Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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Road to Berlin (148 AARs)
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English RtBr001 5/5 Hungarian forces cross the Danube
2010-08-02 campsawyer English RtBr001 4/5 Let's go swimming with your friends
2010-10-31 Matt W English RtBr001 5/5 And after your feet dry off
2010-12-26 Shad English RtBr001 4/5 Respect the Danube
2010-12-26 Shad English RtBr001 4/5 F--- the Danube
2011-07-18 Bart English RtBr001 3/5 A question of time
2011-12-22 Trapper English RtBr001 3/5 I think I'm going to like this. (Panzer Grenadier)
2017-09-11 Retiredgrunt17 English RtBr001 4/5 Road to Berlin Scenario 1-A Grunt's View AAR
2024-07-14 Grumm English RtBr001 4/5 Death on the Donau
2010-07-05 GeneSteeler English RtBr002 3/5 T-34c no match for the PzV
2012-05-30 Hugmenot English RtBr002 3/5 If you miss, shoot, shoot again
2019-04-25 NBGB English RtBr002 3/5 No infantry required
2010-07-05 GeneSteeler English RtBr003 4/5 Like an axe splitting hairs
2019-04-28 NBGB English RtBr003 3/5 Divide and Conquer
2010-10-31 Matt W English RtBr004 4/5 I got spurs that jingle jangle
2010-11-04 scrane English RtBr004 3/5 Most Ineffective Cavalry Charges Ever!
2010-11-05 KirkH English RtBr004 4/5 A Mexican Standoff
2010-11-05 filbox English RtBr005 5/5 tank battle at Banja
2010-12-26 Shad English RtBr005 3/5 Anti-climax
2011-09-14 Ifig English RtBr005 5/5 Très violent
2012-01-14 JayTownsend English RtBr005 4/5 Road to Berlin, scenario #5: Tank Battle at Bajna
2012-01-22 enrique Español RtBr005 5/5 Un escenario inolvidable
2015-09-04 waynebaumber English RtBr005 4/5 The thin red line, bends, buckles and finally breaks.
2011-09-13 filbox English RtBr007 3/5 Viking Renewed
2010-07-06 waynebaumber English RtBr008 2/5 Gran River
2010-08-02 campsawyer English RtBr008 4/5 End of Szt. Laszlo
2010-08-02 enrique English RtBr009 5/5 Tigers and Murat style charges
2019-09-25 NBGB English RtBr010 4/5 Sneaky only pays for Capitalist politicians...
2019-09-26 plloyd1010 English RtBr010 3/5 Over the hill and go away
2010-05-24 vince hughes English RtBr011 5/5 Gates Of Komorn - Road To Berlin Scenario 11
2010-07-15 waynebaumber English RtBr011 4/5 Komorn 1 (Solitaire)
2010-07-17 waynebaumber English RtBr011 4/5 Gates of Kormon (FtF)
2015-05-03 Coniglius English RtBr012 3/5 Bloody Zamoly
2011-03-20 JayTownsend English RtBr013 4/5 Road to Berlin, scenario #13: Red Rampage
2010-11-14 campsawyer English RtBr014 4/5 Holding for Prussian honor
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English RtBr016 4/5 Road to Berlin, Scenario #16, South of Warsaw
2011-03-05 vince hughes English RtBr016 1/5 If You Want To Commit Suicide, Make A Move
2011-03-05 waynebaumber English RtBr016 2/5 Stalemate
2013-12-15 enrique Español RtBr017 5/5 RtB - Escenario 17
2010-11-05 KirkH English RtBr018 4/5 The Axis Rebound
2016-11-16 CraigA English RtBr018 4/5 Tigers to the attack
2011-06-08 Poor Yorek English RtBr019 5/5 SS just a bit too slow
2012-04-13 TheDoctor English RtBr019 5/5 Too Slow Tigers
2012-11-05 patman English RtBr019 5/5 Louis CK airport
2016-11-24 CraigA English RtBr019 4/5 Death in the snow
2025-01-20 filbox English RtBr019 4/5 Székesfehérvàr Airport
2010-07-18 waynebaumber English RtBr020 1/5 Sorry Vince for picking this one
2010-08-02 campsawyer English RtBr020 2/5 Infantry, we don't need no stinking Infantry
2010-10-15 vince hughes English RtBr020 1/5 Newbies - Steer Clear !
2012-08-28 Matt W English RtBr020 2/5 Unlearnt Lesson
2018-01-10 Retiredgrunt17 English RtBr020 4/5 Nat A Sunday Drive
2010-08-05 waynebaumber English RtBr021 4/5 A not so quiet sector
2010-08-05 vince hughes English RtBr021 3/5 Which Part Of The Sector Is Quiet Herr Oberst ?
