Panzer Grenadier Battles on December 4th:
Desert Rats #31 - Young Fascists : The Morning Phase Red Warriors #18 - Shanaurin Strikes Back
Desert Rats #32 - Young Fascists : The Afternoon Phase Tank Battles #29 - Operation MARS #17: Shanaurin's Drive VI: Shanaurin Strikes Back
Heavy Metal #4 - Shielded Frogs
Airborne-IE #16
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2022-12-03
Language English
Scenario AirI016

Americans ask for surrender at the beginning of Turn 1 and the Germans surrendered. I'd think I'm missing something but the other AARs seem to show the same thing. There is no point to setting this one up, even solo, except for completionist sake.

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