Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Airborne IE #15
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2022-12-02
Language English
Scenario AirI015

This was the end of my long day off marathon session...and it was quite the scenario to end on. I probably over-rated this one a tad due to the necessary errata. German reinforcements enter the map from an area that is out of play. For my purposes I had them enter there and walk into the in play area. Others had them come in from one of the roads behind the German lines, but this removed some of the delay in their entrance which I did not like, so I went with my way. That all being said...

Americans and Germans both have very powerful OBA in this scenario, which drive their actions. Americans are even more powerful than the Germans but they are both strong enough to make surviving on the board quite difficult. The Germans set up 2 base 11 stacks in the target middle and target northern town. These are going to sit and wait until the American plans reveal themselves before moving out. The southern area has the strongest German presence, with Gren and Gren reduced stacks in both of the woods hexes, and the ENG sitting in the town. The rest sits in reserve. The German plan is to try and feel out the Americans, while their reinforcements arrive. Just sit tight, and try to live.

Americans advance from the east. They leave their arty behind as they cannot advance past one hex onto the map, but paired with the 81s they still can get on the 16 column. They let the artillery lead the way, with 56 column OBA blasts thinning out the Germans in the woods before they gather up to assault. The surviving Germans are sticky and hold off the American assaults for a couple turns as the German reserve and reinforcements gather behind the hedge line adjacent to the woods, ready to pounce once the first line dissolves. They also move the 11 stacks in the towns towards the hedgeline north of the woods, overlooking the fields.

Americans are kind of stuck there, not really wanting to clear out the Germans from the woods lest they get butchered afterwards, but they have to push forward and then they take on all the fire in the world. Most hold, but enough units demoralize and flee, and the rest of the game ends up with the Germans pursuing and harrassing these with arty fire accumulating step losses. Both sides lose more than 9, mostly from OBA and the game ends in a draw, both sides having "won".

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