Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
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  • - Found 89 AARs for game filter
  • - 88 AARs passed all filters selected

Panzer Grenadier (88 AARs)
2012-02-20 enrique Español PaGr001 3/5 Lucha por Bogdanovo
2021-01-27 Jagdpanther44 English PaGr001 3/5 How one AT gun won the battle
2022-08-18 mikejames38 English PaGr001 4/5 Bogged Down in Bogdanovo
2012-02-20 enrique Español PaGr002 2/5 La infantería ataca
2012-07-07 Matt W English PaGr002 2/5 25 Years Later but Nothing Learned
2016-12-17 triangular_cube English PaGr002 2/5 PG Scenario 2
2022-06-29 treadasaurusrex English PaGr002 3/5 the Lucky 13th Panzer!
2022-11-12 mikejames38 English PaGr002 3/5 Slaughter
2012-02-20 enrique Español PaGr003 3/5 La estación de Okhvat
2016-12-17 triangular_cube English PaGr003 3/5 Panzer Grenadier Scenario 3
2024-03-04 Tubac52 Español PaGr003 3/5 Ataca de Los Sovieticos!
2012-02-20 enrique Español PaGr004 3/5 Los tanques atacan Okhvat
2016-03-13 RaffertyA English PaGr004 2/5 More Units, Slower Play
2016-12-18 triangular_cube English PaGr004 3/5 Panzer Grenadier Scenario 4
2012-02-20 enrique Español PaGr005 3/5 Carga de la caballería soviética
2016-12-19 triangular_cube English PaGr005 2/5 Panzer Grenadier Scenario 5
2022-11-19 mikejames38 English PaGr005 3/5 They Do Shoot Horsemen... and T-60's
2023-02-18 treadasaurusrex English PaGr005 2/5 A Painful & Costly Draw
2012-02-20 enrique Español PaGr006 3/5 El regimiento Grossdeutschland en acción
2012-09-04 Matt W English PaGr006 3/5 Bloodless (almost)
2016-03-13 RaffertyA English PaGr006 2/5 When Speed is the Answer
2016-12-21 triangular_cube English PaGr006 2/5 Panzer Grenadier Scenario 6
2012-09-17 Matt W English PaGr007 4/5 Attacking the near post
2016-12-22 triangular_cube English PaGr007 4/5 Panzer Grenadier Scenario 7
2012-02-20 enrique Español PaGr008 4/5 Lucha sin cuartel
2016-12-25 triangular_cube English PaGr008 5/5 Panzer Grenadier Scenario 8
2012-11-28 Matt W English PaGr009 4/5 Teflon
2023-01-29 Tubac52 English PaGr009 2/5 Not Suitable for Shared Play
2016-12-30 triangular_cube English PaGr010 2/5 Panzer Grenadier Scenario 10
2022-10-11 treadasaurusrex Español PaGr010 3/5 Solo Juega este Disastre de un Escenario en modo Individual!
2016-08-15 RaffertyA English PaGr011 2/5 Toe to Toe With The Russkies
2016-12-31 triangular_cube English PaGr011 3/5 Panzer Grenadier Scenario 11
2012-09-26 Matt W English PaGr012 4/5 Three Bricks Shy of a Load
2017-01-01 triangular_cube English PaGr012 3/5 Panzer Grenadier Scenario 12
2022-11-20 Tubac52 English PaGr012 3/5 Victory Conditions are Flawed
2017-01-01 triangular_cube English PaGr013 4/5 Panzer Grenadier Scenario 13
2017-01-07 triangular_cube English PaGr014 3/5 Panzer Grenadier Scenario 14
2023-09-24 CavDo English PaGr014 4/5 No Armor, but Illumination Serves the Soviets Well
2017-01-07 triangular_cube English PaGr015 4/5 Panzer Grenadier Scenario 15
2023-06-25 treadasaurusrex English PaGr015 3/5 Shoot the Gap
2012-12-12 Matt W English PaGr016 3/5 Second time is the charm for this scenario
2023-06-26 ACav English PaGr016 2/5 Beware! An Amateurish and Poorly Designed Scenario
2024-01-31 CavDo English PaGr016 3/5 A Frustrating Draw
2024-01-27 Tambu English PaGr017 4/5 Big Fun Maneuver and Urban Combat with the Treadasaurus
2025-03-12 filbox English PaGr017 3/5 Bobruisk Bridgehead
2013-01-03 G. K. Zhukov English PaGr018 3/5 This scenario should be a delaying action
2024-02-10 Sonora English PaGr018 3/5 Bad Luck for the 4th Panzer
2023-08-22 CavDo English PaGr019 3/5 Almost Doesn't Count in The Steppes
2013-01-03 G. K. Zhukov English PaGr020 3/5 Morale is all
2023-10-30 ACav English PaGr020 2/5 A Quick Play in the Deep Mud
2023-11-04 treadasaurusrex English PaGr021 2/5 Heavy German Casualties in the Nonplaytested, but Exciting Fight
2023-11-06 CavDo English PaGr022 2/5 Another Early PG Scenario in Need of a Rewrite
2023-11-12 ACav English PaGr023 4/5 It Shouldn't Have Ended this Way
2023-11-14 treadasaurusrex English PaGr024 3/5 Battle at Elkhotovo
2023-11-17 Sonora English PaGr025 3/5 Without Huge Good Luck . . .
