Author |
(Soviet Union) |
Method |
Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat |
Victor |
Soviet Union |
Participants |
gulatum (AAR) |
Play Date |
2013-10-26 |
Language |
English |
Scenario |
The Soviets entered in mass in the southwest corner of the battlefield driving north to capture entrance to the northern fields and control of both sides of the road. The 3 German infantry units and the 50mm AT gun were quickly displaced and destroyed by the Soviet tanks as the Soviet infantry raced forward in order to dislodge any remaining German units on the Western side of the battlefield. 2 Soviet tanks drove east along the southern edge into the eastern section rapidly approaching the town which was left with only 75mm/IQ and 2 mortar units to defend it. German reinforcements were late in arriving since the Soviets were already to pounce on the town. The easy Soviet victory was due to poor placement of the defending German units in the setup. Since 7 German steps and 1 officer were captured or destroyed in the first 5 turns. The remaining turns was just a mopping up exercise for the Soviets.