Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Poor Hiwis Given Little Hope !
Author vince hughes (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor United States
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2010-11-13
Language English
Scenario AirI003

Game was played ftf with Wayne Baumber. I am using these tiny Airborne scenarios as "throw away" games to be played after any early ending 'main event' scenario. Therefore, any seriousness towards them is very light indeed. That said though, they do provide some quick-play PG fun

Sparse Attackers v Even Sparser Defenders

This scenario has a few variables. As in all PG scenarios, there are the officers. Unfortunately, the Hiwi officers here for the 'German' forces turned up without a morale modifier shared between them. Also, of the two pillboxes, one was empty ! Not a great start. Reinforcements for the 'Germans' consist of two more platoons, BUT ONLY if a certain hex is held onto by the none-to-keen Hiwi infantry. Not that the US Paras are awash with troops either. They will be forced to take some calculated gambles, but at least they have some decent officer support in our particular match-up.

To Battle

The ‘German’ forces here were very light indeed. Just one platoon, a few pillboxes and even some of those unmanned. Officer quality amongst these Ukrainian Hiwis was very low too. Therefore, when the American Paratroopers advanced to within site of the marshy outskirts of the area, they were instantly able to see that the furthest most sections of pillboxes were completely unmanned (and so the strongpoint disappears in game terms). Without wasting anytime, they set about attacking the lone platoon and the pill-boxes nearest them.

The assault went well. The Hiwi platoon were forced to make a run over the causeway to the furthest reaches of Pouppeville as the forward pillboxes put up little resistance at all. Expected German reinforcements failed to arrive and this left the Paras free to finish the job off by taking Pouppeville. Bravely, they charged across the causeway as the Hiwi Mauser fire was delivered at them. But the fire was poorly directed indeed and the Americans closed in on their enemy. In what was a brief fight within the buildings, the Paras overwhelmed the Ukrainians and succeeded in taking their objective just within the time constraints allowed. Casualties amounted to around 40 Ukrainians (1 GREN step and 2 x strongpoints) and 25 Americans (1 PARA step).

Not enough going on here for me and simply rated a 1 as really not that interesting. I hate giving '1' ratings as I still have fun, but it does rate very low in my alltime PG play. OK, with a mate its 'amusing', but has little else going for it. Don't recommend as a starter game for a newbie, it simply does not show the charm of the system

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