Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Panthers and Dough-boys
Author Poor Yorek
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2012-12-02
Language English
Scenario WiSo005

I found this a great scenario that came down to the wire.

German set-up: road block with 75mmIG + 2-Gren + Panther. Gren+SPW cover the eastern and western approach (0403&0718). The 75/41 in town covering the road along with the HMG and 2x81's.

US: Stewarts and INF+ENG move up the west edge. 3xINF + HMG attack SW from 9-0608/0509 towards 10-0213/0212. The M18 sets up on the east edge 0717 and the M4's on the cross roads.

The US pushes a leader SW from the middle to call in an OBA strike against the dug-in German road block (specifically, the IG). Seeing shells explode in the target area (the roll did force an M1 check), the leader called up his M3-carried company. Suddenly, orange flashes alight from within the settling dust. The SS gunners had not been laid low ... and their aim was true killing a laiden M3 platoon carrying (rolled randomly) the US 50-calibre HMGs! The rest of the US ground pounders saw fit to huff it the rest of the way on foot.

The Stewart lead task force makes its way southward along the western edge as the Germans shift their GREN + SPW from the eastern side over to reinforce setting up a major assault at hex 10-0716. US OBA avenges their HMG comrades with a devastating '2' roll on the 21/30 col to kill half a platoon of SS grenadiers and the IG.

The panther refuses to expose itself (dug-in on the hill) despite being "offered" an M4 platoon. So eventually, the American "player" decides to try the fortune favors the brave adage, rolls an M4(making its off-road roll), right up adjacent to the PzV's ... this unit, however, it hit by some nice shooting from the 75/41 gun lurking in the town. The US makes its dash with the M18 and other shermans to get within 3 hexes, but the PzV crews calmly wait for eight shots (at -1/-2 admittedly; there was a close call with a modified '9') until the M18 shows its hand ... poof! The US gets another four shots from favorable initiative, but by turn 7, US armor is a smoking ruin.

On the other hand, the US assault to the SW goes incredibly: a "softening up" attack from one Stewart causes both Gren platoons to DEM! In comes the US 30-col assault only to roll a 1!!! Still, after three more turns, the SS flank is turned (by turn 8).

Turns 9-14 then have the US consolidate for its eastward march whilst the PzV moves south into the town with the MG-42 platoon. The US pays a heavy price in terms of M3's and Stewarts, but the INF holds tough killing another three Gren platoons.

By game end, US holds three town hexs; contests 1; and does not control 2.

German VP: 17 (US steps, all but two armor/M3s) + 2 town hexes = 19. US VP: 11 (German steps) + 7 (for the town hexes) = 18.

So a formal draw. Exciting down to the wire well worth a "5" at least in this time-line.

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