians thumb their noses at US Paratroops
2024-03-24 Brad_Newcomer English AirI003 3/5 A race against time and some lucky rolls -- Down to the last die roll on the last turn!
2024-03-25 ravensworth English AirI003 4/5 Bad day for the Para's
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English AirI004 2/5 Shaking Hands across the Douve
2010-06-23 Shad English AirI004 2/5 Skipping through the hedges with pointed fingers shouting "Pew! Pew! Pew!"
2010-07-21 commanderposey English AirI004 4/5 Assault for the win
2010-08-22 campsawyer English AirI004 3/5 Distractions cause casualties
2010-11-14 vince hughes English AirI004 2/5 Ballard Boshed By The Bosche
2010-11-15 waynebaumber English AirI004 1/5 Was I distracted?
2011-07-25 10leopard2 English AirI004 3/5 Blow the Bunker
2011-12-26 PatC English AirI004 3/5 Pouppiville Exit or These are Russian "volunteers"?
2012-03-22 Matt W English AirI004 3/5 Kind of like stuffing a phone booth
2012-08-27 J6A English AirI004 4/5 Distracted by all the gunfire
2021-02-22 metfan English AirI004 4/5 Another case of "good bones"!
2024-03-24 Brad_Newcomer English AirI004 3/5 Straight Forward Scenario that clocked out like history in many respects....
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English AirI005 2/5 Beware of Snake(eyes)
2010-06-27 Shad English AirI005 4/5 Grab your partner! Do-si-do! *BANG* HA, you missed m- *BANG BANG*
2010-07-29 Dean_P English AirI005 4/5 The Lock
2010-08-22 campsawyer English AirI005 4/5 Rush for the Locks
2011-11-19 vince hughes English AirI005 2/5 One Pesky Platoon !
2011-11-19 waynebaumber English AirI005 3/5 The Lock (ed) in Assault
2012-08-27 J6A English AirI005 4/5 Locks (but no Bagels)
2013-12-03 Brett Nicholson English AirI005 2/5 Back and forth and back again
2024-04-22 Brad_Newcomer English AirI005 4/5 Another historical outcome with a PzG scenario....
2024-04-22 ravensworth English AirI005 4/5 Anothe Brutal draw!
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English AirI006 2/5 Sometimes it just feels futile.
2010-07-03 Shad English AirI006 2/5 Faster than a teenager on prom night...
2010-07-29 Dean_P English AirI006 1/5 Cassidy's Battalion - or Why A-IE isn't the best introduction
2010-08-22 campsawyer English AirI006 2/5 Clearing the guns, maybe
2011-02-13 PatC English AirI006 2/5 Cassidy's Battalion-Where is Sgt Summers?
2011-11-02 KirkH English AirI006 4/5 A Dice Roll, A Dice Roll, My Kingdom For a Dice Roll
2011-12-10 waynebaumber English AirI006 1/5 Boring draw fails to lift my morale
2011-12-10 vince hughes English AirI006 1/5 A Bloodless Bore ! - IMO A Terrible Scenario
2012-08-27 J6A English AirI006 2/5 Not much fun in the hedges
2013-12-06 Brett Nicholson English AirI006 3/5 Mission accomplished but with unacceptable losses
2021-09-19 metfan English AirI006 2/5 If the Navy's aim is true, the Germans are probably screwed!
2024-04-29 Brad_Newcomer English AirI006 3/5 A tough start for the US which ended up in failure!
2024-04-29 ravensworth English AirI006 3/5 Bad day for the Para's
2010-07-03 Shad English AirI007 4/5 Until the end... which turned out to be bitter
2010-08-22 campsawyer English AirI007 4/5 Better than no odds...
2010-12-02 GeneSteeler English AirI007 3/5 "We're outnumbered. Let's attack!"
2011-02-15 PatC English AirI007 1/5 Airborne Scenario 7 Focarville or Deadman's Corner
2012-08-27 J6A English AirI007 3/5 Low odds of victory
2013-12-12 Brett Nicholson English AirI007 3/5 Foiled again!