2022-05-30 waynebaumber English RtBr022 3/5 The Air Force tips the balance
2011-12-28 von wildensee English RtBr024 4/5 1st Guards Army Stopped in their Tracks
2011-11-12 von wildensee English RtBr026 4/5 Scenario 26 - Ad Hoc or Battles of the Oder Bridgeheads
2012-01-10 RexMcL English RtBr026 3/5 Scenario 26: Ad Hoc
2012-08-14 Matt W English RtBr026 4/5 Rorke's Drift
2015-01-02 thomaso827 English RtBr026 4/5 Clankity Clank, I'm a Tank
2017-05-10 waynebaumber English RtBr026 2/5 One to forget
2019-01-04 DasReich English RtBr026 3/5 The Germans Use Human Wave Tactics
2011-11-27 von wildensee English RtBr027 3/5 Battle for the Oder Bridgeheads Cont'd - Scen 27 "Oder Flood"
2011-12-02 von wildensee English RtBr028 4/5 Battle of the Oder Bridgeheads - Bloody Stalemate for Gen Raegener
2012-01-14 waynebaumber English RtBr028 4/5 Fun Scenario
2012-01-14 captwoosey English RtBr028 4/5 Hero lives up to his name
2012-08-14 Matt W English RtBr028 4/5 Well HE was a hero...
2015-03-14 thomaso827 English RtBr028 4/5 More Heroes Today
2015-09-12 ChrisH English RtBr028 3/5 The Soviets Hold On.
2015-09-12 KirkH English RtBr028 4/5 German Frustration
2019-01-03 DasReich English RtBr028 3/5 A Weak German Attack Falters
2011-12-11 von wildensee English RtBr029 3/5 Battle for the Oder Bridgeheads Cont'd - Russians evicted from our Sektor! Und you?
2011-11-18 enrique Español RtBr030 4/5 Victoria contra pronóstico de los "Panther"
2011-12-17 von wildensee English RtBr030 5/5 Panthers No Match for the Soviet Human Wave
2012-11-21 Matt W English RtBr030 3/5 The Concerto was a Dirge
2019-01-01 Blackcloud6 English RtBr030 5/5 Desperate Cats
2010-10-31 Matt W English RtBr031 4/5 Gee, Buildings are Tall!
2010-11-05 KirkH English RtBr031 4/5 Discretion is The Better Part of Valor
2011-12-20 von wildensee English RtBr031 4/5 KS Dresden Cadets Prove Their Mettle
2012-08-10 enrique Español RtBr031 2/5 ¿Por qué?
2013-09-24 Matt W English RtBr031 4/5 Into the Woods
2013-09-25 vince hughes English RtBr031 3/5 An Agreeable Draw
2011-05-11 JayTownsend English RtBr032 3/5 Road to Berlin, scenario #32: Luck of the 21st Panzer
2011-08-04 caryn English RtBr032 4/5 Panzer Victory
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English RtBr035 4/5 Road to Berlin, Scenario #35, Kutuzov’s Heart
2010-09-23 plloyd1010 English RtBr035 2/5 Cannon before them, cannon beside them, vollied and thundered
2010-10-31 Matt W English RtBr036 3/5 They call it cover because you can't be seen or shot at
2010-11-05 KirkH English RtBr036 2/5 The Konigstigers Roll
2013-12-15 PatC English RtBr037 3/5 Gran Intermezzo RTB #37 or Dance of the lumbering Tiger
2016-04-29 t1M0t8yk English RtBr038 3/5 fun with cavalry
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English RtBr041 3/5 Road to Berlin, Scenario 41, Spring Awakened
2012-11-17 waynebaumber English RtBr041 2/5 Spring awakes not for this Soviet Commander
2012-11-17 vince hughes English RtBr041 3/5 Tempt The Buggers Out Of Hiding !
2010-12-26 Shad English RtBr043 5/5 ...running like crazed ferrets...
2012-08-13 Matt W English RtBr043 3/5 Go Get 'Em, I'll Be Right Behind...
