Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Author Shad
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2009-06-13
Language English
Scenario RtBr005

Shad's Note: I'm dumping in a bunch of my old BGG AARs. If you've followed my "work" on BGG then you've read these before...


As the Soviets, the setup restrictions keep all my AT guns in the center or to the west, and all my armor in the center or to the east. From Turn 13 onward I have a 1/3rd chance of getting some real nasty reinforcements, but until then I'm fairly outclassed.

Because armor is easily moved and guns are not, and because my reinforcements will enter from the east, I overloaded my west end with immobile guns and kept all of my armor to guard the eastern pass from the hilltops and forest. I knew from the start it wouldn't be enough to stop the Germans, but hopefully it would be enough to hold them until my reinforcements arrive to tip the balance decisively in my favor.

As the Germans, I was entering from the north with enough transports such that no one had to walk. I decided to advance in 3 clusters: a spearhead with 90% of my armor, a heavy infantry convoy of SPW251s which are immune to light arms and (nearly so to) bombardment, and a large light infantry convoy of trucks bringing up the rear.

My armor would quickly uncover the best avenue of advance while my transports waited just out of firing range, and then with the armor holding open a channel, the transports would quickly exit to the south before the Soviet fist arrived.

Hour 1 - 0900~1000

Total German Steplosses: 0

Total German Armor Steplosses: 1

Total Soviet Steplosses: 0

Total Soviet Armor Steplosses: 2


We have cautiously entered the battlefield with every foot unit riding something. Most of the armor took the lead in the east, although small armored detachments guard all major force concentrations. Our heavy infantry are concentrated in the center (HMGs & ENGs), the mortars are in the east with a company of supporting infantry, and the bulk of the infantry is in the west.

Two Soviet T-34C platoons were hiding on the edge of the central forest, and managed to damage a Hetzer platoon, but supporting Panther IVHs quickly returned fire - eliminating one entire platoon and driving the other off back into the forest.


One of our two armor scout groups managed to surprise some German Hetzers, but was quickly overwhelmed by Panther fire. The other took up a seemingly good ambush position, only to realize it was now sitting in the center of the German main line of advance. There are far too many units to engage with any hope of survival, and the T-34Cs will have to pull back and quickly.

The rest of our positions must simply sit and watch. We're on defense until the reinforcements arrive...

Hour 2 - 1000~1100

Total German Steplosses: 0

Total German Armor Steplosses: 6

Total Soviet Steplosses: 1

Total Soviet Armor Steplosses: 8


Cautious advance in the center-left has resulted in the destruction of 2 Soviet armor platoons with few losses.

Progress has been slower on the right, as Soviet armor on the edges of a hilltop forest is proving difficult to dislodge. Nevertheless, the battlefield commander is considering the possibility of an end-run between the two large hills in the east.


Our scout forces have been lost, but not without inflicting significant armor losses on the advancing Germans. Even so, our armor will be badly outnumbered and outgunned until the reinforcements arrive. Why aren't the Germans pressing the attack?

Hour 3 - 1100~1200

Total German Steplosses: 2

Total German Armor Steplosses: 11

Total Soviet Steplosses: 4

Total Soviet Armor Steplosses: 24(!)


Fearing the imminent arrival of Soviet reinforcements, the battlefield commander gave the go ahead for an all-out advance.

Soviet armor was well positioned on the edges of hilltop forests, but our superior crews methodically destroyed them with minimal losses.

The infantry convoys have been ordered forward to follow behind the armored thrust, and aside from a few uncharacteristically accurate Soviet artillery barrages, good progress is being made.


Our armor fought valiantly, but in vain. Only a handful of tanks remain and they will soon be destroyed. Several platoons of brave infantry are all that stand between the Germans and victory at this point.

If our reinforcements don't arrive immediately, all will be lost.

Play Note - Beginning now, on a 1d6 result of 5 or 6 the Soviet reinforcements arrive. The T-70s would be more than a match for a badly strung out German infantry convoy trying to quickly squeeze between two large hills.

However, so few Soviet forces remain able to hinder the Germans that if the reinforcements don't arrive essentially immediately, the Nazis will dance right off the map and on to further glories to the south.

Turn 13 - 1200

Reinforcements will NOT be arriving.

The German lead armor closes on the few remaining Soviet troops on either side of the pass. The last of the Soviet armor in the hilltop forest is destroyed. The German infantry convoy puts pedal to metal.

Turn 14 - 1215

Reinforcements will NOT be arriving.

All Soviet armor eliminated, the left half of the German armored front rushes forwards to neutralize the frantically digging-in Soviet infantry. The right half heads for the eastern end of the road to take up defensive positions against any Soviet reinforcements.

Turn 15 - 1230

The Germans have committed to rushing through the pass. If we can get our armor onboard they'll be defenseless! We still have a chance!

Reinforcements will NOT be arriving.

The German player urges his convoy ever forward - faster! faster! We're almost there!

Desperate to slow the Germans down at any cost, 2 platoons of Soviet infantry charge straight across open ground directly at the lead APC column!

Turn 16 - 1245

The brave (stupid?) Soviet infantry platoons run right into the face of the APCs and begin vicious hand-to-hand combat. The German convoy's progress is disrupted, but only for a moment. The rear elements break formation and begin to pass to either side of the small skirmish.

German armor on the east flank now assumes defensive positions along the road. Even if Soviet reinforcements arrive, there's little they can accomplish now.

Turn 17 - 1300

The battle is all but lost. Even so, the Soviet commander refuses to give up. "REINFORCEMENTS!" he screams over the radio. "WHERE THE **** ARE MY REINFORCEMENTS?!?"

Despite the ferocious assault still in progress to their immediate rear, the first wave of German infantry exits the battlefield.

There is precious little the Soviet commander can do at this point, other than to watch.

Turn 18 - 1315

The rear half of the convoy is only minutes away from exit...

The Germans scurry off the board and on to further battles. The remaining Soviet forces - exhausted and hungry - lay down their arms.


German: 15

Soviet: 40

Exited German Steps: 42


Shad's Conclusion

Obviously, the failure of the Soviet reinforcements to arrive in a timely manner was a major disappointment - both in terms of the Soviet player's ambitions and in terms of the gameplay satisfaction of the scenario.

As the Soviets, I missed the 1d6 == 5 or 6 reinforcement roll six times in a row. Unfortunate, but these things happen. My initial deployment was based on the assumption that the reinforcements would be quick in arriving -- the greater strength of my forces was in the west. Had the Soviet reinforcements arrived on the first or second turn available this scenario would have been vastly different.

As it went, the armor of both sides did the heavy lifting, although the German efficiency (2 shots per turn) and generally stronger armor gave the Soviets an impossible task.

This is a very interesting scenario - and I've read other AARs where the Soviet reinforcements arrived on schedule and shot the hell out of the Germans - so there's definitely ample room for this to go either way.

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