Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Fire In The Steppe, Scenario Thirteen: Tank Battle at Leshniv
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2021-02-15
Language English
Scenario FitS013

Fire In The Steppe, Scenario Thirteen: Tank Battle at Leshniv

This scenario looked good on paper and in fact played well also but it was a bloodbath. The Germans are sitting pretty however in dug-in positions or setup in the safety of town hexes, with more off-board artillery than the Soviets and a lot of armor reinforcements coming in on turn three. Both sides alternate getting airpower. Those German StuGIIIBs are pretty tough sitting in positions within the town hexes.

The Soviet decide not to mess around and want to rush the German positions before there reinforcements arrive and have nice KV-1s, T-34As and a ton of BT-7s and 5s but not very many Tank leaders, so all the armor stack 3 per hex and this is also the problem with their infantry, not very many leaders so they also stack three per hex, which hurt them with German artillery and air-strikes.

I am not sure my Soviet tactical strategy was very good in this game play or not! In this bloodbath, The Germans lost 42 steps and the Soviets lost 53 steps, with all tank steps counting double. However the Soviet achieve none of the objectives. They only contest two town hexes, let some German units slip south of the east-west road and lost more steps than the Germans. I should have pulled what Soviet armor I had left and tried to control more of the town hexes than the Germans to at least get a Draw but I thought of this too late. This ended in a Minor German victory.

Good fun scenario and kind of cool to try and manage the different armor engagements but the lack of Soviet leaders was telling in this scenario and gave the Germans an advantage.

2021-02-15 14:38

I think you can only stack three in Assault hexes....when Germans have Artillery, your disrupted stack waiting to happen....Armor is more immune, so Soviet 3 is probably necessary....

Soviets attacking Germans in Town hexes, backed up by Arty---is the nightmare scenario I think....with German commanders, it's a very hard slog...

2021-02-15 16:24

Yes stacks of three are necessary for the Soviets in this scenario, as they don't have enough leaders otherwise. The Infantry pays an extra negative modifier when shot at by Direct Fire or Bombardment Fire when stacked with three units. Assault Combat on the other hand is helpful to have three units.

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