Panzer Grenadier Battles on December 3rd:
Black Panthers #12 - Champagne Breakfast Heavy Metal #3 - Black Princes
Carpathian Brigade #4 - Fraternal Assistance Jungle Fighting #41 - Patrol Action
Conquest of Ethiopia #39 - Addis Ababa - Djibouti Railway VII Siege of Leningrad #9 - Winter Wonderland
Panzer Grenadier Scenario 6
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2016-12-21
Language English
Scenario PaGr006

The Russians did not succesfully roll for a new infantry unit until turn 7. This scenario is dependent on them rolling very well either on reinforcements or on opportunity fire. They did neither. The Germans split into 3 groups, spread out the Russians, and then just walked in.

Rather bland scenario, but is a good one for teaching new players on movement and activation I suppose...

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