Author |
Method |
Solo |
Victor |
Soviet Union |
Play Date |
2016-07-11 |
Language |
English |
Scenario |
Once again the numbers looked like a walkover for one side, the Germans this time, proving I give too much credence to having a Tiger unit. Germans must take as much of a 4-hex town as possible with their recon unit, which includes a single step Tiger I unit, a Pz III (scenario says to use a IIIF, but none are present and the errata say to use a IIIG instead), a Pz II (I presume that one is a Lynx later model Pz II), halftracks with AA and AT guns, motorcycle infantry, halftrack and kubelwagen mounted infantry, an engineer and an HMG. Soviets have a T-34B, a T-34C and a T-70, along with a 76.2 and 57mm AT guns with their KMS tows, a few infantry, an HMG, a mortar and an AT rifle. I set up the Soviets in the town, with one T-34 out front dug in the fields hoping for a flank shot on passing German armor, the other T-34 and the T-70 dug in along with the mortar in the fields behind the town, and placed the mines at the 8 and 10 o'clock positions west of the town, the infantry and HMG in the north town hex, an infantry and the 76.2 in the western town hex, the 57mm and an infantry in the south town hex, and the AT rifle with the Major in the west where they could activate the rest of the town at once or react and assist in defending against assaults. Lady luck was not with the Germans today. They succeeded in taking out the forward T-34 quickly enough but not before it and fire from the 76.2 killed the Pz II. German infantry dismounted while the motorcycle troops moved to try to assault that forward T-34, and a good shot from the Sdkfz 251/9 took a step from that forward T-34 making it easier prey for the motorcycle troops to finish off the next turn. The SS were anything but aggressive as they moved towards the town. 10 turns isn't a lot of time to advance on foot and risk those mines, but it gets even worse when the dice turn against them and the German CO dies while the troops all around him are trying to organize the move from 2 hexes out to assault the first 2 hexes west and south in the town. Soviet anti-personnel fire from the two guns along with the infantry in the western 3 town hexes chewed up the Germans as they were desperately trying to regroup. The fire from the Tiger was having little effect while the second T-34 charged forward around the north side of town and the T-70 came around the south. The T-70 moved out just a little bit too far, anxious to get some shots at the unarmored German halftrack on that flank, and ended up losing both steps to a good shot from the Tiger, but time was running out and the Germans hadn't even made contact with the town yet. Game ended with the end of turn 7, the German infantry at 80% disrupted or worse, and the town's defenders still fully intact. I saw no way to crack that nut in the remaining turns, with a high probability that the Soviets would continue to pound the German troops while the Germans tried to recover. Great short scenario.