Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
  • - 6120 valid AARs remaining
  • - Found 121 AARs for game filter
  • - 120 AARs passed all filters selected

Winter Soldiers (120 AARs)
2011-07-24 10leopard2 English WiSo001 4/5 Racing to Bullingen
2011-09-29 PatC English WiSo001 2/5 Fuel Stop at Bulligen or Speed Bump at Bulligan
2012-02-15 enrique Español WiSo001 4/5 Tormenta de fuego sobre Bullingen
2012-05-12 campsawyer English WiSo001 3/5 Engineers v. SS
2012-08-25 Poor Yorek English WiSo001 3/5 Almost out of fuel
2016-12-17 thomaso827 English WiSo001 5/5 Still Holding On
2022-10-23 treadasaurusrex English WiSo001 2/5 Unbalanced, but Historically Accurate
2024-05-21 Grognard Gunny English WiSo001 3/5 Another town fight.
2011-06-08 JayTownsend English WiSo002 2/5 Winter Soldiers, scenario #2: Failed Orders
2011-07-06 PatC English WiSo002 3/5 Winter Soldiers #2 Failed Orders
2012-03-12 Hugmenot English WiSo002 3/5 Winter Soldiers #2 Failed Orders
2012-07-09 enrique Español WiSo002 3/5 El Kampfgruppe Peiper llegó, vio y venció en Stavelot
2012-08-14 campsawyer English WiSo002 3/5 Failed Defense
2012-08-26 Poor Yorek English WiSo002 3/5 SS showing off for Obersturmbannfuhrer Peiper
2016-12-18 thomaso827 English WiSo002 4/5 Proper Paid the Piper
2023-01-15 treadasaurusrex English WiSo002 3/5 Try to Stop Pieper!
2024-05-26 Grognard Gunny English WiSo002 3/5 Repeat?
2011-07-25 10leopard2 English WiSo003 3/5 What the Hell, we're surrounded!
2011-10-13 PatC English WiSo003 3/5 Winter Soldiers #3 Dicy Proposition or The Dice were Loaded
2012-08-16 campsawyer English WiSo003 2/5 Following Failure
2012-08-30 Poor Yorek English WiSo003 4/5 Inexorable
2012-10-31 enrique Español WiSo003 4/5 Lucha casa por casa en Stavelot
2015-12-19 thomaso827 English WiSo003 5/5 Not-so-hot Dice
2018-01-21 chief2000 English WiSo003 5/5 A close run thing
2024-06-05 Grognard Gunny English WiSo003 3/5 Same town - different scenario.
2025-03-24 treadasaurusrex English WiSo003 3/5 The Abyss approaches, Boys - Hold In Place!
2011-06-10 campsawyer English WiSo004 5/5 Airborne v. SS
2011-11-25 PatC English WiSo004 3/5 The Vengeful Halftrack or the Vengeful Dice
2012-03-09 Poor Yorek English WiSo004 2/5 Was that *Meatloaf* driving that SPW-251/21 playing **Paradise by the Dashboard Light?**
2014-06-13 thomaso827 English WiSo004 4/5 Vengeful Halftrack Strikes Again
2024-06-08 Grognard Gunny English WiSo004 2/5 Hold up, again.
2011-08-09 filbox English WiSo005 3/5 Striking Back ... well, not really
2011-08-10 driddle01 English WiSo005 4/5 Striking Back
2011-11-30 PatC English WiSo005 4/5 Winter Soldiers #5 Striking Back or Striking Out
2012-04-21 campsawyer English WiSo005 3/5 Through the woods is the only way to go
2012-12-02 Poor Yorek English WiSo005 5/5 Panthers and Dough-boys
2022-12-21 Blackcloud6 English WiSo005 3/5 Striking Out
2012-06-14 PatC English WiSo006 3/5 The Three Bridges were indeed sizzling!
2012-12-06 Poor Yorek English WiSo006 4/5 If he has the time, Doctor; if he has the time.