2024-05-06 Brad_Newcomer English AirI007 2/5 A scenario completely dependent on the luck of the Stronghold draw for the Germans
2010-06-05 Trotsky English AirI008 4/5 How not to attack!
2010-07-18 Shad English AirI008 5/5 We'll grind your bones to make our bread...
2010-08-23 campsawyer English AirI008 4/5 Second time is the charm
2011-02-03 GeneSteeler English AirI008 3/5 American paratroopers overwhelm German defenders
2011-02-17 PatC English AirI008 3/5 Airborne Scenario 8 Second Best
2011-09-07 Ifig English AirI008 3/5 Premier scénario
2012-08-27 J6A English AirI008 4/5 We didn't need a third try charm
2013-12-18 Brett Nicholson English AirI008 3/5 Die Brücke (The Bridge)
2010-06-30 rerathbun English AirI009 4/5 Holding the Lock All Day
2010-07-31 Shad English AirI009 2/5 Charge! ... Surrender!
2010-08-23 campsawyer English AirI009 2/5 Not much energy to attack
2010-08-23 mcgallons English AirI009 2/5 Holding the Lock
2011-02-21 GeneSteeler English AirI009 2/5 Germans trudge through the swamp and are greeted by a hail of American bullets.
2012-03-22 Matt W English AirI009 3/5 Just Enough
2012-08-27 J6A English AirI009 2/5 Lock Held
2013-12-24 Brett Nicholson English AirI009 3/5 "We came, we saw, we fired on our own men and promptly surrendered"
2017-12-03 Retiredgrunt17 English AirI009 4/5 Lock Held
2022-11-27 triangular_cube English AirI009 3/5 Airborne IE #9
2010-08-23 campsawyer English AirI010 3/5 American confusion
2010-10-19 scrane English AirI010 4/5 Painstaking advance
2012-02-26 GeneSteeler English AirI010 2/5 Finesse, Fine-tuned, or just Futile?
2012-08-27 J6A English AirI010 2/5 Bridge go boom
2013-12-31 Brett Nicholson English AirI010 2/5 Third strike and the bridge is out
2017-07-11 Shad English AirI010 3/5 Rusty
2010-08-28 campsawyer English AirI011 3/5 Exercise in organization
2011-10-27 enrique English AirI011 4/5 There is even glider landings!
2012-03-15 GeneSteeler English AirI011 2/5 It was Murder.
2014-01-06 Brett Nicholson English AirI011 3/5 A dismal start for 82nd Airborne on D-Day
2020-09-19 Schoenwulf English AirI011 4/5 Draining the Swamp
2010-08-28 campsawyer English AirI012 4/5 Slugging it out in Normandy
2014-01-08 Brett Nicholson English AirI012 4/5 A lot of reinforcements a little too late
2020-09-27 Schoenwulf English AirI012 4/5 Capture of Vierville
2010-06-25 J6A English AirI013 4/5 Scenario 13 - Crossroads Defense
2010-08-26 campsawyer English AirI013 4/5 Americans on the defense
2010-11-27 Shad English AirI013 4/5 Leaders? We ain't got no leaders! We don't need no leaders! I don't have to show you no stinkin' leaders!
2011-11-02 KirkH English AirI013 4/5 If This Was a Western The Cavalry Would Have Shown Up
2012-04-26 Matt W English AirI013 4/5 Last second success
2014-01-12 Brett Nicholson English AirI013 2/5 Nothing left to reinforce
2020-09-29 Schoenwulf English AirI013 2/5 Dysfunction at the Junction
2022-12-02 triangular_cube English AirI013 2/5 Airborne IE # 13
2010-06-25 J6A English AirI014 4/5 Scenario 14 - Line Infantry
2010-08-08 Shad English AirI014 3/5 This Steamroller was made in America!
