Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
One good defense deserves another
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2012-08-27
Language English
Scenario KurS013

After the Misfire series of scenarios, I found one with the Germans attacking and though let's see how the Germans can deal with a big defensive situation by the Soviets. My initial thoughts were the RKKA troops would break and run at the sight of the German assault force. Given that the Germans have 29 SCH's and 5 Tigers in the scenario, I believed that they could not be stopped, but my RKKA troops put up quite the fight against the SS troops.

The OoB of both sides are massive and if you like hardware you will get your fill. For the Germans 5 Tiger platoons, 10 PzIIIj's as well as PzIVF2 and 'H' models Stug's and captured T34's. The Soviets have plenty of onboard artillery, 4 120mm and 4 81mm mortars as well as 76.2mm and 45mm and 57mm AT's. Soviet tanks include all flavors of T34 as lend lease Churchills. For men, Soviet FLM and many SMG units and HMG units, the Germans have the 29 SCH as well as plenty of HMGs and ENGs. In my play leaders for both sides were good will many modifiers.

The Soviets have the setup and control the major towns on board 38 and board 37. In my setup the Soviets mass there RKKA troops around the town on 38. Entrenchments and mines hold key hexes while dugin troops of ring the town. Artillery are dugin on the hills given the Soviet units key defensive support. AT guns are sprinkled around the dugin line and dominated 85mm guns are in key entrenchments in the Soviet line as well as the hill to the east of the town.

On board 37, Soviet Guards setup in advance positions in front of the town on board 37. T-34's and Churchills are dugin in the fields with the SMG's supporting. 76.2mm guns are stationed in entrenchments directly in front of the town giving very effective fire support against German infantry. But both setups leave a gap that is between the two boards that the Germans will attempt to exploit. A small group of Germans will push on to board 38 to try to take the small town on the corner to springboard to the western hill of board 38. Taking these should allow the German main force to move behind the Soviets on board 38 and attack the rear as well as clear the road on board 39. To block the Soviet Guards on board 37, tanks and SCH will cover the advance from the fields on board 36. At least that was the plan.

To start the advance the Soviets get two IL-2m's loitering over the attack. Undaunted, the Germans advance with two companies toward the small town on board 38, Tigers and PzIVH support the attack, but the IL-2m's go after the Tigers with devastating results, one Tiger platoon destroyed. Soviet fire opens on the attacking Germans with equal effects, morale checks and step losses on every fire roll. The Germans reel from the fire reduced and demoralized. Leaders are powerless and break as well.

The Germans need to call in forces from the main attack and they too are hit with casualties, but the RKKA units hold firm. Four companies and supporting tanks are committed, but the RKKA units hold. Not until Tigers are driven right into the town does it fall. But there is four companies of SCH that need time to recover.

From the hills and the town artillery and AT take a toll as well. The PzIVH's support are wiped out by the Soviet 85mm guns as well as heavy HMG fire keeping other SCH's away from the hills. German OBA trys to dislodge the 85mm but fails to break the unit. It is not until the commanding Major is killed does the 85mm get silenced, and even then it is temporary.

With the assault force broken, more troops from the main force are committed to the attack on the western hill. They eventually get a foothold and the Soviet losses mount, but equal amounts of Germans are kill, forcing them to lose one of the victory conditions. The Germans have the town and the hill to hinge there main force around the Soviets. But the main force is weakened as well as the defensive force to hold against the Guards.

The Guards have not be waiting for their turn. They advanced t-34's to go after lead elements of the German main force, with success. The T-34's are able to kill a PzIIIj that ventures too far ahead. Captured T-34's are dispatched to fight them and a dead even fight breaks out. In the end both sides take hits but the Germans loses 3 T-34's to 2 for the Soviets, but SCH threaten to cut them off. Under cover of the Soviet guns the T-34's retreat.

The main force begins there move through the gap, but the Soviets have shifted troops out of the town on board 38 to cover the gap. The Germans now have to deal with them in their dugin positions. SCH's advance to attack, but Soviet Guard SMG's move to flank the German attack. Quickly mounted SCH's position for defense, but Churchills takeout their transports SPW251's leaving them weakened and assaults tie up the units, but some SMG's breakthrough. This delays the attack on the RKKA units as the SCH's are diverted to stop the Guards. Tanks push onto the RKKA defenses. Heavy assaults take a toll on the PzIIIj's but the Soviets are forced to retreat. But time is running out and the Germans are strung out in their attack.

The Germans try to push on but in the end the German force is spent and they spend the rest of the game trying to consolidate their forces for an attack, but there just isn't enough time. In the end a Major German victory.

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