Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
  • - 6120 valid AARs remaining
  • - Found 163 AARs for game filter
  • - 161 AARs passed all filters selected

South Flank (161 AARs)
2012-06-28 pmaidhof English KurS001 3/5 Berezov Bound, K: SF #1
2012-07-06 scrane English KurS001 4/5 Serendipity?
2012-07-08 Blackcloud6 English KurS001 4/5 The start of a long hard road.
2012-08-20 Matt W English KurS001 4/5 Heavyweight
2012-12-27 davidthedad English KurS001 3/5 History repeats itself.
2012-12-31 gulatum English KurS001 4/5 Twelve Nerve-Wracking Turns to Victory
2015-05-16 buetowmt English KurS001 4/5 Berezov Bound Up.
2015-09-11 waynebaumber English KurS001 4/5 Good quick play scenario
2016-02-14 thomaso827 English KurS001 4/5 Bogged Down in the Mud
2024-02-25 Grognard Gunny English KurS001 3/5 Better and better!
2012-06-28 JayTownsend English KurS002 4/5 Kursk South Flank, scenario #2: Gremuchii Town
2012-09-05 Matt W English KurS002 4/5 Good things come in small packages
2012-10-09 campsawyer English KurS002 4/5 Good lines of fire
2012-10-09 Hugmenot English KurS002 3/5 German Leaders did not Earn their Pay
2013-01-15 davidthedad English KurS002 4/5 keep the eye on the prize
2013-01-16 gulatum English KurS002 4/5 Entrenchments, Lucky Dice, and Little Time= Soviet Major Victory
2013-02-15 scrane English KurS002 3/5 To the point of exhaustion
2015-02-21 t1M0t8yk English KurS002 3/5 First PG play ever
2015-11-16 waynebaumber English KurS002 3/5 Solid PG fare
2016-03-11 thomaso827 English KurS002 4/5 Punch Drunk
2019-04-30 SARACV3 English KurS002 5/5 An Incredible Die Rolling Event
2020-05-05 petergarnett English KurS002 5/5 Down to the Last Die Rolls
2022-12-30 John_S1973 English KurS002 4/5 So close and yet way too far...
2024-03-02 Grognard Gunny English KurS002 3/5 Only by a hair!
2012-07-06 campsawyer English KurS003 4/5 Kursk off with a bang
2012-10-14 Matt W English KurS003 5/5 Fireworks
2013-02-20 davidthedad English KurS003 5/5 Endurance
2013-02-28 gulatum English KurS003 4/5 I Hate Mud
2015-10-28 waynebaumber English KurS003 4/5 A muddy end to this German thrust
2020-11-21 t1M0t8yk English KurS003 3/5 Kursk the way you've heard
2024-03-11 Grognard Gunny English KurS003 4/5 Interesting problem.
2012-07-07 scrane English KurS004 5/5 There aren't enough superlatives
2012-10-21 Matt W English KurS004 4/5 Prey
2013-04-05 gulatum English KurS004 3/5 Bled Dry
2019-03-15 waynebaumber English KurS004 3/5 SS stopped in their tracks
2012-10-05 scrane English KurS005 4/5 SS Smackdown
2012-12-05 Matt W English KurS005 5/5 Sippin' Whiskey
2013-07-03 davidthedad English KurS005 4/5 I Hated this scenario.
2013-07-06 gulatum English KurS005 4/5 Really Russian Marginal Victory
2013-07-28 waynebaumber English KurS005 4/5 Manhandled more like badly handled
2013-07-27 davidthedad English KurS006 4/5 Chain of command
2013-07-30 gulatum English KurS006 4/5 What's your Opponent's Morale?
2013-07-31 Matt W English KurS006 4/5 Doin' the Wave
2013-08-01 Matt W English KurS007 4/5 Bring up the reinforcements, NO! Not that far!
2013-08-19 davidthedad English KurS007 5/5 Fear of the unknown.
2013-08-24 gulatum English KurS007 5/5 A Last Turn Victory
2013-08-03 Matt W English KurS008 3/5 Caesar would recognize it
2013-10-14 davidthedad English KurS008 4/5 Drive Pass the Objective, then Engulf It.
