Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Germans trudge through the swamp and are greeted by a hail of American bullets.
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2011-02-20
Language English
Scenario AirI009


German forces begin a mere 600m to the east from the awaiting Americans forces.

The Germans remain unspotted as they move through the swamp. After 30 minutes they come face to barrel with the Americans! The first two German platoons are instantly vaporised!

Germans are completely shaken, they decide to gamble moving 2HMG and a GREN next to the American forces.

Play note: The first two American Op Fire rolls were (1,1) and (1,2) resulting in a 3X and 2X! The mission could have instantly ended here as the Surrender Roll had an almost 50% chance of succeeding. Luckily for the Germans it didn’t and the battle continued

Americans win initiative but their fire is ineffectual (German commander “About time!”). Germans counter-attack and eliminate half a paratroop platoon.

Germans still don’t surrender and manage to kill the American Lieutenant. By the 1.5 hour mark the first dug-n American reduced platoon is demoralized and flees to the west.

The Germans still don’t surrender and American fire reduces one of their HMGs.

Now at the two hour mark, the second HMG is also reduced through compound morale failure.

Getting desperate, the Germans launch an assault and the paratroopers are reduced and eliminated trying to flee.

The Germans still don’t surrender, but they are disrupted by adjacent American fire from the Lock.

In the final minutes, the Germans launch an assault comprised of a lone half HMG platoon against the lock to break the American control. The assaulting German unit is demoralized and eliminated.

Americans hold the lock at the game end and only suffered 3 steps of casualties.



A very quick and tight battle. The German surrender rule is brutal. Although the dice were against the Americans, odds are that they should have succeeded in forcing a German surrender.

Germans are forced to advance to close range as long as the Americans don’t engage in long range fire (remain unspotted). Consequently the Op Fire is particularly brutal, aided by two fantastic American rolls.

This battle has very little time or scope for ‘alternative’ tactics, but can be used to teach a new player about Op Fire, Spotting and how deadly adjacent fire is! It is also very hard for the Germans to win/draw.

Scenario Rating: 2/5 – unbalanced, but quick and clean. Limited replay value.

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