2012-09-08 Matt W English PaGr026 3/5 Laugher turns nail biter
2023-04-12 treadasaurusrex English PaGr026 2/5 Beware - SOLO play only for the Unplaytested Scenario
2023-11-26 Sonora English PaGr027 3/5 When will I Learn?
2023-11-22 ACav English PaGr028 3/5 Strange Scenario
2023-11-28 Miguelibal English PaGr029 3/5 Mission Accomplished - BOTH SIDES!
2021-09-14 Blackcloud6 English PaGr030 4/5 Almost...x2
2023-12-01 Sonora English PaGr030 4/5 Excessive Casualties for Both Sides - Another Eastern Front Draw!
2012-09-06 Matt W English PaGr031 3/5 Identity Theft
2023-08-10 Miguelibal English PaGr031 2/5 Goofy and Gamey
2012-12-17 rerathbun English PaGr032 3/5 Rat Fight in the Town
2024-03-19 Tambu English PaGr032 2/5 Night Fight without Enough Troops
2024-01-29 treadasaurusrex English PaGr035 4/5 A Heck of a Fine Movement to Contact Battle, That Just Needs a Rewrite
2023-12-14 Sonora English PaGr036 2/5 Nice to Play on a Table Again
2023-01-18 treadasaurusrex English PaGr037 2/5 Catastrophic Soviet Breakthrough
2024-02-04 treadasaurusrex English PaGr038 3/5 Unanticipated Russian Win at the Last Moment
2024-01-23 treadasaurusrex English PaGr039 3/5 Bloody Movement to Contact Costs the Soviets
2012-09-05 Matt W English PaGr040 4/5 Tradition! Sometimes older is wiser
2015-03-31 Coniglius English PaGr040 3/5 A surprise in the night
2016-03-13 RaffertyA English PaGr040 1/5 Self-Abuse on the Battlefield
2016-07-14 RaffertyA English PaGr040 1/5 Situation Hopeless...
2012-12-26 G. K. Zhukov English PaGr041 3/5 Mass Morale Failure
2012-08-18 Matt W English PaGr043 3/5 Win or fight
2012-08-18 Hugmenot English PaGr043 3/5 Nice Armor Intro Scenario
2022-12-23 treadasaurusrex English PaGr043 4/5 A Good Introduction to PG Armor Rules Online
2012-11-24 Matt W English PaGr044 2/5 Here's mud in your eye, and wheels, and boots, and...
2024-03-27 Tankodactyl English PaGr044 1/5 Stuck in Place - Rasputitsa Strikes!
2023-10-18 Sonora English PaGr045 4/5 A Gung Ho Tanks and All Shoot 'Em Up
2023-10-26 treadasaurusrex English PaGr046 3/5 A Lucky Near Draw for the Soviets
2024-01-21 treadasaurusrex English PaGr047 2/5 Crummy & Too Long, But The Jerries did Win in the End
2024-01-18 treadasaurusrex English PaGr048 2/5 The Soviet Side is for Masochists Only to Play
2012-12-16 rerathbun English PaGr049 4/5 Too Slow and Steady leads to a draw
2023-10-19 ACav English PaGr050 3/5 Hunted to Near Extinction by a Red Army T-Rex!
2023-10-28 treadasaurusrex English PaGr051 3/5 A Draw at Borisov
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