Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Skipping through the hedges with pointed fingers shouting "Pew! Pew! Pew!"
Author Shad
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2010-06-23
Language English
Scenario AirI004

My morning routine consists of thrice-weekly exercise sessions before heading to work, and twice-weekly lazy mornings spent reading the news and swilling coffee. It occurred to me this week that I was wasting a perfectly good opportunity to play wargames before the rest of the family (save the Cat Mafia) wakes up... so I played AirI004 over two such lazy mornings this week - great!

Play: solo Time: ~70 minutes Notes: I ignored the hidden units rule

Initial Deployment

No surprises on the set up, other than the fact that I chose to ignore the hidden unit option. With two hexes to control (one of which is a town) and few men at hand, the Americans resolved to move deftly and swiftly and shoot everyone right in the balls.

The Battle Develops

My Airborne plays are developing an odd pattern wherein the Americans will experience an early stunning success that makes it look like the win will be easily attained, and then find themselves slogging to a hard-won draw. Totally lame.

Anyway, my men had these past experiences in mind when they rushed out of the hedges in force on Turn 6 and surrounded the first objective, the town in h0604.

Firing at column 16 on the Direct Fire table (-2 town, +2 adjacent, with all hands firing) the brave PARAs rolled... snakeeyes (2X)!

An entire GREN platoon fell dead, and suddenly the Americans had a chance. With 20 more turns to wear down the town and capture the road checkpoint, things were looking great.

Yet, unable to gain further traction against a 1-10-1 German CAPT holding the town defense together, the PARAs broke off the attack and headed for the second objective - the roadblock. Between the first objective town and the roadblock is another town, which was occupied by the German reserve force of an 81mm, reduced GREN, and 0-8-1 LT.

How do you say 'Oops?' in German?

By Turn 11 the Americans had reached the second town's perimeter. In a panic, LT of the understrength reserve force ordered his 81mm to fire on the adjacent attackers. They missed, of course, and dropped a nice fat shell right on their own heads...

  1. roll for friendly-fire, DR 1 = hit
  2. roll for friendly-fire strength, DR 4 = 12 column on Bombardment Table
  3. roll for result, DR 12 = M2 check
  4. apply M2 check = LT passes, 81mm disrupted, Reduced GREN demoralized
  5. sustained applause from the Americans

Making the most of the opportunity, the Americans assaulted the very next turn (12) but again could not gain any traction once engaged.

A reserve unit was sent around to secure the roadblock for the Americans (1 of 2 key hexes) and eventually the assault was abandoned as time began to run short.

Final Attempt

With only a few hours left to fight, the Americans walked away from German Company Stupid and returned to the first town (0604) to try and capture the last victory hex. The initial assault cost them half a PARA platoon and from that point on they simply lacked the oomph needed to dislodge the Germans.

The Germans, while able to capably defend the town, also found themselves missing the strength needed to evict the Americans.

With an hour to go, and neither side having a chance at victory, the battle was ended and the draw accepted.


  • Result: draw

Shad's Thoughts

I only rated this scenario 2/5 because I never saw much hope for the American side, but conversely the Germans lack the strength to prevent assaults tying up the victory hexes and therefore also cannot win. I think only incompetence or extreme dicerolling can lead to victory for either side in this battle.

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