2013-10-26 gulatum English KurS008 3/5 Set-up Blues: Part I
2022-03-04 JayTownsend English KurS008 3/5 Kursk, South Flank: scenario #8: Strongpoint Bol’shoe Maiachki
2024-08-30 scrane English KurS008 3/5 A bloody draw
2012-08-20 scrane English KurS009 3/5 Elbow room
2012-09-08 Matt W English KurS009 3/5 Playing It Safe
2013-10-26 davidthedad English KurS009 3/5 Not even Close
2013-10-26 gulatum English KurS009 3/5 Set-up Blues: Part II
2014-12-20 Poor Yorek English KurS009 3/5 Nothing Wrong with Death's Head's Gunnery
2016-07-10 thomaso827 English KurS009 4/5 Bad Day for Ivan
2012-07-12 scrane English KurS010 3/5 Another tough nut to crack
2012-08-28 J6A English KurS010 4/5 Running into a brick wall
2013-02-05 JayTownsend English KurS010 4/5 Kursk South Flank, scenario #10: Recon on the Run
2013-08-04 Matt W English KurS010 3/5 Make 'em dance to your tune
2013-11-17 gulatum English KurS010 3/5 Playing by the rules
2016-07-11 thomaso827 English KurS010 4/5 Failure in Aggression
2022-12-28 John_S1973 English KurS010 3/5 One Sided German Victory
2023-02-12 elfram2 English KurS010 3/5 brave comrades hold off huns
2012-09-26 rerathbun English KurS011 3/5 Not So Strongpoint
2013-02-03 Hugmenot English KurS011 3/5 Soviets Position a Tough Nut to Crack
2013-11-25 gulatum English KurS011 3/5 Set Piece Scenario
2017-03-29 thomaso827 English KurS011 5/5 They Tried But They Couldnt Do It!
2012-07-07 campsawyer English KurS012 4/5 Second time is a charm
2013-12-24 davidthedad English KurS012 5/5 Two towns seperated by 5 km of hills and fields
2014-01-12 gulatum English KurS012 4/5 Initial Dispositions Matter!
2012-08-27 campsawyer English KurS013 4/5 One good defense deserves another
2013-08-18 Matt W English KurS013 5/5 By the skin of their teeth
2014-01-06 davidthedad English KurS013 5/5 Acting Like a Novice
2014-01-12 gulatum English KurS013 4/5 Initial Dispositions Matter! Part II
2014-04-25 waynebaumber English KurS013 4/5 Soviets win bloody victory
2012-08-29 rerathbun English KurS014 3/5 Pushing Hard, But Not Hard Enough
2012-11-05 patman English KurS014 3/5 Not hard enough either...
2014-01-22 davidthedad English KurS014 4/5 A Steady Strike Up the Middle
2014-02-01 gulatum English KurS014 3/5 Another Stupid Defensive Set-Up
2022-07-09 JayTownsend English KurS014 4/5 Kursk, South Flank: scenario #14: Pushing Hard
2012-07-15 JayTownsend English KurS015 4/5 Kursk South Flank, scenario #15: Stopping the Onslaught
2013-09-18 scrane English KurS015 3/5 No, it's not a retreat, it's a major victory!
2014-02-01 gulatum English KurS015 4/5 Aggression Paid Off
2015-09-03 t1M0t8yk English KurS015 3/5 tough assignment for Soviets
2018-12-04 Blackcloud6 English KurS015 4/5 Roll up the Flank
2022-12-30 John_S1973 English KurS015 3/5 Happy hunting!
2012-09-10 Matt W English KurS016 3/5 Long To Do List
2014-02-03 davidthedad English KurS016 4/5 My opponent left the field before sunrise
2014-02-19 gulatum English KurS016 2/5 Fumbling Around in the Dark
2012-06-30 JayTownsend English KurS017 4/5 Kursk South Flank, scenario #17: Live and Let Die
2014-02-15 petermc English KurS017 4/5 Fairly easy German win
2014-02-19 gulatum English KurS017 4/5 I Blame Goering
2015-08-16 ParaMarine English KurS017 3/5 Little kessel
2013-08-31 Matt W English KurS018 3/5 Heavyweight
2014-03-01 davidthedad English KurS018 3/5 To die without a purpuse is not honorable.
2014-04-17 gulatum English KurS018 3/5 Pointless slaughter
2012-07-21 campsawyer English KurS019 4/5 Red Russians bleed white
2014-04-17 gulatum English KurS019 4/5 An Aptly Named Scenario
2012-08-02 campsawyer English KurS020 5/5 Number 200
2014-01-16 Matt W English KurS020 4/5 Underperfroming History
2014-07-14 gulatum English KurS020 5/5 A Russian Victory! Urrah!
2019-11-29 NBGB English KurS020 4/5 Late Reinforcements mean victory lost
2012-08-24 campsawyer English KurS021 3/5 Defense reversed on the Soviets
2014-01-28 Matt W English KurS021 5/5 Late arrivals will not be seated until after the intermission
2014-09-08 gulatum English KurS021 3/5 Too many Soviets!
