Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Another close run
Author Brett Nicholson
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2014-01-16
Language English
Scenario AirI014

It looked like a sure thing for an American victory in this one but one platoon of grenadiers were able to hold out to the very end against heavy odds. It really came down to the last turn and activation.

The American attack did not begin well as the OBA did not initially deliver the results needed to weaken and break down a very small, outnumbered German force holding on to two towns and a road. Both sides also had a somewhat lopsided leader draw; the American leaders got all combat modifiers but no morale modifiers whereas it was the opposite for the Germans -all morale but no combat modifiers. The American attack was divided in two parts; most units attempting to take the town in hex 0604 while a smaller detachment advanced further ahead to knock out a 50mm AT gun dug-in by the objective road. The plan was for both groups to merge for a final assault on the other town in hex 0803. It seemed like a lot for the American forces to take on in just 12 turns. Eventually German resistance did crumble but one GREN unit refused to give way in town hex 0604, continually rallying from demoralization and disruption back to good order while defending in an assault. All other German leaders and units were either eliminated or had fled demoralized into the surrounding hedgerows. It came down to the Germans having to eliminate just one more American step to win and the Americans had to hope that the demoralized GREN unit in the town would fail it's recovery attempt and flee the town. The GREN recovers back to disrupted status and holds on. In desperation American OBA is called in on the assault hex, taking the risk of eliminating one it's own demoralized units giving the Germans the win. American morale checks are passed and the Germans get an M2 result on their units. The German Lieutenant is eliminated but the GREN unit just barely makes it so this battle ends in yet another 'Airborne' draw.

I believe this one could go either way though American OBA is quite capable of packing a heavy punch with 1 x 24 and 2 x 16 increments available. However, with just 12 turns and 3 objectives the Americans have to act fast. I was pleasantly surprised with the way this one turned out and give it a solid "4". I also believe it has a great replay value in either a solo or shared match.

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