2011-11-11 rerathbun English WiSo007 3/5 The Germans Are Stymied
2012-06-18 waynebaumber English WiSo007 4/5 Aggressive moves cause disaster for one side side naturally
2012-06-18 vince hughes English WiSo007 5/5 Hansen Holds Back Task Force Lovelady
2012-06-23 PatC English WiSo007 3/5 Scenario 7 Stymied
2012-07-26 campsawyer English WiSo007 5/5 Watch the flanks, but don't leave the front door open.
2012-07-27 Hugmenot English WiSo007 4/5 A Real Shocker
2012-12-06 Poor Yorek English WiSo007 4/5 Stymied indeed
2012-02-18 vince hughes English WiSo008 3/5 Plenty Of Room For Movement On Large Wide Board
2012-02-18 waynebaumber English WiSo008 2/5 Not my finest moment
2012-12-17 Poor Yorek English WiSo008 3/5 Stuart's Sleeping?
2012-03-17 Hugmenot English WiSo009 2/5 What really Happened at Les Tscheous?
2012-12-17 Poor Yorek English WiSo009 2/5 Hot knife through butter
2012-08-29 Matt W English WiSo010 4/5 Throw caution to the wind
2012-12-21 Poor Yorek English WiSo010 4/5 Not so fast Tomato
2012-11-21 Poor Yorek English WiSo011 4/5 WS#11: Noose Tightens
2011-11-30 campsawyer English WiSo012 3/5 Some times your luck runs out.
2012-02-19 Poor Yorek English WiSo012 3/5 SS delays US attack just enough
2012-05-29 vince hughes English WiSo012 3/5 Germans Fail To Damage Americans But Cling ON For A Win
2012-05-30 waynebaumber English WiSo012 2/5 How to lose a battle, inflict 75% casualties on the enemy for no losses and capture your objective ???
2014-06-18 thomaso827 English WiSo012 4/5 Try, Try Again
2014-12-23 thomaso827 English WiSo012 4/5 Try Something Else
2015-05-02 t1M0t8yk English WiSo012 3/5 still learning how to attack
2020-12-24 splat99 English WiSo012 2/5 BY McGEORGE, YOU DON'T "GOT" IT
2011-06-04 Poor Yorek English WiSo013 3/5 SS recon no match for US combined arms assault
2012-01-02 JayTownsend English WiSo013 4/5 Winter Soldiers, scenario #13: Schnellgruppe Knittel
2014-07-16 tlangston28 English WiSo013 5/5 SS bet the farm and almost win
2014-07-17 campsawyer English WiSo013 5/5 Recon tries to hold the line
2022-12-24 Blackcloud6 English WiSo013 4/5 Not so Schnell
2023-01-23 treadasaurusrex English WiSo013 4/5 Push the Schnellgruppe Back
2012-01-15 rerathbun English WiSo014 2/5 Easy Christmas Escape
2012-12-22 Poor Yorek English WiSo014 3/5 Closer than Expected
2015-12-25 thomaso827 English WiSo014 5/5 Fancy Footwork
2017-10-06 waynebaumber English WiSo014 2/5 SS Romp to victory
2011-12-13 vince hughes English WiSo015 3/5 "Like S**t Through A Goose" - Only It Was The Germans Doing It Mr Patton
2012-12-30 Poor Yorek English WiSo015 4/5 Nice bushwacking tank battle
2012-06-22 campsawyer English WiSo016 3/5 Attacking SS with green troops
2012-06-22 upintheattic English WiSo016 3/5 Fortune Favors the Bold . . . and is Pure Hell on Attackers with Substandard Morale
2012-10-09 Matt W English WiSo016 3/5 Makes for a messy battlefield
2014-09-19 waynebaumber English WiSo016 3/5 First and last action for Taskforce Brewer.
