Panzer Grenadier Battles on February 2nd:
An Army at Dawn #22 - Counterattacked Edelweiss IV #39 - Attack Without Pause
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #21 - Clearing the Ridge Edelweiss: Expanded #31 - Attack Without Pause
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #22 - Counterattack at Sened Station Road to Berlin #27 - Oder Flood
Edelweiss #24 - Attack Without Pause
Attacking SS with green troops
Author campsawyer (United States)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants upintheattic (AAR)
Play Date 2012-06-22
Language English
Scenario WiSo016

This is an interesting little scenario, with American adhoc force green troops force in to an attack on veteran SS troops to push them out of the of the crossroads that they were defending. TF Brewster would be give the job and something I am sure he did not want to do. The SS are strong, they have better morale as well as a force only a third smaller that the Americans as well as holding the terrain to start. The Americans do have some chance with more tanks and some airpower as well as slightly more men. As for the leaders, that favored the Germans with good morale leaders and few American leaders with a morale bonus.

The setup has the Germans in a skirmish line position to intercept the Americans as they advance. They hold the hill with a company of SS and HMG's to the east and west single platoon of GREN's hold the rest of the hill as well as the east-west road. The American advance will be two pronged, one force from the northeast and one from the northwest to try to turn the flanks, cut the roads and grab a few hills for VP's. All without getting hit by bad morale rolls.

The advance starts in the northwest with PARA's, INF's, M3's and HMG moving to establish themselves in the northern woods on board 25. German OP fire disrupts some the advancing units but they make it to the woods to establish a firebase. To the northeast the American Major leaders the other group of INF's and PARA's into the woods. German HMG fire and mortars disrupt there advance and make it look like the Americans are going to have a bad day.

The Germans, having the advantage of seeing the American advance, shift units from the center to the the flanks to hold the American advance. But they won't need much as the poor American morale slows the advance when OP fire hits them. But to the northeast the American Major is able to get a force over to the German force covering the east flank. They are able to assault, but there lack of coordination fumbles the assault leaving them disrupted and demoralized and with only the destruction of a SPW251 to show for it.

To the northwest, the Americans push forward their HMG and get a firebase to try to dislodge the SS on the west slope of the ridge. But again the lack of coordination shows and the fire yields no results. American mortar and OBA is called in to help but with the artillery spotters can't get the fire on the targets. The German tanks target the M3's while they are maneuvering and they are soon lost.

The Americans finally get their armor reinforcements and press on M4 up to support the assault on the east flank, while the other attempts to pin the center SS units. The German PzIVH moves to attack the M4 that triggers the M18 platoon to attack. They fail and are destroyed by the PzIVH's which then turns on the M4 and reduces it. At this point it is up to the infantry to do the job themselves. But their losses are mounting too. Eventually they do reduce the eastern roadblock, but it is too little to late and they have spent their force doing it. To the west it is the same, stuck in the woods trying to recover. Even the promised air support fails to hit the German AT gun. In the end a major German victory.

This scenario was rather one sided for the Germans and given the advantages of the SS and the morale make it very hard for the Americans to win. Although historical, very one sided during the game. What make this most interesting for me was my opponent, the master of PG upintheattic. This was an introduction to playing via Skype for him and we had quite a good time despite the shellacking. Look forward to more games with him in the future and I welcome him to the world of PG Skype gaming.

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