Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Gates Of Komorn - Road To Berlin Scenario 11
Author vince hughes (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2010-03-15
Language English
Scenario RtBr011

What is the battle about?

Well, a large force of SOVIET GUARDS, consisting of approx 40 foot platoons and 25 AFV platoons (inc 6 of the dreaded JS2) have to push their way West and exit as many as possible whilst inflicting casualties on the Germans. They also command 17 x M3's which can add effective MG support in infantry battles. For their part, the German Wehrmacht units (23 Foot & 20 AFV) have to prevent any exodus of Soviet troops. Less than 30 steps (AFV = x2) and it's a minor win. Or 6 or less then a roll of a die decides whether it is a major win or not. Both sides have a morale of 8 and both are effecient. The Germans have a decent quota of OBA when mixed in with bombarding type guns on board.

Ostensibly, the terrain is very 'raised' or hilly if you prefer. Once the Soviets enter the first 2 boards of this 6 board battle, they will then see some very high ground ahead of them. The first 'hills' contain a town that the Germans will no doubt want possession of. Then, if they traverse this, there is effectively a valley area before the last board (14) followed by another large expanse of rising ground up to 60 or 80m in parts. The Southern end of the map though is quite open except for the sporadic appearance of a township or village here and there.

So with both players accepting a long haul ahead of them, the battle was commenced. I do not have access to the photo skills or equipment here, so hopefully, the written report will convey an idea of what this scenario was like to play ..... We certainly had fun with it.

‘The Gates Of Komorn’

Road To Berlin Scenario No.11

Just Outside Komorn 8th January 1945

Scenario completed : 15th March 2010

To date, this was the bloodiest battle to have taken place on the PG boards and took up some 24 hours of contest at least.

The successful Soviet forcing of The Gran Line brought the German supply centre of Komorn under direct threat. The only bridges over the Danube for 100 kilometres were sited here. The city possessed formidable 19th century defensive works (it had been the site of the Austro-Hungarian Empires gold reserve) but these would avail it little against modern weapons, even less so as there were no troops to man them! At the last moment, Adolf Hitler released a fully-equipped and rested Panzer division from the general reserve to meet the threat. A tank battle developed just east of the city.

Around 0930, German forward troops recognised elements of the Soviet 21st & 22nd Red Banner Guards division arriving from the east along one of the main roads leading into Komorn. Caught by surprise (unexpectedly lost the 1st initiative), these forward companies of German infantry were, importantly as it turned out, unable to gain the town to the enemy’s front and had to yield it to the Red Guards. Though a spirited, but pointless local counter-attack was launched by these Germans, they were easily beaten back with well over a 100 casualties! Further to the south, on the German right, better results had been gained where 5 or 6 Soviet SP guns had been knocked out. Now and until 1100 hours, the Soviet Guards advanced, pretty much unhindered westwards in the direction of Komorn.

With the Soviet force gaining the aforementioned most easterly town by surprise, they were comfortably able to push on from there. But now, the battle in this area would centre around the large valley area further forward to the West ahead of the captured town.

The Germans had positioned themselves along the high ground on the west side of the valley, whilst the Russian advance had taken them to the high-ground on the east side. Straight through this valley, running east to west was the main road to Komorn. Here then, presumably, the battle would be joined at its fiercest. The hurriedly deployed German defences composed of dug-in infantrymen and their MG’s, AT guns, a large quantity of concentrated mortars and self-propelled artillery, and a collection of Stg SP guns, PzIV’s and Panthers. The Soviet initial response was to send forward a couple of companies of infantrymen supported by some T34’s to probe the enemy perimeter. Over the next 45 minutes, Soviet and German soldiers fought each other furiously in the only wooded area in the valley as one sides attack was met with comparably furious counter-attacks. Neither side were able to gain any advantage and both retired back to their respective high grounds.

Over on the German right, the Panthers had out-foxed their Soviet opponents (lucky long-range dice roll) and gained a solid advantage in the tank battle going on there by knocking out around 8 T34’s at long range. In response, the Russian guard infantry attached to this flank began to advance slowly forward, presumably in order to divert German armour attention, as well as to avoid sitting and doing nothing.

From 1130 hours and for the next two hours, Soviet losses began to tot up considerably. Casualties were being lost to the massive German artillery barrages being directed at them, and probably also because of the slow speed of their force deploying into suitable positions for the launch westwards. Around 600+ soldiers and 25 AFV’s had been lost and the main assault was yet to come! German losses held around 300 men & 10 AFV’s.

Suddenly, at 1400 hours, the Red armour came surging across the valley. JSII’s and T34’s driving madly forward. Now the German tankers had to hold their nerve as the ground in front of them began to tremble underneath the tracks of the Guards iron 'daughetrs'. But in a swift 30 minute exchange, no less than 32 Russian tanks stood motionless as they were now transformed into smouldering wrecks. Accurate, and quite frankly, callously effecient German fire had ripped out the heart of the tank attack. Amazingly, not one German AFV had been lost in this episode.The German tanks achieved this as they had managed to get a jump on their enemy by loosing off the first shots from covered positions, and then, before the Soviet tanks could reply, a second vicious volley tore through more of the Russian behemoths. This was the defining act of the battle. From this point, the Axis forces held the advantage and made sure to drive it home. With the Soviet attack on the extreme German right petering out as well, there was time for possibly one more probe at the main line by the Soviets to find a way through.

The final Soviet push came once more on the German left. Soviets from the centre had been directed toward the large wooded area on that left flank that afforded some cover from the high ground. In response, the German commander now had to send what resources he had to meet the next 'push'. Initially gaining toe-holds as they pushed back German Infantry, APC's and some tanks in the forest,the attack eventually bogged down over a period of an hour, even though ground was slowly being gained, albeit at cost. The Russian Commander then tried to skirt round the wood on the extreme edge of the battlefield, but these units were blocked off by hotch-potch, ad-hoc German units desperately filling gaps, albeit at a heavy toll to themselves. The Germans lost all their AT batteries in these final exchanges, but the attack had finally been thwarted.

The long and costly battle ended around 1630 hours (29 of 30 turns). German casualties were around 520 men and just under 50 AFV’s. For the Soviets, the field had been left much bloodier. 1040 soldiers had been left on the Komorn highway and 86 AFV’s had been destroyed.The Russian Guards had also failed to get a unit past the defenders and through to Komorn. This had been a major German victory, though the effort had been a tall one.

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