Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
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  • - 73 AARs passed all filters selected

Fire in the Steppe (73 AARs)
2018-04-28 Coniglius English FitS001 4/5 Hoch und Deutschmeister
2018-09-08 cjsiam English FitS001 4/5 Pigs Can Fly....or The Impossible Does happen sometimes
2019-08-08 Blackcloud6 English FitS001 3/5 Annihilation
2021-01-05 J6A English FitS001 4/5 Rallying is overrated
2021-02-08 metfan English FitS001 3/5 So that is what cavalry is used for...
2021-09-22 Schoenwulf English FitS001 4/5 A German "Buzzer-beater"
2022-08-31 Poor Yorek English FitS001 3/5 Urban Combat PG Style
2024-03-10 mikejames38 English FitS001 3/5 Near total destruction of Russian troops
2019-08-21 Blackcloud6 English FitS002 5/5 Tenacious and Brave Russians
2020-11-16 TFGA73 English FitS002 5/5 A Violent Opening Act
2021-12-03 Schoenwulf English FitS002 3/5 Bugged by the Bug
2021-12-04 JayTownsend English FitS002 4/5 Fire In The Steppe: scenario #2: Across the Bug
2022-01-05 J6A English FitS002 4/5 Trading Lives for Time as Barbarossa Begins
2025-03-17 treadasaurusrex English FitS002 2/5 Hold back the Mixed-Force, Fascists
2019-09-04 Blackcloud6 English FitS003 5/5 Desperate Counterattack wins the day
2022-11-07 J6A English FitS003 3/5 What the heck were they thinking?
2019-09-18 Blackcloud6 English FitS004 4/5 87th Rifle Division Destroyed
2023-02-11 J6A English FitS004 4/5 And we almost pulled it off
2019-10-14 Blackcloud6 English FitS005 2/5 Another tedious assault scenario
2019-11-10 dxdavieau English FitS005 5/5 Bring on the night...
2023-05-30 J6A English FitS005 3/5 Routed and wiped out
2024-01-01 JayTownsend English FitS005 3/5 Fire In The Steppe, scenario #5: Recon Routed
2019-10-23 Blackcloud6 English FitS006 5/5 Historical
2022-02-11 plloyd1010 English FitS006 4/5 The plan is the plan! (until the plan changes)
2022-09-20 treadasaurusrex English FitS006 4/5 Road-bound Blitzkreig in the Steppe
2024-10-21 J6A English FitS006 5/5 What a difference 1 point of morale makes
2019-12-10 Blackcloud6 English FitS007 4/5 Death in the Swamps
2020-02-13 Blackcloud6 English FitS008 4/5 Panic in Detroit
2019-04-10 J6A English FitS009 4/5 Quantity beats quality this day
2019-11-15 cjsiam English FitS009 4/5 Not something that a Good Russian Commander should lose
2018-03-20 rerathbun English FitS010 4/5 Short and Bloody
2018-04-28 JayTownsend English FitS010 4/5 Fire In The Steppe, scenario #10: Duel at Sabinovka
2018-08-05 cjsiam English FitS010 3/5 The map edge is good.....
2018-08-05 plloyd1010 English FitS010 3/5 Luck balances stupidity
2019-04-11 J6A English FitS010 4/5 Quality has a quantity all its own
2023-03-18 Juiceman English FitS011 4/5 #11 - Counter-Stroke at Radekhiv
2021-02-15 JayTownsend English FitS013 4/5 Fire In The Steppe, Scenario Thirteen: Tank Battle at Leshniv
2022-12-22 NBGB English FitS013 3/5 Non-efficient armor not very efficient
2019-07-12 cjsiam English FitS014 4/5 A Huge battle over a single Bridge
2018-11-18 Dan_Huffman English FitS017 2/5 Better Solo
2023-11-16 Juiceman English FitS017 3/5 Fire in the Steppe #17 - Fortune Favors the Inept
2018-08-01 SARACV3 English FitS018 2/5 The 7th Did Not Ride to the Rescue
2018-09-03 SARACV3 English FitS019 2/5 German Victory Like Ali RopeaDope
2018-10-31 SARACV3 English FitS020 4/5 Not Enough Troops for the Wermacht
2020-05-07 SARACV3 English FitS021 5/5 Brilliant Counterstroke by Soviets
2020-06-14 SARACV3 English FitS022 4/5 An Abrupt End
2023-03-15 Juiceman English FitS023 4/5 #23 - Shoulder Roll
2023-03-16 Juiceman English FitS024 2/5 #24 - The Commissar's Command
2021-12-28 Juiceman English FitS025 4/5 #25 Night Moves
2019-06-13 leonard English FitS026 4/5 Crossfire
2022-01-17 Juiceman English FitS026 4/5 #26 Rear Guard
2022-06-03 Juiceman English FitS027 3/5 #27 For the Night is Dark
2022-07-16 Juiceman English FitS028 3/5 #28 Flanking Move
2022-06-03 Juiceman English FitS029 4/5 #29 After Dark
2022-06-03 Juiceman English FitS030 3/5 #30 Ryabishev’s Escape
2022-06-03 Juiceman English FitS031 4/5 #31 Last Gasp
2022-12-06 Juiceman English FitS032 3/5 #32 Fascist Corpses
2022-12-06 Juiceman English FitS033 2/5 #33 Stopgap
2022-11-30 Juiceman English FitS034 4/5 #34 Marching East
2022-11-30 Juiceman English FitS035 4/5 #35 Horse Holders
2021-03-20 ChrisPetito English FitS036 3/5 Soviets overrun German blocking force
2023-01-29 Juiceman English FitS036 3/5 #36 - Completely Out of Action
2023-01-15 Juiceman English FitS037 4/5 #37 - Light Fighters
2023-01-24 Juiceman English FitS038 4/5 #38 - Brushed Aside
2023-01-15 Juiceman English FitS039 4/5 #39 - Broken Horsemen
2021-10-22 plloyd1010 English FitS040 4/5 Distractions have consiquences
2021-10-29 cjsiam English FitS040 4/5 Keep them busy and away from the objectives....
2023-01-29 Juiceman English FitS040 5/5 #40 - Assault Gun Assault
2022-12-23 Juiceman English FitS041 3/5 #41 Counter Strike at Tarnopol
2022-12-23 Juiceman English FitS042 3/5 #42 Spirit of the Defense
2020-02-13 Blackcloud6 English FitS043 3/5 A Draw
2022-06-03 Juiceman English FitS046 4/5 Battle Game #4
2023-01-29 Juiceman English FitS047 4/5 #47: Battle Game 5: Sixth Army's Front
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