Panzer Grenadier Battles on December 3rd:
Black Panthers #12 - Champagne Breakfast Heavy Metal #3 - Black Princes
Carpathian Brigade #4 - Fraternal Assistance Jungle Fighting #41 - Patrol Action
Conquest of Ethiopia #39 - Addis Ababa - Djibouti Railway VII Siege of Leningrad #9 - Winter Wonderland
Panzer Grenadier Scenario 4
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2016-12-18
Language English
Scenario PaGr004

This scenario plays out much like the previous one, except both armies have taken casualties to their infantry units, but have increased their heavy weapons allotments. The Germans also get to set up in the town itself this time, rather than walking into it. This has no major affect on the game whatsoever.

The Germans set up prepared to take a similar mass of infantry attack as the last game. They filled out their primary defense in the town, using up all of their full step infantry units and HMG for this regard. The town is really all that matters for the objectives. They set up their mortar and 75 in the woods to the west of town, setting them up in a firing position on the road or the lines of advance east of the town, where the Russians had attacked last time. The 50mm AT gun was placed in the middle, for a straight shot down the north south road, denying the Russian tanks the use of it. The 105s sat in the back, protecting themselves and denying the Russian tanks the eastern half of map 3. The 37mm and the remaining half strength infantry/mg units were placed in the western woods as a reserve force.

The Russians used the same basic plan as last time, which was effective as they had only lost out due to the timer. The mass of infantry was to advance down the eastern half of the map, using the large wood patch to block LOS, gather in said woods, and then swarm down into the eastern half of the town. A secondary force was deployed down the western half of the map that included all 4 tank units and a supporting company of infantry. This was the only place the tanks had a chance of surviving the approach to the town.

The Germans sent out a runner past the woodlines, up the north/south road to spot for their 105s who managed to remove a mortar and hmg unit during the advance, while slowing up the body in general. They also pushed their reserve force to the western edge of the western woods to receive the advancing secondary force.

The Russians made it to the woodline on the east, gathered, and recovered moral while the tanks slipped around to the west. The Germans pulled their 50mm back from the north of town to the Southwest of town to counter the tank movement if they managed to break through the western woods, which they did. The tanks and supporting infantry rolled through the reserved without much difficulty due to their moral penalty for the game.

The Russians advanced from the eastern woods and simply overwhelmed the German defenses after a couple of weak 105 rolls.

Not much else to say, the Russians hit the town and tore apart the Germans.

Russian minor victory due to turn limit, a couple more turns and it would have been an easy Major victory.

As a final note, the maps are presented backwards on this scenario (2000 printing at least). North should be south, ie the same map setup as the previous scenario.

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