2010-08-26 campsawyer English AirI014 4/5 Good scenario for learning
2010-12-31 rerathbun English AirI014 3/5 Line Infantry Wins Easily
2011-05-06 JayTownsend English AirI014 2/5 Airborne, scenario #14: Line Infantry
2011-06-05 Daedalus English AirI014 3/5 Line Infantry -- A Walk in the Sun
2011-06-07 Greg SW English AirI014 3/5 Bad luck in river city, or swamp city
2011-11-05 KirkH English AirI014 3/5 Arty Does The Job
2011-11-05 KirkH English AirI014 3/5 Different Opponent - Same Result
2011-11-05 KirkH English AirI014 3/5 Third Times The Charm
2014-01-16 Brett Nicholson English AirI014 4/5 Another close run
2017-11-22 Retiredgrunt17 English AirI014 4/5 More Coffee and Panzer Grenadier
2020-09-30 Schoenwulf English AirI014 3/5 Next Stop: Carentan
2022-12-02 triangular_cube English AirI014 3/5 Airborne IE # 14
2010-08-28 campsawyer English AirI015 4/5 Clearing the station
2011-05-28 rerathbun English AirI015 4/5 Missing the train at Montebourg
2012-12-19 J6A English AirI015 4/5 Gamey tactics don't save paras
2013-10-23 vince hughes English AirI015 3/5 A Game Of Two Halves
2013-10-23 waynebaumber English AirI015 3/5 A battle of two halves
2014-01-18 Brett Nicholson English AirI015 3/5 Deadly artillery fire from both sides makes for another 'Airborne' stalemate
2022-12-02 triangular_cube English AirI015 5/5 Airborne IE #15
2010-08-26 campsawyer English AirI016 1/5 Another awkward surrender
2010-11-27 Matt W English AirI016 2/5 How to simulate just giving up
2011-11-05 KirkH English AirI016 1/5 Don't Flip A Highly Rated German Leader
2012-02-18 vince hughes English AirI016 1/5 What A Ridiculous Effort At Scenario Writing !
2012-02-18 waynebaumber English AirI016 1/5 Poor rule writing make this an impossible game to win or play
2012-12-23 J6A English AirI016 2/5 We're winning! We're winning! We're Giving Up!
2014-01-23 Brett Nicholson English AirI016 3/5 "Surrender? Why didn't you ask that before you started firing on us? You leave us no other option"
2017-12-05 Retiredgrunt17 English AirI016 5/5 Shell Shock
2022-12-03 triangular_cube English AirI016 1/5 Airborne-IE #16
2010-06-05 Trotsky English AirI017 3/5 Uncoordinated attack!
2010-08-28 campsawyer English AirI017 3/5 Chasing hexes
2011-09-07 Ifig English AirI017 3/5 Ne pas attaquer bille en tête
2013-11-01 waynebaumber English AirI017 4/5 Germans hang on in nail biter
2014-01-31 Brett Nicholson English AirI017 3/5 Mission unlikely, though not entirely impossible
2010-08-26 campsawyer English AirI018 3/5 Good scenario just long...
2014-02-11 Brett Nicholson English AirI018 3/5 Another long day of fanatical resistance in hedgerow country
2010-08-26 campsawyer English AirI019 3/5 Variation of scenario 18
2010-11-27 Matt W English AirI019 1/5 How to destroy an entire reinforced battalion without losses
2011-02-18 PatC English AirI019 2/5 Airborne Scen 19 Bad Situation Been there before
2014-02-18 Brett Nicholson English AirI019 2/5 German OBA alone can easily win this one
2010-08-26 campsawyer English AirI020 4/5 Normandy hedgerows
2010-11-29 Matt W English AirI020 2/5 Deja Vu All Over Again
2011-11-05 KirkH English AirI020 3/5 A Stout German Defense
2014-02-23 Brett Nicholson English AirI020 2/5 Still no further
2010-11-30 campsawyer English AirI021 3/5 Patience with Paratroops
2011-12-17 PatC English AirI021 3/5 D-Day Behind the Beachs or Pathfinders, Pathfinders. We don't need no stinkin Pathfinders
2012-06-12 Matt W English AirI021 4/5 According to Plan
2014-03-05 Brett Nicholson English AirI021 3/5 Paras finally make their mark
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