Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
What the heck were they thinking?
Author J6A (Soviet Union)
Victor Germany
Participants unknown
Play Date 2022-11-04
Language English
Scenario FitS003

Early on in Barbarossa, the Soviets had the bright idea that counterattacking was the right thing to do. Perhaps it would have been with some 1945 Guards troops, and this scenario shows why it was a terrible idea in June, 1941. I played this one over VASSAL over many months and we only got halfway before I threw in the towel as the Soviets.

I split my force into 2 strong attack forces, one heading south through the woods to force the far town and one to take the easternmost town. Most of my tank support went with the northern group. The Germans put a very strong defense in each of the towns, and a smattering of infantry in the woods between the towns. I did not get the KV-2s.

Things went badly for the Soviets from the beginning. I assembled my troops in the fields near the northern town, and sent a leader out to spot the town, where he promptly got creamed by German artillery. Seriously, what were the Soviets thinking? They were incredibly outgunned and outclassed. I gave my southern force time to get to the 2nd big batch of woods, taking some casualties from German artillery as they did. This was expected, and I knew the only way I'd prevail was from weight of numbers.

I tried bombarding the eastern town for a while, but there isn't enough Soviet artillery to be effective at this, especially with high German morale and good leaders. So, eventually it was time to advance on the town. And, as might be expected, they got shot up pretty badly. And with poor morale and poor leaders, most of the units weren't recovering from morale. I sent tanks into the town just to tie up some German troops and there weren't enough tanks to stop the Germans from continuing to bombard and shoot up the infantry trying to reinforce them.

In the center woods, things were going better, as the Soviets pushed back the Germans and eliminated a number of them, and even here it was slow going. 7/6 troops just don't do well attacking 8/7 troops. If we had continued I probably would have eventually wiped out all of the Germans in the woods, and it wouldn't not have been easy. In fact, it was a snake eyes in an assault and a 2X against my troops that finally broke my personal morale. It was clear probably by about turn 12 that the Soviets had no shot at taking either town. The Germans had too much firepower and their morale and leadership were too high.

I had a hard time rating this scenario. On play balance, it's probably a 2. Maybe a 3 with the KV-2s, and I don't see them as being enough. However, as a historical lesson on why the Soviets were so foolish to counterattack this was an interesting scenario. To see them just throwing troops at the Germans in the hope of overwhelming them and just watching more and more bodies pile up is like watching a slow motion train wreck. It's fascinating, and also a disaster.

I really don't see how the Soviets can get as far as they did historically, based on the setup for the next scenario (which I'm playing concurrently with my opponent, and also getting crushed as the Soviets). This likely isn't a scenario I'll revisit, and it was worth this one play.

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