2014-12-24 thomaso827 English WiSo016 4/5 Great First Action
2011-10-04 JayTownsend English WiSo017 5/5 Winter Soldiers, scenario #17: A Manhay Christmas
2013-01-03 Poor Yorek English WiSo017 4/5 Hohoho
2013-03-10 tlangston28 English WiSo017 4/5 An unexpected Christmas present - a Super-OSTFR...
2016-04-16 t1M0t8yk English WiSo017 4/5 great rural assault scenario
2020-12-30 splat99 English WiSo017 5/5 The Counteroffensive Slowly Gains
2011-10-02 JayTownsend English WiSo018 2/5 Winter Soldiers, scenario #18: Christmas at Belle Haye
2014-06-19 thomaso827 English WiSo018 4/5 Christmas in June
2014-12-25 thomaso827 English WiSo018 4/5 One Sided Fight
2022-12-25 Blackcloud6 English WiSo018 4/5 Run Brewer Run!
2012-08-31 Poor Yorek English WiSo019 3/5 Divided, get Conquered ...
2012-10-03 tlangston28 English WiSo019 4/5 Don't always believe what you see... or "Gimme just one more step"
2012-10-04 campsawyer English WiSo019 4/5 Morale checks are good enough
2022-12-26 treadasaurusrex English WiSo019 4/5 Another Doggone Close One in the Ardennes
2012-03-09 Poor Yorek English WiSo020 2/5 Paras cum noctural troglodytes
2015-12-26 thomaso827 English WiSo020 5/5 Dancing in the Dark
2011-11-03 campsawyer English WiSo021 4/5 Holding the line
2011-11-04 vince hughes English WiSo021 4/5 Could It Have Been Closer ?
2011-11-04 KirkH English WiSo021 3/5 An Urban Brawl
2012-08-26 waynebaumber English WiSo021 4/5 Paratroopers Prevail?
2015-12-27 thomaso827 English WiSo021 5/5 Not So Prevailing Today
2012-12-26 Poor Yorek English WiSo022 4/5 A Terrible Carnage Indeed
2018-05-15 Retiredgrunt17 English WiSo023 5/5 Confusion and Carnage
2011-12-30 campsawyer English WiSo024 3/5 I will not complain about dicerolls anymore...maybe
2012-01-22 vince hughes English WiSo024 3/5 Lutrebois Falls To Clever American Attack
2013-12-26 Poor Yorek English WiSo024 3/5 Artillery from Hell
2013-12-27 Poor Yorek English WiSo025 4/5 Need your tankers rested
2014-09-19 waynebaumber English WiSo025 2/5 Too easy for the US defenders.
2016-01-01 thomaso827 English WiSo025 5/5 Hitler Youth Lose Their Heads
2024-01-02 Blackcloud6 English WiSo025 4/5 Slip Sliding Away
2012-12-07 Poor Yorek English WiSo026 3/5 Glacial Approach, Hot Action
2013-01-03 campsawyer English WiSo026 5/5 Hitler Youth on ice
2014-01-04 deleted English WiSo026 4/5 Tanks are tough...
2011-08-02 filbox English WiSo027 3/5 Sergeant O' Toole did not Shine
2016-01-03 thomaso827 English WiSo027 4/5 Longchamps - Fat Chance
2013-12-28 Poor Yorek English WiSo028 4/5 The Devil Went Down to Bois Des Corbeaux
2011-06-08 JayTownsend English WiSo029 4/5 Winter Soldiers, scenario #29: West of Michamps
2013-10-16 Bluebell88A English WiSo029 2/5 Blood on the snow
2013-12-30 Poor Yorek English WiSo029 5/5 Sturmtruppen vs. OBA: *victoria Pyrrhi*
2011-06-08 JayTownsend English WiSo030 3/5 Winter Soldiers, scenario #30: Last Gasp
2015-09-08 t1M0t8yk English WiSo030 3/5 Yanks overwhelmed
2019-01-22 splat99 English WiSo030 3/5 A Heavy Price for a Meaningless Victory
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