2023-10-10 NBGB English KurS021 4/5 Exit for Victory
2014-02-15 Matt W English KurS022 4/5 Scylla and Charybdis
2014-09-08 gulatum English KurS022 2/5 Like sheep before wolves
2016-03-01 Proff3RTR English KurS022 4/5 And the Earth leapt skywards!
2014-12-29 gulatum English KurS023 4/5 Too Few Germans!
2014-07-22 Matt W English KurS024 4/5 Roll Fourth
2014-12-29 gulatum English KurS024 4/5 A Minor Victory is still a Victory
2012-08-26 rerathbun English KurS025 4/5 Lesson Learned Too Slowly
2012-08-26 J6A English KurS025 3/5 Somebody learned lessons, but it wasn't me.
2012-12-27 campsawyer English KurS025 3/5 Time for more lessons
2012-12-27 vince hughes English KurS025 3/5 Deadly Tank Fire Decides The Outcome
2015-01-07 davidthedad English KurS025 4/5 Lower Moral Sucks
2015-04-13 gulatum English KurS025 4/5 Vacationing Germans
2023-02-22 t1M0t8yk English KurS025 3/5 unbalanced
2014-05-04 Matt W English KurS026 3/5 Cleaning Up
2014-12-23 Poor Yorek English KurS026 4/5 Bloody Nose, Maybe, but not Stymied
2015-04-13 gulatum English KurS026 3/5 Stymied? Ha!
2014-05-26 Matt W English KurS027 5/5 If you want something done right you have to do it yourself
2015-04-13 gulatum English KurS027 4/5 Sneaky Russians
2022-06-09 Blackcloud6 English KurS027 5/5 A Hill & Town too Far
2012-09-06 Matt W English KurS028 4/5 Hog Heaven
2013-08-06 joe_oppenheimer English KurS028 3/5 Good Infantry heavy fight
2014-12-20 waynebaumber English KurS028 3/5 SS to tough (and lucky) for the Red Army
2015-04-13 gulatum English KurS028 4/5 Lucky Dice
2015-08-19 ParaMarine English KurS028 5/5 Schwerpunkt success and a steady grind
2012-09-20 Matt W English KurS029 4/5 Piecemeal
2013-11-16 rerathbun English KurS029 3/5 Depressing for the SS
2015-06-09 gulatum English KurS029 2/5 Early Blunder
2013-05-11 campsawyer English KurS030 4/5 Plenty of tanks, but not infantry
2015-06-09 gulatum English KurS030 5/5 And Die They Did (Well, at least a few)
2021-03-04 JayTownsend English KurS030 4/5 Kursk: South Flank, scenario Thirty: The Day the Tigers Died
2016-03-02 gulatum English KurS031 5/5 Foggy Memory of the Actual Game
2012-07-02 JayTownsend English KurS032 5/5 Kursk South Flank, scenario #32: Purple Haze
2014-04-27 Matt W English KurS032 4/5 Never watch sausage being made
2016-03-02 gulatum English KurS032 5/5 Finally: Learning How to Win as the Russian
2012-07-03 JayTownsend English KurS033 5/5 Kursk South Flank, scenario #33: Struggle at Storozhevoe
2014-03-16 Matt W English KurS033 5/5 Fought Out
2015-08-25 ParaMarine English KurS033 4/5 Bloody day ends with Russians victorious
2016-03-31 gulatum English KurS033 4/5 Germans Hold Storozhevoe
2015-08-19 waynebaumber English KurS034 3/5 Once again another easy victory for the Germans at Kursk
2016-11-05 gulatum English KurS034 4/5 Timid Armor; Reckless Infantry
2016-11-05 gulatum English KurS035 5/5 Didn't Do & Dead
2012-07-03 JayTownsend English KurS036 5/5 Kursk South Flank, scenario #36: Watching Those Old Raindrops Fall
2017-01-20 gulatum English KurS036 4/5 A Sloppy, Rainy, Lucky Victory
2013-03-04 leonard English KurS037 4/5 Veni, vidi but not vici...
2017-04-21 gulatum English KurS037 3/5 Foolish forward defense
2012-07-04 JayTownsend English KurS038 3/5 Kursk South Flank, scenario #38: Dueling with Death’s Head
2017-04-21 gulatum English KurS038 5/5 A Tough Nut to Crack
2017-04-21 gulatum English KurS039 4/5 Morale Matters
2012-06-28 JayTownsend English KurS040 4/5 Kursk South Flank, scenario #40: Mikhailovka Town
2012-09-08 campsawyer English KurS040 2/5 There is always a bad one in the bunch
2012-09-09 vince hughes English KurS040 3/5 Darn 76.2mm Outlasts German Patience
2016-07-13 thomaso827 English KurS040 5/5 Reversal of Fortune
2017-05-30 gulatum English KurS040 4/5 No bangs, just whimpers
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