Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Airborne IE # 14
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2022-12-02
Language English
Scenario AirI014

This is another quick little Airborne scenario that has the Americans commanding a force that normally would be not at all noteworthy but feels exceptionally powerful compared to the rest in this module. They also finally have an American sized helping of OBA...

Anyways, Americans have to clear 2 town hexes and then the exit road hex along a single line. They dont have much time to do so, so they have to advance quickly rather than dong time consuming manuevers through the hedges which is the flavor of the day in this module. The Germans have to inflict step losses or stop the Americans but dont have much to do it with.

American set up and plan is rather straightforward, use the superior fire values and combined arms/engineer bonuses to sweep the towns. The Germans... play much like the Japanese in Guadalcanal actually. Your only hope is to set up as many fire chances to roll a snake eyes, or assault chances to roll a 6 as you can, and hope you build up the body count for VCs. Luckily they get 2 combat modifiers on their leader rolls, so they can make one gren a base 7 and the other gren and hmg red stack a base 11. They also set up a reduced gren and mortar platoon west of the towns with sight lines down the road, hoping to either stall part of the American force two or three turns to deal with them or suffer open sides bombardment in their staging grounds for the assaults. They leave the northern road exit empty, conceding it to the Americans if they can get someone out to claim it. More firepower, more base 7 and 11 column shots, more chances for X afterall.

They also set up the 50 in the northern town and hope to keep the tanks away or maybe get some lucky shots at them if they are used to assault the southern town. It ended up not getting any hits, so it seemed like an afterthought when writing this.

German plan worked due to the die rolls. Probably one of the only times they win this one. Ended up getting 6 step losses on the Americans, and holding the northern town, although it would fall in another turn or two if play continued past the turn limit.

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