2018-01-27 Retiredgrunt17 English RtBr043 5/5 Spud Guns or Schmeissers
2011-06-13 waynebaumber English RtBr045 3/5 Mud Mud Glorious Mud
2013-04-13 PaperTiger English RtBr047 5/5 Of Mud and Aircraft
2015-10-15 t1M0t8yk English RtBr048 4/5 Soviets couldn't solve the German armor
2012-01-18 JayTownsend English RtBr049 2/5 Road to Berlin, scenario #49: Horses and Tigers
2012-05-07 PaperTiger English RtBr050 3/5 Next Time We'll Bring Some Ammo
2012-05-23 PaperTiger English RtBr052 5/5 Seems Like Old Times
2011-04-03 JayTownsend English RtBr053 4/5 Road to Berlin, scenario #53: Favoritenstrasse
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English RtBr054 5/5 Road to Berlin, Scenario #54, Seelow Heights: The Center
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English RtBr055 3/5 Road to Berlin, Scenario #55, Seelow: The Tank Battle
2011-04-11 Blackcloud6 English RtBr055 4/5 To the Last Die Roll
2015-03-29 vulcan558 English RtBr055 2/5 Predictable Bloodbath
2012-04-13 PaperTiger English RtBr057 3/5 Little Alamoes on a Foggy Field
2012-11-09 Poor Yorek English RtBr058 4/5 Last man standing claims the ground
2012-01-13 RexMcL English RtBr059 2/5 Road to Berlin #59
2011-03-20 JayTownsend English RtBr060 2/5 Road to Berlin, scenario #60: The Ego Unleashed
2017-09-28 Retiredgrunt17 English RtBr060 5/5 RtB Scenario 60
2020-04-13 SARACV3 English RtBr060 4/5 A Long Time Ago
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English RtBr061 5/5 Road to Berlin, Scenario #61, Rautenkranz Bridge
2012-08-28 Matt W English RtBr061 2/5 Don't blink
2013-11-13 vulcan558 English RtBr061 4/5 And the Gods of the Dice smiled...
2014-02-09 JeremyCarney English RtBr061 3/5 The Hetzer dominates
2014-06-07 campsawyer English RtBr063 4/5 Red steamroller
2010-10-02 campsawyer English RtBr064 2/5 A solo effort at best.
2011-11-02 KirkH English RtBr064 2/5 Too Many Ivans
2012-09-03 Poor Yorek English RtBr065 3/5 Just in Time Indeed
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English RtBr066 4/5 Road to Berlin, Scenario #66, Highway to Hell
2012-06-08 PaperTiger English RtBr067 3/5 The Rooskies Just Ain't Fightin' Fair
2011-05-11 JayTownsend English RtBr068 2/5 Road to Berlin, scenario #68: Batteries of the Dead
2011-11-02 KirkH English RtBr068 3/5 Good Shootin' Tex, Or Should I Say Hans?
2011-11-02 KirkH English RtBr068 3/5 Can't Outrun a T-34
2012-01-10 RexMcL English RtBr068 4/5 Road to Berlin #68
2012-08-28 Matt W English RtBr068 3/5 You Can't Get There From Here
2015-02-05 t1M0t8yk English RtBr068 2/5 not much to this one to me
2024-05-27 Blackcloud6 English RtBr068 3/5 The Quick and the Dead
2012-06-26 PaperTiger English RtBr069 3/5 Operation Toehold
2012-07-29 Blackcloud6 English RtBr070 3/5 For a few barrels of gas...
2013-02-14 JayTownsend English RtBr070 3/5 Road to Berlin, scenario #70: Gasoline Alley
2012-01-21 vince hughes English RtBr071 5/5 Horst Wessel Will Be Singing A Few More Choruses Yet
2010-11-05 KirkH English RtBr072 4/5 The Soviets Beat the Kriegsmarine
2011-10-23 Buquis English RtBr072 3/5 With Tons of Love From Russia
2011-11-26 waynebaumber English RtBr072 3/5 Drunk marines fail to impress
2012-04-04 RexMcL English RtBr072 3/5 Road to Berlin: What do you do with a drunken sailor?
2012-04-07 Matt W English RtBr072 3/5 Reeling in the Swamps
2012-04-08 Hugmenot English RtBr072 3/5 Drunken Sailor Is Not a Good Strategist
2014-02-10 JeremyCarney English RtBr072 4/5 Not Your Average Marines
2014-02-17 TheDoctor English RtBr072 3/5 Just Some Weak-Willed Germans
2015-03-26 thomaso827 English RtBr072 4/5 Sailors Not So Drunk Today
2015-05-16 t1M0t8yk English RtBr072 2/5 snoozer "meh" of a scenario
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English RtBr074 4/5 Road to Berlin, Scenario #74, Czech Mate
2010-05-25 rerathbun English RtBr075 3/5 Final Panzer Battle for the Shermans
2010-08-02 campsawyer English RtBr075 3/5 End of the war
2011-09-14 Ifig English RtBr075 4/5 The end
2024-05-29 Blackcloud6 English RtBr075 5/5 Bypass & Surround
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